Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, April 30, 2020

Back to rain

A complete change from yesterdays walk.
Today it rained the whole time!
45 degrees and windy near the end of my walk.

Walked to town and took a side road through town.
Passed by the old house to see how my old daisy garden was doing.
The new people let a lot of grass get a start in the garden along
with a lot of weeds among the daisies.
They will have to do a lot of work to get the garden in shape.

Walked up and down a few side streets in town and then 
headed on back home.

No one else about on this raining morning.
Still glad to be outside walking though to start my day off right.

When I reached home I checked out our little waterfall on the side of the house.
Quite a bit of water coming down it this morning.

Nice to get home to a warm dry house.
Walked 6 miles

🌧     🌧     🌧

Didn't getting any work done today, just the basic stuff.

Spent most of the day working on my counted cross stitch.
Taking a break every so often to watch Ken building towns
with his game.  It is fascinating to watch.
He has another game coming in the mail that you build
farms with.  It sounds like one I would like if I liked to play
those games. 

I ran out of a color in my cross stitch kit.
Don't think that has ever happened before.
Usually there is way more than enough for the project.
Ran out of DMC 523 - Fern Green Light
Thought I might have that color but no luck.
I'll work on the other colors till I get a chance to look for
it in a shop.

Today was a pizza day.  Now that Brenda's is closed we don't have
a regular pizza day.

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy and healthy day to you.
happyone 🙂
Comment Replies:
Eileen - We had roasted veggies with the meatloaf yesterday too.  Did you have pizza today?  🙂

Brenda - Thanks again for the kind words.  We do puzzles during the winter - continued a bit longer this year.  We will start doing puzzles again when we get the first snowfall in the fall.

Inger - Yes, it is a dry stone wall.  Our property has many many stones and Ken has gotten pretty good at building walls with them!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Outside this afternoon

This morning I walked in the sunshine and it was 41 degrees.
How nice to feel the sun on my face.

Walked to town and walked around the lower cemetery.
Then through town, past the library and over to the
ball park and walked the loop there.
This picture is of the stream behind the park.

Walked back through town and home again.

Lisa and her husband Dwayne were out walking and we stopped
(at a distance) and had a short chat.

Walking back up my road there were a couple of rabbits
which I tried to get a picture of.  Got one picture and
as I walked closer they ran away.
There are two of them in this picture.
It is like a finding Waldo picture.
Wonder if you can find them.

The sun stayed out the whole time I was walking.  🙂
How nice to walk in the sun.

☀️     🙂     ☁️

Got a meatloaf started in the slow cooker this morning.
Also made some hamburgers and put them in the freezer 
for another day.

It clouded up and we had a rain shower but then the sun
came out again and it was 60 degrees so I went outside this
afternoon and puttered about the property.

Cleaned out the leaves and old dead daisies from last year.
Under all that the daisies have started.
The green on the left is Autumn Joy.

This section has cone flowers and they too have started.

Also Hens and Chicks

Sure nice to get outside on a warm sunny day.

My neighbor calf got out again but this time Gene the farmer
was there to round him up.
Tom - Though they do jump over the cattle gate you were right
when you said a little repair on the fence was needed.
Gene told me there was a gap in the fence.
He was fixing it when I was outside so we shall see if that keeps
the little guy at home. : )

Once I was back inside I worked on the cross stitch till supper time.

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy and healthy day to you.
happyone  🙂
Comment Replies:
Angie - I post counted cross stitch progress pictures on Mondays.  Didn't this past Monday because I didn't work on it last week.  There will be a picture this Monday.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


40 degrees this morning when I left on my walk and cloudy
but rain was on the way so took along my umbrella just in case.
No wind today.

Just down the road from the house I counted 8 deer run right
across the street in front of me.
By the time I got my phone out of my pocket to take a picture
they were already way up in the field!!

Continued on my way to town and once there walked around
both of the cemeteries before heading back home again.
The rain held off till the last two miles of my walk.

Didn't see any people about.
Though I rarely do when I just walk the cemeteries.

Walked 6 miles

☁️     🙂     🌧

Right after breakfast we headed out to the Shop and Shave
for the weekly shopping trip.
Just needed a few things again this week.
Like last week I waited in the car while Ken did the shopping
and did that again today.
He likes to food shop.  I don't and just don't like wearing a face
mask so this works for us.
I did a word search puzzle while waiting.

Home to put things away and guess what Ken did?
Played video games.
Oh by the way I got the name of the game wrong yesterday.
It is NOT City Skyscapes but CITY SKYLINES.

I did a few things around the house and then read till lunch time. 

The afternoon zoomed right by while I worked on the counted cross stitch
and supper time came around before I knew it.

That's been my day.
 I enjoyed my Welsh Cookies last evening and will be having
some of them again tonight.

A happy and healthy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰
Comment Replies:
Rose - No, 34 degrees is definitely not too cold for walking.  It's all in what you're wearing.  13 degrees is usually where I draw the line.  BUT it if is sunny and no wind I'd probably walk.

Tom - Glad to hear your heart 'got fixed' and you'll be back to walking soon. 😀
Will be praying for a quick recovery!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Another day another walk 🙂

Yesterday I walked in rain and 44 degrees.
This morning it was 34 degrees, cloudy, some wind
and few rain drops here and there that didn't amount to anything.

As usual walked to town.
Went through town and over to the ball park and walked
that loop a couple of times.

The trail behind the park is greening up nicely.

Continued walking past the post office and past the day care center.
I pass this other small cemetery too.
It is very small and just along the road.
Saw Lisa out running as I was just getting to town.
Haven't seen her in a very long time.
We passed on opposite sides of the road.

I've just put town behind me here and starting down the
main road back home which is 2 miles away.

Walked 6 miles

☁️     🙂     ☁️

We had a cloudy morning but mid afternoon we saw some
sun though it was windy.

Got some housework done this morning.

Ken got a new game for his play station in the mail today.
This one is called City Skyscapes and you build cities.
He really likes this one.
While he played I watched and made
weave-it squares for my bedspread.
Finished another 24 squares which is a row.
Tonight I'll sew them together and then sew it on the bedspread.
This will make 14 rows done with 10 more rows to go.
The finished bedspread will be made up of 576 squares.
Since I'm making it in between the baby blankets it is taking me
a long time.  Must be working on it a year by now.
A baby blanket has just 70 squares.

No progress on the cross stitch this week.
Never did a stitch on it.
I'll get some work done on it this week.

I made some Welsh Cookies this afternoon and will
be having four of those for my snack this evening
instead of ice cream.

 Each day seems to be rolling right into another
and sometimes I don't even know what day it is. 🙂
Sure is nice to have my morning walk each day.
Everything seems normal when I'm out there walking.

May your day be a healthy and happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  ❤️

Sunday, April 26, 2020


A hymn for Sunday 
Another one we sing often at church.

Lyrics - Judson W Van de Venter (1855 - 1939)
Music - Winfield Scott Weeden (1847 - 1908)

1. I wandered in the shades of night, 
Till Jesus came to me,
And with the sunlight of His love 
Bid all my darkness flee.

Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, 
Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; 
Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, 
I have had the sunlight of His love within.

2. Though clouds may gather in the sky, 
And billows ’round me roll, 
However dark the world may be 
I’ve sunlight in my soul.

3. While walking in the light of God, 
I sweet communion find;
I press with holy vigor on 
And leave the world behind.

4. I cross the wide, extended fields, 
I journey o’er the plain, 
And in the sunlight of His love 
I reap the golden grain.

5. Soon I shall see Him as He is, 
The Light that came to me; 
Behold the brightness of His face, 
Throughout eternity. 

If you want to hear the hymn sung click
 (only the first and last verses)

A Happy and Healthy Sunday!!
God Bless You.
happyone  🥰

Comment Replies:
Tom - No mending of the fence needed.  The little one jumped over the cattle gate!  🙂

Saturday, April 25, 2020


I walked among the clouds this morning.
40 degrees, no wind, and fog and sun.

Starting out at the end of my driveway you can see the fog down the hill.

I'm now walking through that fog.

Walking towards town the sun trying to come out.

The sun was shining in town.

Walked through town and to the Dollar General
where I turned around in the parking lot.
Thought maybe I'd find a coin there and I did.
A penny.

Then headed back home.
I came from the left in the picture and now on the way back
taking the fork to the right.

Rebecca was out walking this morning and I saw her at the
other end of town.

I'm back at my road now and where the fog is still around.
I live at the end of the road.

Deer and rabbits around as well as lots of birds.
Saw robins, red winged black birds, bluejays, and a cardinal.

Walked 6 miles

⛅️     🌤     ⛅️

 Finally nice enough weather to hang my laundry out to dry!!
Sunny with a slight breeze and they dried quickly.

We went out this morning to take the trash to the refuse center
and then took a little ride before coming back home.
Passed by the tractor dealer and saw that it was opened so
Ken stopped in to see if they could work on the tractor.
Needs a new stitch of some kind.
They said to bring it in.

As we got back home we noticed one of the calves from across
the street escaped and was walking up our driveway.
We herded him back down

and home.

After lunch Ken hooked up the trailer with the tractor on it and
we dropped it off at the tractor dealer to get fixed.
They will call when it's done.

By late afternoon we were home and Ken was back to destroying ships. 🙂

And I played Mahjong before supper.

Will be making some yellow weave-it squares this evening
for my bedspread
and probably read some too.

That's it for today.
May your day be a healthy and happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰
Comment Replies:
Rose - Hadn't heard of Mahjong Dimensions till you mentioned it.  Looked it up and played a game.  Nice but I like the regular kind better.

Friday, April 24, 2020

A Visitor

A rainy morning walk today and 45 degrees.
No wind though so was able to take along my umbrella
and it stayed up the whole walk.
Also wore my rain slicker but not the pants which was a mistake
because I got a bit wet.
Feet stayed dried though in my wonderful Keen walking shoes!

Never did take my phone out to take a picture so sorry no
pictures along my walk today.

Walked to town and up and down the streets.
The one cemetery was too muddy in places to walk around.

No people out again but did see LOTS of rabbits and robins.

Cut my walk a little short today and walked 5.5 miles.
Not so much fun walking in wet pants!
One nice thing about walking in the rain is
listening to the rain on my umbrella. 🙂

🌧     🙂     🌧

Well, looked all over the place today for that picture of my
gramma playing horseshoes and could not find it.
Did find lots of other old pictures though and spent a good
long time looking through them.

I made the mistake of looking up games to play on the computer
on line and found some of the type of games that I like to play.
Bubble Shooter
 They sure are time eaters and I spent way to much time
playing games today.
But I did have fun!!

We heard a knock at the door, peaked out and there was a man
standing on the porch keeping a good distance from the door.
It was our Pastor.
Pastor Leatherman and his wife Kathy (in the car) were going to
members of church and leaving little goodie bags and just to
say hi and found out how we were.
It was sure good to see them in person!!!

 If you're reading this Pastor we thank you so much,
not just for the goodies but caring for all of us.
We love you and Kathy.
What a blessing is it to be part of this family of God.

That's it for today.
May your day be a healthy and happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰
Comment Replies:
Vee - Ken's game is a war ship game and he has to blow up ships.  

Debi and Jeannette - thought about hooking up the computer to the TV but we both have big screen desk top apple computers in another room.  Besides the screens are big enough to just watch on the computer.  Just though that since we had the play station we could use that.

Debi - The squares that I make are on a 4 inch square loom called a weave-it loom. 
Click HERE to see loom.
Also if you click on the Weave-it link below the posts there is
more information about them.

Kim - My Gramma Green lived a good long life.  She was 97 when she died and I was holding her hand at the time.  She lived to see quite a few great great grandchildren.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Latest blanket

No sun this morning but it there was no wind and the
temperature was a nice 45 degrees.

Walking down the road to town it is nice to hear the little
stream flowing along.
I can still see it but soon when things green up along here
I'll only be able to hear it.

When I got to town I walked down the street past the library.

This sign was in the library window.
You can kind of see me taking the picture in the reflection.

Continued on my way over to the ball park and walked the loop
a couple of times.
There are 7 horseshoe pits there that haven't been used in years.
Looks like they are either fixing them up or getting rid of them.

 I like to play horseshoes and we used to play often years ago.

I have an old picture somewhere of my Gramma Green playing horseshoes.
It is the only time I've seen my gramma wearing pants.
Going to try to find the picture and if I do I'll post it tomorrow.

From the ball park walked past the post office around by the
day care center and home again.

Only people I saw this morning were two people going into the bakery.

Walked 6 miles

☁️     🙂     ☁️

We couldn't watch church on the TV through the play station
like we thought.  It said the browser didn't support the application.
So we had to watch on the computer like usual.
A bit disappointing but at least we can see it.

Finished sewing the blanket baby last evening.
I was 5 squares short with the yarn I was using so filled in with
5 squares of white placed randomly.
Hope it looks alright.

The next couple of weeks I'm going to be making weave-it squares
for the yellow gingham bedspread for our bed.
 Pancakes for breakfast this morning.
Then got some work done around the house.

I spent a lot of the afternoon watching Ken play his
new video game!
Wow the graphics on these games sure have come a long way.

Plan on reading this evening after a TV show and ice cream snack.
Haven't done much reading lately.

That's all for today.
 A happy and healthy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🥰

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A sunny walk

Our crazy weather last night ended
with a beautiful sunset.

This morning brought lots of sunshine while I was out walking
but pretty chilly with a temperature of 25 degrees and windy at times.

A walk to town.
A couple of rabbits hopping around and I saw the deer
that visit around our house often down the road a bit.
There are only 4 of them now! 
Something must have happened to the fifth one.

Once I got to town I didn't go into town but stayed walking
around the cemeteries.

No one else out walking when I was.

Then headed back home again.

What a beautiful morning to be out walking.
 Walked 6 miles

☀️     🙂     ☀️

Got the slow cooker started with chili first thing this morning
after breakfast.
I had finished cutting up the celery and was on the pepper 
when Ken came in the kitchen and took over the cutting..
He worries that I'll cut myself again.

A housework day today and got most of it done.

Sewed some more strips on the baby blanket and only have
two more to go which will get done later this evening.

It's been sunny all day but stayed cold and windy
so we didn't make it outside to work today.

Taco Salad for supper made with the chili and in just a bit
we will watch church on FB.
 Ken hooked up the play station to the television 
and we can get on line through there so can watch
church sitting in our chairs instead of at the computer!

We've been watching old movies of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire
 the last few evenings.
Movies are corny but oh what dancers they were!!
They make it look so easy.
That's all for today.
A happy and healthy day to you.
Thanks for visiting.
happyone  🥰
Comment Replies:
Dot - I found your strolling through Georgia blog.  Thanks for the link for the cornbread recipe.  Checked it out but I'm looking for a recipe made in a skillet.  I've never had for cornbread with cheese in it before.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Didn't realize it was raining slightly until I walked out of the
house this morning to go walking.
It was 45 degrees so it wasn't that cold but the wind did kick up
a bit from time to time.

Thought about turning around and going home at one point
a mile or so into my walk but then it looked like sky was
starting to clear so carried on.

Walked to town and then up toward the school.
This isn't a very good picture but the bulls on the hay
made me smile.

By the time I got up to the school the sun was coming out,
BUT looking at the sky I knew it wouldn't last.

I was right and the rain came again.
Not enough to get me soaked but I was a bit wet by the time I 
got back home.

Rebecca was out walking this morning as well as another woman
and the man walking his dog.

All in all a good walk and very glad I didn't turn around and
go home early.

Walked 6 miles

🌧     ⛅️     🌧

Shopping day a the Shop and Save again.
We only needed a few things.
I went with Ken in the truck but didn't go inside the store with him.
About 11:00 this morning it got VERY windy and dark.
Thunder and lightning and then came the hail.

In 20 minutes the whole thing blew over.
The sun came out and the hail was gone.
It stayed windy so didn't go outside this afternoon in the woods.

Got a few strips of the baby blanket sewn together
and just puttered about the house doing this and that.

Ken got a new toy in the mail today.
A play station so he's been busy with that.
He needs something else to do besides trains when he can't be outside. 🙂
Those games are not for me!

That's all for today.
A happy and healthy day to you.
Thanks for visiting.
happyone 🥰
Comment Replies:
Vee - We just had 4 cases of the virus here in our county and that was a month ago with no new cases.  Sure hope it stays that way.

Monday, April 20, 2020


It was a cloudy morning but 38 degrees with no wind
when I left this morning walking to town.
Quite a few deer around again just down the street from
where I live up in one of the fields.

When I got to town I walked around the two 
cemeteries a couple of times.
Picture taken at the cemetery at the top of the hill.
The school I walk up to once in a while is in the background.

Went down from the cemetery to see the bulls down
by the barn.

Then headed back home.

Saw quite a few cars and trucks but no people.

The steep hill I have to walk up at the end of my walk
is getting easier to walk up.
Used to have to stop and rest but not anymore.
Now I don't even feel like stopping for a rest! 🙂
I slow down a bit though so my next goal is to
be able to walk up at a faster rate.

Walked 6 miles

☁️     ☁️     ☁️ 

We went to the Dollar General for our Monday morning shopping.
This was the first time we had to wear face masks.
I can see wearing them in populated places but around here
it seems unnecessary.
It is very easy to stay the required 6 feet away from people.
But I'll wear one because we have to.
Today we were the ONLY people in the store.

After lunch the sun came out and it was in the 50's.
No wind either which made it a great day for working out back.
Added more dead fall to the natural fence and cut
some more sticker bushes.  I add them to the fence too.
Nice being outside!!

Another picture of the counted cross stitch I'm working on.
Posting a picture of my progress keeps me working on it.  🙂

 To compare from last week click

Finished all the weave-it squares for the latest baby blanket and now
have to plan out a pattern and sew them together.
Will get started on that this evening.

That's for today.
A happy and healthy day to you.
Thanks for visiting.
happyone 🥰

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Even with having church on line we are still
memorizing a Bible verse as a church.

This months Bible verse is

Titus 2:13

 Looking for that blessed hope, 
and the glorious appearing of the great God 
and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

 When Pastor says the verse, I can picture us all
in our homes saying it all together
and it makes me feel connected to them.

A happy and healthy Sunday to you all.
God Bless You. 
happyone  🥰

Comment Replies:
Rose - My refrigerator is usually neat inside.  Every thing has a place and I like to keep it there.  If Ken puts something back in a different place I put it where it belongs.  

Dot - I remember your blog from years ago. I see now that you just have pictures on a blog that others take.  You were one of the people who encouraged me with my photography when I first started blogging.  I thank you for that!! 
Haven't read very much of 'Yesterday' but like it so far.  It does seem different from her other books in that the book goes back and forth in time. Will let you know how I like it when finished.

Brenda - Thanks so much for your comment.  How kind you are!!  How cool that you once owned a Hallmark store!!!  I would have loved that!! 
We sure do miss Brenda's Pizza!  It will be the first place we go to once restaurants open again up here.
You should start a blog.  I'd love to read it!!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Last Puzzle

I did my walking in the basement today making laps around 
Ken's train layout.
Went three different times walking 2 miles each time.
Before breakfast, a little while after breakfast and just before lunch.

Outside the weather was cold and windy with a cold rain.
Don't mind walking in cold, don't mind wind, and don't mind rain but
put them altogether and it doesn't make for a pleasant walk.
We did see some sun near the end of the day.

This is the latest and last puzzle I will be doing this year.
I am finally puzzled out!!
This is one of my favorite ones to do.
Love all the colors.

My project today was cleaning the refrigerator.
I don't mean throwing out the food that went bad.
That hasn't been happening lately.
We've been eating up all left overs since we can't go out to eat.
I don't even remember the last time we ate food that we didn't
have to prepare at home.
Any way I gave the refrigerator a thorough cleaning.
Took everything out one shelf at a time and cleaned each shelf.
The freezer got done too.
It took a lot longer than I though it would but 
it sure is sparkly clean.
I keep opening the door just to look at it!

Did a little more work on the counted cross stitch
and read some too.
I'm reading Y is for Yesterday by Sue Grafton.
I've read all her books starting with the A book.
Sadly she died before she got to write the Z book.

That's been my day.
 A happy and healthy day to you.
Thanks for visiting.
happyone  😀
Comment Replies:
Kim - Yes, I do like cornbread that is sweeter.  I'll just keep trying recipes until I find one I like.  There has to be one out there for me.  🙂

Debi - That is too bad about the lady and the dog in your neighborhood.  Ki, the dog here by me is just a little thing so I don't have a fear of it, it is just an annoyance. 

Friday, April 17, 2020


No snow this morning and the snow from yesterday is all gone.
25 degrees this morning and cloudy.
For a little while it seemed like the sun was coming out
but it only lasted a few minutes.

Walked to town.
Then up to the school.
This is across the street from the school.
Made a U turn in the school parking lot and walked back home again.

 One person was out walking his dog.

Saw a few rabbits.
There are two of them in this picture,
but don't think you will be able to find them.
Both are on the left side.

Near home up in a field I stopped counting after seeing 12 deer.

Walked 6 miles

☁️     🙂     ☁️

When I got home from walking and walked in the door,
something sure smelled good.
Ken made us cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
A nice surprise!

The last book I read, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
 had recipes in the back.
Tried the one today for Skillet Cornbread.
Not good.  Didn't taste much better than sawdust 
and I threw it in the garbage.
 Can't seem to find a good recipe for corn bread that I like.

The puzzle I'm working on is an easy one with big pieces.
When of these pieces fall on the fall I have no trouble
seeing it!!!

Had a nice day at home once again keeping busy
doing the usual things.

 That's all for today.
A happy and healthy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  🙂
Comment Replies:
Dot - I understand about dogs protecting their property. This dog does a bit more that. When they chase you down the road, barking and growling with their hair standing up for a block or so I think it's time the owner kept it tied up or in the house.  Besides there is a lease law!  🙂

Thursday, April 16, 2020

It's not spring here yet!

 Another dusting of snow last night and it seemed more like
February then April this morning but still great to be outside walking.
It was 24 degrees with just a bit of a wind.
It was cloudy when I started out with snow flurries once in a while.
Didn't walk up the lane but took a picture as I passed by.

Walked to town and stopped to take a picture of one of my favorite
farms on the way.
Looked like the sun was trying to break through the clouds.

That didn't last very long though because by the time I got to the 
edge of town and walked around the cemeteries 
the sky was looking black again.

No one else out walking when I was.
Saw a couple of pretty big rabbits sitting under a bush.
Down by the pond spotted a couple of Killdeers.

Walking back home again it started to snow.

Just up and around a couple of bends in the road is home.

That little pesky dog Ki still comes out after me once in a while
and today was one of those days.
The whole time she's barking and growling her owner is calling her
but Ki completely ignores her.
Had my walking stick and hit the road with it a few times and
Ki finally went running back home.

Walked 6 miles

☁️    ⛅️     🌨 

Once a upon a time when we lived normal lives
it would have been Baby Blanket Day at church.
So this morning I made weave-it squares and thought about all
the other woman I didn't get to see today.

Good News!
Found the missing puzzle piece.
Thought I looked all over the floor yesterday for it but there
it was today, just sitting there on the floor.
And more good news,
the voice mail on my phone is working again.
Went on line and found out that I needed to download an
update for my phone.  Once I did that all was well with voice mail.

I've started another puzzle.
Pretty sure this will be the last one for this year.
I'm just about puzzled out.
This one is 600 pieces but the pieces are BIG and it takes up
most of the table.
It is very colorful and a fun one to do.

I did no work today and only did fun things.  🙂

That's all for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy and healthy day to you.
happyone  🙂
Comment Replies:
Kerin - I really enjoy all the seasons and try to enjoy each day whatever the weather,
there's not much you can do about it. 😃