Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, November 30, 2019

Puzzle finished and visitors

 Drove into town this morning and started my walk at 7:40.
It was a cloudy morning but was happy to be outside walking.
31 degrees and calm.
Sunrise was 7:18

Headed over to the library first thing and dropped a book down the slot.
Then through town to the ball park loop and walked around there.
Next destination the industrial park at the edge of town.
A nice quiet place to walk around on an early Saturday morning.

An odd looking building.
Looks like they forgot to build the top of it.

Walked back through town and to the Jeep and headed home again.

The only person I saw was a man on a ladder fighting to get some
Christmas lights up on a tall tree and the lights were winning.

Walked 6 miles

☁️     ☁️     ☁️

We finished Puzzle Number One last night.

Haven't started another yet, maybe tomorrow.

A couple we know came by this afternoon to take a look
at Ken's trains.
Kim is one of the librarians in town and her husband Alan
has been asking about the trains for a while so Ken invited them
over so they could see it.

It is always fun to see the expressions on peoples faces when
they first see the layout.
Most have no idea how extensive it is.
Before they see it most think of it as a Christmas train garden
that you put up every year.

 They enjoyed seeing the layout and I gave Kim a tour of
the house as well and then we sat and visited while 
Ken and Alan were down with the trains.

It's been a dreary cloudy day outside but a
happy pleasant day inside!

So ends another good day.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos to order,
confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend.
 Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today 
and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Melody Beattie
Comment Replies:
Art - Walk loops in the basement is much better.  Can't handle treadmills!!!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Icy morning

Looked outside when I got up and it looked icy out there
so didn't go outside to walk.

Got my walking done mostly in the basement
but did walk a little outside later on.
Snapped this picture along my walk in the basement.

 Spent a good part of the day working on the puzzle and
wouldn't be surprised if we get it done by the time we go
to bed tonight.

Got a little cleaning done, some reading, and even made
some weave-it squares.

Made Stuffed Pepper Soup for supper.

It's been a good day and I'm thankful for it.
A happy day to you.
happyone  🥰

I am thankful for the unexpected kindness of friends
that do or give you something without expecting
anything in return. 🙂

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Starting the puzzle

Decided it was much too WINDY to go for my morning walk
so down in the basement for me.
A little bit scary when it gets this windy living in the woods
surrounded by trees.

Just me and Ken this Thanksgiving but we had a very nice day.
Didn't feel like making a turkey this year just for us so we made
our favorite meal instead.
Homemade pizza.
We did eat the pumpkin pie filling with whipped cream
and some pumpkin bread too.
(Vee - with sugar in it) 🙂

Started the first jigsaw puzzle of the season.

Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone  🥰

In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV

🦃     🦃     🦃

A few questions to ponder this Thanksgiving.
Would the people who live nearest to you characterize you as a complaining person or a thankful person?

When was the last time you sat down to literally count your blessings?

When was the last time you spent time grumbling, moaning, and complaining about life?

When you look at your world, are you pessimistic about everything that's going wrong?

When you look at your world, do you find yourself celebrating God's common grace?

Do you view yourself as one who has been constantly shortchanged and neglected?

Do you view yourself as one who has been unfairly showered with blessings?

In your relationships, are you encouraging friends and family to find reasons to give thanks to God?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sunny and windy

Left the house this morning walking at 7:25.
It was 41 degrees and cloudy.
Sunrise 7:15

Glad I decided to walk to town and not drive because
the roads were wet and the nice clean Jeep would have gotten 
dirty again.  

Once I got to town I walked around both cemeteries a couple of times.
Thought maybe I'd see a few others walking because I was
later than usual but no was out.
Seemed to be more cars than usual though.

To town around the cemeteries and back home makes
for a 6 mile walk.
Nice to know if my pedometer quits I'll still know how far I've gone.

Hey Victor, I found a nickle.  😃

☁️     ☁️     🌤

 The sun came out later in the day and it got very windy.
Watched the clouds whip across the sky.

I was going to make a pumpkin pie but Ken always says that
the crust is just to hold the filling together.
So I just made the filling and baked it in glass baking dishes.

Just puttered about the house today doing this and that.
Got some reading done and some yellow squares made too.

Pretty quiet day here around Happy Trails.

Hope your day was a happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰

Thou has given so much to me,
Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.
George Herbert

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A sunny day

  Drove into town again this morning and started walking at 6:35.
It was 38 degrees and clear with no wind.
Sunrise 7:14

Nice to see the sun and feel the warmth of it on my face.

Another one of those random walks all over town up and
down all the streets, the cemeteries and the ball park.

Pretty quiet around town.

Didn't see any deer but did SMELL a skunk.

Walked 6 miles

☀️     🌤     🌤

Took advantage of the nice sunny day and got some wash hung out
on the line.

We took our household trash and some junk that Ken cleaned out of the shed
over to the refuse center and dropped it off. 

Stopped off at the library again to pick up a book
that was on hold and Ken got a few books out too.

Warmed up to 50 this afternoon and we thought we'd
better wash the Jeep because it was PRETTY DIRTY
and who knows when we'll get another nice day like this.
With both of us doing the job, it was done in no time.

This evening at church we had our Pie and Praise service.
We all brought a dessert.
I brought one of the Pumpkin Breads I made yesterday.
It was an informal and fun surface held in the fellowship hall.
We all had so many things to thank and praise God for this year!!!

Home now but no snack tonight.
Already had enough snacks this evening!!  🙂

That's is for today.
Hope your day was a happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰

For every minute you are angry,
you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

Comment Replies:
Vee - I wondered if anyone would notice and comment on the pattern. 🙂 Used up the red and green yarn that I had and then used it with the white to make the pattern.

Diane - No, I don't ever get sore muscles from walking.  I feel so blessed that I'm able to walk as much as I do and have it feel like nothing. 

Monday, November 25, 2019

Red, green, and white

Didn't feel like waiting for it to get light before
I could walk so drove to town in the Jeep and started walking at 6:35.
The temperature was 33 degrees and it was cloudy.
Sunrise 7:13

First walked over to the library and put a few books down
the book drop.
Then just had a random walk all over town up and
down all the streets,
around both cemeteries and the ball park.
 Watched a driver in a white SUV in the parking lot.
He went around and around in a circle one way,
then the other way.  
Left the parking lot, came back and did the same thing
and then drove off!!
Have no idea what he was doing!

Just about at the end of my walk some blue sky
was stating to show.

Walked 6 miles

☁️     ⛅️     🌤

We went to Walmart this morning and did our food shopping.
Quite a few others had the same idea.
Probably a good idea to stay out of the stores till next week.

After lunch I baked some Pumpkin Bread.
One thing nice about this recipe is that it makes 3 loaves.

 Finished sewing the Christmas baby blanket.
Will hand it in at the next baby blanket work day
and start on the next one.

Till then I'll be making squares for my white and yellow bedspread.
Goal is to get 2 more rows done which is 48 squares.
That might be a bit ambitious!!
That about covers today.
Hope your day is a happy one.
Thanks for visiting.
happyone  🥰

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness,
not because they never found it,
but because they didn't stop to enjoy it.
William Feather

Comment Replies:
Vee - No, have never sang Psalm 100.  Didn't even know it was put to music!!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Thanksgiving Psalm

A familiar Chapter of Psalms and one of my favorites.
 Psalm 100

 1. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

2. Serve the Lord with gladness: 
come before his presence with singing.

3. Know ye that the Lord he is God: 
it is he that hath made us, 
and not we ourselves; 
we are his people, 
and the sheep of his pasture.

4. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, 
and into his courts with praise: 
be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

5. For the Lord is good; 
his mercy is everlasting; 
and his truth endureth to all generations.

A Blessed Sunday to you.
God is Good
happyone 🥰 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Sunny Walk

Looked light enough this morning at 6:50 so left then 
on my walk.
It was clear, 26 degrees and no wind.
Sunrise 7:10
Walked to town and turned left at the church
and walked passed the post office and 
up to the school.
Then headed back to town and home again.

Heard lots of gun shots walking today.
Must be hunters.

Sure was nice to see the sun and feel the warmth of it shining on my face.

Saw 5 deer on the way to town.

A few of these ice puddles around.
I think they make pretty designs.
Fun to walk on them and break them up too. 😀
Didn't see anyone else out walking.
Got a toot toot from friends Joy and Dave
as they drove past me.
 With all the leaves off the trees now,
walking up the hill I can now see our house up there in the woods.

 Walked 6 miles
🌤     🌤
The nicest part of the day was when I was out walking.
It started clouding up mid morning and by late afternoon it was raining.
Supposed to turn to snow later tonight but we shall see.

Gravel in the trailer froze over night and Ken had to thaw
it out with a weed burner before it could be unloaded.
But it got unloaded and on the building site.
Ken leveled it and tamped it all down again and it is now ready to be built on.
Probably won't build until spring
but if we get a string of good weather days who knows.

 I've finished all the weave-it squares for the baby blanket
and finished sewing half of them together.
It is looking nice and festive for Christmas.
I'll work on it some more tonight.

That's all for today.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰
If you ever find happiness by hunting for it,
you will find it,
as the old woman did her lost spectacles,
safe on her own nose all the time.
Josh Billings

Friday, November 22, 2019

Walking in the Rain

Wasn't light enough till 7:00 to start walking.
It was 47 degrees, raining and windy.
Sunrise 7:09

It never did get any lighter out while walking than it was at
7:00 when I started.
Too windy to take the umbrella but I did wear my rain
paints and yellow slicker.
After about 3 miles the rain has a tendency to run off my hood, 
down my neck and it finds its way inside my rain slicker 
and gets my shirt wet
so I was a bit wet when I finally got back home.

Walked to town and around the side streets to make a big
block to walk around.
Made a loop around the the ball park loop too
before heading back home.
Didn't see anyone else out walking.

Walk was a bit short at 5.7 miles.

🌧     🌧     🌧

Ken didn't go to meet Edd for breakfast this Friday.
I made us blueberry pancakes.

Baked another batch of chocolate chippers for the Sunday
school kids and now have enough.  

The rain stopped lunch time and we went to the quarry
and got a trailer load of gravel.
Number 57 this time to put over the size 2 we already put down.
Left it in the trailer though and plan to empty it tomorrow.
Went today because the quarry is closed tomorrow.

Finished reading
Careful What You Wish For by Hallie Ephron
this afternoon. 
Thought it was very good.
Emily is a professional organizer helping people declutter. 
This time she may have found too big of a mess for
her to clean up.

I get to start another library book this evening.

That's it for today.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰

The true secret of happiness
lies in the taking a genuine interest
in all the details of daily life.
William Morris

Comment Replies:
HillTop - The pedometer I use and have for years is a Striiv Smart.

Vee - The finished boxed up Romans books are shipped to missionaries and they give them out.  The ones we did this years are in Spanish and some went to Mexico and others went to South America.

GrannyM - The aisles around the train layout where I walk are clear and there is nothing to trip on.  You'd be fine walking around it.  🙂

SusanQ - About 2000 steps make a mile.  I have no idea how many laps I walk in the basement to make 6 miles and don't think I want to know!!!  😃

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fingerprints and my Basement Walk

It was a Fingerprint Ministry work day at church today.
We worked from 9:00 to 3:00 when we ran out of materials.
This was the last work day for this year.
Today we assembled, cut, and boxed up 5,044 Romans books.
Our goal for this year was to do 60,000 and we surpassed
our goal and did 79,000!!
Our goal for next year will be 60,000 again.

I didn't have to time to walk outside this morning
because it was too dark
so I walked 3 1/2 miles down in the basement before we left.
Walked the other 2 1/2 miles when we got back home.

Thought you might like to see my basement walk.
Ken's train layout is in the middle so I walk loops around it.
The layout is a work in progress.

My walk starts here at the bottom of the stairs

and I keep to the right

and go down this way.

Around the end

and this bend

and then back to the stairs which is on the left.

Each loop is about 75 step.
Every quarter mile I turn around and walk the other way.

It may not be outside but at least I get to walk.
For me it is a LOT better than a treadmill.
I've tried them but they are just not for me!!

Nice to be home now to enjoy a nice relaxing evening.
Reading, making squares and enjoying a bowl of ice cream.
Life is Good.

A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰

Contentment is the more serene brother of Happiness.
Terri Guillemets

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I've been leaving the house to walk at 6:45 
but this morning at that time it looked liked the middle
of the night yet.
It was 31 degrees with a foggy misty cold rain.
Didn't seem like very good weather for walking so I headed
down to the basement for my walk.
Walked 3 miles first thing.

After getting a load of wash on the drying rack
and doing a few morning chores
I baked some Chocolate Chippers.
December 1 is my turn for bringing the snack for the
Sunday school kids so the first batch is done and in the freezer.
I'll bake another batch another day.
While the cookies were baking I'd walk loops around the house
and walked another 1 1/2 miles then.

Later in the day I walked the last 1 1/2 miles in the basement.

We went and got one more load of the gravel for the base
of the Ken's Work Shop.
That is the last of the number 2 stone.
Have to get a load of smaller gravel yet to put over it
and that will be the end of the gravel.

It's been another one of those dreary dark days when the
sun doesn't shine.

This afternoon I spent puttering about the house.
Good afternoon to get some reading done too.

It's a rare blog post when I have no pictures to post!!

That's it for today.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for visiting.
happyone  🥰

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute
with love, grace and gratitude.
Denis Waitley

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A good day for soup

Left the house and started walking at 6:50.
It was 32 degrees, calm, and cloudy.
Sunrise 7:06

Walked to town again this morning.
This time I walked around both cemeteries a couple of times.
Went down to the barn to see the bulls.
They were busy eating but did look up when I said Good Morning.

Then walked back up the hill 

and headed home.

Never did see any sun at all.

Walked 6 miles

☁️     ☁️     ☁️

We ran out of the English Muffin Loaves that I make a while
ago so made a couple more loaves this morning.
To late to have them today but that will be tomorrows breakfast.

Did a bit of the usual housework.
I try to do a little each day and get done by the end of the week.
I either do it that way
or just spend a whole day getting it all done at once.
There are pros and cons for doing it each way.
I fluctuate between both ways.

No sun at all today.
Was a bit dreary.
Got some reading done and more of the weave-it squares made.
I'll be done with this blanket before long!!

Seemed like a good day for soup so made
Broccoli Cheese Soup
for supper.

That's it for today.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰

On the whole, the happiest people seem to be those
who have no particular cause for being happy
except that they are so.
William R Inge

Comment Replies:
Vee - Nope we will be getting more stone!

Rose - It takes quite a while to sell a house in my town.  Some of the houses have been for sale for 2 years.  I think it is a bit too remote for most people.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Out walking at 6:45 this morning.
It was 29 degrees, cloudy and calm.
Sunrise 7:05

Another walk to town.
No particular route just a random walk all over the place,
up and down the streets.

It was pretty quiet around town.

I counted 8 houses for sale!
I feel sorry for all these people trying to sell their houses
and know exactly how they feel.

Didn't see any people or animals around again.
Only took one picture this morning and this was 
a little after 8:00 when my walk was almost over.

Walked my usual 6 miles

☁️     ⛅️     ☁️

Back to the quarry with the dump trailer this morning
and we got 3 more trailer loads.
It takes about 1 1/2 hours for each load,
driving there and back and for unloading.
So that took up most of the day.

I have one of those swiffer mops that I run over the floors 
every couple of days.
I've always bought the cloths that go with them
but today I just put one of my cleaning cloths on it instead.
Don't know why I didn't think of that before.
Now I just have to shake out the cloth and toss it in the washer.
No more buying the cloths.

Stopped at the library to drop off a book and we picked up
the next disc of Mum to watch.
I didn't even look at any more books because didn't want
to check any more out.
I have 3 here at home already.

I've started one of them today.
Careful What You Wish For by Hallie Ephron
and liked it right away.

Had supper at Brenda's this evening,
half price pizza!

That wraps up today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you.
happyone 🥰

There can be no happiness
if the things we believe in
are different from the things we do.
Freya Stark

Comment Replies:
RK - We have no grand plan for Happy Trails.  We just make it up as we go along.  We will NEVER be finished!!  🙂  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

He maketh no mistake

He Maketh No Mistake

My Father's way may twist and turn,
My heart may throb and ache,
But in my soul I'm glad I know,
He maketh no mistake.

My cherished plans may go astray,
My hopes may fade away,
But still I'll trust my Lord to lead
For He doth know the way.

Though night be dark and it may seem
That day will never break;
I'll pin my faith, my all in Him,
He maketh no mistake.

There's so much now I cannot see,
My eyesight's far too dim;
But come what may, I'll simply trust
And leave it all to Him.

For by and by the mist will lift
And plain it all He'll make,
Through all the way, though dark to me,
He made not one mistake.
A M Overton 

A blessed Sunday to you.
happyone  🥰

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Left the house this morning again at 6:45.
It was 24 degrees, clear, and calm.
Sunrise 7:03

Walked to town.
The Christmas decorations did get put up along the main street yesterday.  
 Here's the first one coming into town.
I counted 15 of them on poles, all different 
and they all light up at night.
The bakery was open when I passed by.
The sign is out telling us that the donuts were made today.
It sure smelled good walking by.

Remember the wishing well?
 The only thing they did was plant grass around it.
No little sitting area with a bench like we thought.
Hard to believe a big old house used to be there!

Continued walking through town and passed the old house. 
Next went over to the ball park and walked the loop there.
Passed by the post office and around the block where the
day care center is.
Headed on over to the pond and then back home.

No people or animals out this early Saturday morning.

Walked 6 miles
Found a Penny

🌤     💰     🙂

We put off going to Walmart for food shopping all week
so had to go today.  Getting pretty low on food.
When we go shopping Ken just throws things in the cart
any which way, but I like to put things in neatly and orderly.
So I'm always straightened up the cart.
 How about you?
Is your cart neat or messy? 

Had lunch after putting everything away.
We had hot ham and Swiss cheese subs that Ken made.

Spent the afternoon puttering about the house.

Left the house at 4:30 to meet with a group of 20
people from church for supper at Perkins.
Nice thing about going there is that it is close to home,
only 5 miles away.
Had a fun time and I've said it before but it is such
a blessing to be part of this church family.
That's it for today.
A happy day to you.
Thinks for stopping by.
happyone 🥰
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are 
something to do,
something to love,
and something to hope for.
Joseph Addison

Friday, November 15, 2019

Another project

Out of the house and walking at 6:45.
27 degrees, clear, and calm.
Sunrise 7:02

Walked to town and went to the library.
Dropped a CD down the slot.
(show called Mum)

From there walked over to the ball park 
and walked that loop

I noticed the town Christmas decorations sitting at the
bottom of the telephone poles along the main street
all ready to be put up.  Guess they will be doing that today.

Continued walking over to the town pond and walked around it.

Then headed back home.

Saw three deer on the way to town.

Walked 6 miles

🌤     🌤     🌤

Late morning we went with the dump trailer and got a load
of gravel and spread it out at the site of our next project,
a 10 x 20 building work shop for Ken closer to the house. 
We will at least get it started this year and finish it in the spring.

This is the building site.
In the trailer sits 2 ton of stone.
Doesn't look like much does it!?

As you can see that load of stone didn't go very far.
Probably 2 more loads of stone will be needed.

 Read this afternoon and made some more weave-it squares.
Have a real good start on the next blanket!!

That's it for now.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone 🥰

My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither,
but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate.
Thornton Wilder

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Red, White, and Green

Sunset last night taken from our front porch.

Left the house at 6:45 which is the earliest I can leave now that
the sun rises later again.
Before long I'll be driving to town again.
It was 24 degrees, clear, and calm.
Sunrise 7:00

The morning moon.
Took this at the end of my driveway.

Had my usual walk to town.
Didn't see any deer on the way but did see a pretty blue jay fly by.

Once I got to town I just walked around the cemetery
on top of the hill a couple of times and then headed back home.

Had to get home a bit earlier than usual so cut my walk
a bit short to 5.4 miles.

No one else about walking that I saw
but since I didn't walk right into town that is not a surprise.

🌤     🌤     🌤

When I got home, just had time to change, do a couple chores
and head back out the door.
It was Baby Blanket day at church.
(My book club was meeting today to so missed that this month)

There were 12 of us making blankets today.
Pam brought us breakfast of pumpkin bread and banana bread,
with homemade apple butter.

Sandy gave the devotional on Prayer.

 Always a fun time meeting with the ladies and we actually
do get some blankets made too!  🙂

I started working on a Christmas baby blanket for next month.

Made a stop at the library to pick up a book that was on hold
and though I had no intention of getting other books,
checked out two more!!

Didn't feel like doing any work when I got home but did get
a load of clothes in the wash.
Then I read and worked on making some more squares.
I also walked that 1/2 mile down in the basement that I didn't 
walk this morning.

That's it for now.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for visiting.

happyone 🥰

One filled with joy preaches without preaching.
Mother Teresa

Comment Replies:
Rose - It is easy to spot a mistake in making a weave-it right away.  Each time you weave the needle though a row you can see if it is done right.  So if you goof you just have to redo that one row.  The problem comes in if the yarn comes off the loom, then you have to start over, but that rarely happens.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Walking in and out

Only 8 degrees this morning.
Just a bit too cold to go walking outside so went
down in the basement first thing this morning and
walked 3 miles.
Walked another mile down there later on
and the last 2 miles were outside.

Got out the slow cooker and tried a new chicken recipe.
The chicken can be used in tacos or salads.
We ate it for supper and just made sandwiches on rolls with it.
A recipe to save and make again.

By late morning the temperature got up to 19 degrees
and it was sunny.
So we bundled up and went outside.
The driveway had just a little snow on it but underneath
the snow was ice.
Ken sprinkled rock salt on it and after a bit it was good to drive on.

I walked around Happy Trails.

Got another strip sewed on the yellow and white bedspread I'm
making for us with weave-it squares.
I now have 10 strips finished which makes 240 squares in it so far.
When it is done it will have 24 strips.

Also started the next book.
The Nature of the Beast by Louise Penny.
I already like it!!

 That's all for today.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for visiting.
happyone  🥰

One joy scatters a hundred griefs.
Chinese Proverb 

Comment Replies:
Vee - Yes, I'm ready for snow.  I like it.  Just don't like ice!!

HillTop -  No, no umbrella for me in the snow.  I like snow falling on me!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A little snow

Left the house on my walk at 6:45.
It was 24 degrees with snow flurries, a slight breeze.
Sunrise 6:58
Just a little ways down from my house a deer ran across
the road in front of me.
Got a picture though not a very good one.

Walked to town and over to the lower cemetery and made a loop
around there.
This reminds me of round frosted shredded wheat!!

Next walked the back road through town, over to the
ball park and walked the loop there 
and then headed back home.

No one else out walking this morning that I saw.
Just flurries when I started out but it started snowing harder
on the way home.

It is nice walking while it is snowing.
Very quiet and peaceful.

Walked 6 miles

🌨     ❄️     🌨

It snowed all day but didn't really amount to much more than an inch.
We usually start doing jigsaw puzzles when it snows for the
first time but this year we are going to wait until
Thanksgiving to start.

Got some work done around the house first thing
and then finished reading
The Ladies of Ivy Cottage (book 2) by Julie Klassen.
I thought it was very good and liked it as much as the first
one of the series.  
I've put book 3 on hold at the library already. 
I think there are only the 3 books in the series,
though I'm hoping she will write another.
 That's all for now.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰
The greatest gift we give to someone who loves us
is simply to be happy.
Robert Brault