Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, July 26, 2024

Day two of Fingerprints

 58 degrees this morning when I was in town walking.
Mostly cloudy but did see a little sunshine too.
Saw the doe and her twin fawns on my way to town.
These twins were the older ones, there are others that are younger.

Walked around both of the cemeteries first.

Then down the road towards home, turned around and back to town.

Walked along the main road and over to the ball park loop.
Around town some more and then back to the Jeep.

Kinsley and her mom drove passed and Kinsley yelled
out the window, Hi Miss Karen. 

All the other walkers and runners must have taken the day off
because I didn't see anyone.

I've always liked this house.
The sunflowers look so pretty there on the side of the porch.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    🌤

Drove to church again for another day of doing Fingerprints.
A short day. (9:00 - 12:30)
Just a handful of people showed up again but we got quite a few done anyway.
7,224 books, put together, stapled, cut, and boxed up.

Didn't get anything done around the house when we got home.
Just had a nice relaxing afternoon puttering about.

Made our usual pizza for supper which we always enjoy.

Happy Friday
Thanks for stopping by
Comment Replies:
GrannyM - Too bad about your nephew hitting the deer, happens often around here.  Since we encounter deer almost every time we drive down our road.  We expect to see them so are always on the look out for them.  

Thursday, July 25, 2024


 Six deer were along the road when I drove to town
and 2 more on my way back home.

It was 64 degrees, cloudy, and very still when I started walking.

Walked around the cemeteries, the ball park, and all over the place.

Have you ever noticed that cows like to be up on hills.
This lone bull is king of the hill today.
The long barn is behind me.

Carmen was out walking again and saw John and Prim up at the cemetery.

Waking around the ball park I saw Anna and her dad Mark and
we stopped to talk.
I bet it has been a year or so since I've seen them.
They live behind the ball park on the other side of the stream.
Mark told me they see me often walking around the park in my
bright green sweatshirt.

Paul, the town worker before Bill and after Joe was driving through
town and stopped to say hi.

Ken had to stop in at the doctor in town to get blood work done.
He went while I was walking.
I took this picture when I saw him arrive when I was on the
other side of the pond by the day care.
You can see his RED truck in the parking lot at the doctors
and my RED Jeep in the parking lot on the left.

Ken was in and out in 4 minutes!!!
Thursdays, that is all they do from 7 - 11 is take blood that's why
it does't take long.

I was headed over to say hi to Ken but when I got here I saw him leaving.
He never saw me.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    ☁️

Fingerprints work day at church so we spent the day there.
A pretty small turn out today, but we got a pretty good amount done,
and as always it is nice to be with the others.
Mandy made us supper and we ate there before coming home.
We had spaghetti, garlic bread, and a salad.
We got home a little after 6:00.

Nice to be home now!!

Happy Thursday
Thanks for stopping by