Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, June 30, 2020


58 degrees this morning when I left walking
and it was sunny and still.

Just about getting to the main road here and 1.3 miles
away from home.  Can you spot all four rabbits up ahead?

Walked to town and around both of the cemeteries
and then back home again.

Saw Rebecca as I was getting to town and once again
around the upper cemetery.

Along with the rabbits, I saw deer, lots of birds,
wild turkeys and good old Ki the dog.
She gave me a token bark and didn't even chase me down the
road today.  That's been 2 times in a row now.
I'm sure she'll be back to her old self the next time!!

Now I know this is a day lily without the app.
Not using the app anymore.
Tom does a better job!  😀

 Walked 5.7 miles

🌤     🙂     🌤

Tuesday has come around again so it was off the to the Shop and Save
for grocery shopping.
We left right after breakfast and got that over with.

Got some of that housework done today that I didn't feel like
doing yesterday!!

Sure is nice having a front porch.
Sat out there for a while reading this afternoon reading.

Got quite a bit of the baby blanket sewn up.
I may be a bit optimistic but think I'll be able to finish it this evening.

That's my day.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone ❤️

Monday, June 29, 2020

A ride home

A foggy start to my walk this morning.

62 degrees and no breeze at all.

Walked to town and went around the lower cemetery.
A corn field is on two sides of the cemetery.
Walked into the field and took the picture.
Corn is looking good with all the sun and rain.
It comes up to my knees.

Continued my walk through town and over to the ball park and
walked that loop.
Lena was walking there too and it was nice to have a chat with her.

From there I walked through to the other side of town
to the small industrial park and walked around there.
Look at how nice and flat this road is, easy walking!!

It is behind the Dollar General.
Didn't have to walk back home because I met Ken at the
Dollar General.  We did id a little shopping there before going back home.

Walked 5.7 miles
Found a dime
(Victor - 10 pennies)

For some reason that Plant Snap App hasn't been working so great
for me lately.  It gave me a few different names for this.
Pretty sure it is Garden Snapdragon.
Quite a lot of them along the side of the roads.

🌤     😀     🌤

Too nice to say indoors this morning so while I should have been
inside starting this weeks house cleaning
I went outside.

After so much wind there was quite a lot of dead fall about
so added more to my natural fences.
In some places the fence is as high as my waist.

Since we can't do our deck till next month
Ken screwed some boards down on the joists so I can hang 
my laundry out on the deck.
He had put a few boards out already but they weren't
screwed down.  It is safer now.

Just one more weave-it square to make for July's
baby blanket.  Will make it later and then get started
on sewing it together.

Supper tonight was
meat loaf
baked potatoes
and peas.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone ❤️

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Old Fashioned

Today it's been cloudy with a few showers.
Pictures taken a couple of days ago when we had sunny skies.

 ❤️     ❤️

The Old Fashioned Way
Civilla D. Martin

1. They call me old-fashioned because I believe
That the Bible is God’s holy Word,
That Jesus, who lived among men long ago,
Is divine, and the Christ of God.

My sin was old-fashioned,
My guilt was old-fashioned,
God’s love was old-fashioned, I know;
And the way I was saved was the old-fashioned way,
Thro' the blood that makes whiter than snow.

2. Old-fashioned, because I believe and accept
Only what has been spoken from heav’n;
Old-fashioned because at the cross I was saved,
At the cross had my sins forgiv’n.

3. Old-fashioned, because I am bound to do right,
To walk in the straight narrow way;
Because I have given my whole life to God,
Old-fashioned, because I pray.

4. Old-fashioned, because I am looking above
To Jesus, my glorified Lord;
Because I believe He is coming again,
Fulfilling His holy Word.

Happy Sunday
God Bless You
happyone  ❤️

Saturday, June 27, 2020

2 out of 3

65 degrees this morning when I left walking but it didn't feel
quite that warm.
Windy and cloudy and a few rain drops here and there
that didn't amount to anything.

Once again a walk to town.

Walked around the edge of town down the side streets
and down passed my old house and around the block.
Over to the ball park and walked around that loop.
Rebecca was there, not walking today but running.
Saw another woman running who I never saw before.
Continued walking passed the post office, 
around by the day care center, back to the main road and home again.

Only saw one deer and a couple of wild turkeys.

Walked 6 miles

Think this is llex berry heavy but my Plant Snap app gave me
a few different names.

Edit:  Thanks Tom!!  He says:

..your app is a bit off, you found a honeysuckle fruiting.
The plant probably had whitish flowers earlier.

☁️     🙂     ☁️

Very windy all day and cloudy with looking like rain any moment.
The thunder storm came through just after supper.

Just hanging around the house doing a bit of this and that.

Had nachos for lunch and some of you may remembering me
saying that after we eat we roll up the tin foil and have
a throwing contest.
Try to throw it into the trash can in the kitchen.
I did quite well today and my tin foil ball
hit the mark 2 out of 3 times.

 I made us little strawberry shortcakes out of Bisquick
this afternoon.
Didn't have whipping cream so we used RediWhip.
They looked too good to wait till snack time so we ate them
as soon as they were done.
Recipe made 6 so I froze 4 little cakes for another day.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️

Thanks for the box suggestions.
Will let you when I do something with them.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Any Ideas?

 Some dark clouds around on my morning walk but
they gave way to sunshine.
57 degrees with a bit of a breeze.
Walked to town but just before I got to town I turned up
Sale Barn Road and walked up that road for a ways.

Came back down and continued to town where I
walked around the lower cemetery before heading back home again.

Saw a dozen or more wild turkeys out in a field 
and the usual deer, rabbits, and birds.

Passed by a yard where they were getting set up for a yard sale.

Neighbors Ron and Theresa passed by in their truck
as I neared home and stopped to talk.
They are the ones that live up at the top of the lane
where I walk sometimes.
Walked 5.6 miles
☁️     🙂     ☀️
Made French toast for breakfast.
Pancakes used to be my favorite breakfast but French toast
might just have them beat.
Ken puts syrup on them but I put sugar on mine.
My mom always put sugar on mine when I was little and have
just kept doing that.
Ken came home with these boxes a few years ago.
Didn't know what they were but always liked them
though I have no idea what to do with them.
Anyone have any ideas?
Inside the house or outside.
 Today looking at them it just hit me what they might be.
Pigeon roosts for a coop.
 Disappointing news about the Trex for the deck.
There's been a delay it getting it and now it won't be
here till the middle of July!!

This afternoon Ken and I played a game of 500 Rummy.
Haven't played that in years!
Ken was ahead throughout the whole game and beat me
a whopping 545 to my 230.

We walked around Happy Trails just puttering about.
The day has been very windy, but the sun was shining
and it was in the low 70's.
A beautiful day.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Sunny, 54 degrees, and calm this morning when I left on my walk.
Stepping out the door there was a deer standing in the middle
of the driveway.
Knew it wasn't one of our regular visitors because she took off running.
Still, a nice way to start my walk off.

Another walk to town and as I arrived Rebecca was heading
out of town.

Walked around both cemeteries.
Saw Rebecca again as I was leaving the cemetery and she
was just getting there.

Went down by the Drane house.

Took a peek at the Drane garden.
Gravel still has to be put down on the plastic. 

Then walked back home
Walked 5.7 miles

Forking Larkspur

🌤     🙂     🌤

Did the usual house work chores in the morning.

We packed a lunch and went to McDonald's and
ate it in the parking lot watching people come and go.
We used to have lunch sometimes at McDonald's but we haven't
been since all this virus business started.

Before coming home we stopped in at the lumber yard in town
to see about the decking.  It is supposed to be delivered there tomorrow
so hopefully we can pick it up sometime tomorrow
and get to work on our deck.

This afternoon our 4 deer came by and we watched them walking
around the yard for a while.
They like to stop and get a drink out of the bird bath.
(right bottom)

Eventually they all went on the other side of the house
to take their afternoon nap.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
 Comment Replies:
Vee - Yes, we do get a thunder storm roll through most days lately.  Got a rain shower in the afternoon today but no thunder.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Scratching Post

A nice sunny morning walk.
55 degrees and a bit of wind.
Perfect walking weather.

Just left my driveway and walking down the hill.
The same hill I'll be walking UP later!

Walked to town and took the side street around and over
to the ball park.  Went around that loop, walked down the other side
street back to the main road and home again.

Very quiet out this morning.
Didn't see any people about even the animals weren't around much.
Did see a wild turkey though running across the street.
They can move pretty fast!!

Walked 5.4 miles

☀️     🙂     ☀️

I made bunch of weave-it squares this afternoon.
Still have a bit of the Carron yarn I use for the baby blankets
sitting around so using that up.
Will have to buy some more yarn before I start the next blanket.

Walked around outside a bit this afternoon to take a break from making
squares and reading and went to see the neighbor cows.
Number 21 stayed by the fence.
This first picture shows a clear shot of the post.

Here she is in the next picture using the post to get a good scratch.

I've watched quite a few different cows use the post that way.
A couple of them will even stand in line and wait their turn!!

That's all for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️
Comment Replies:
Susie - Sunrise is before 7 so when I leave at 6:30 it is already light.  No, not afraid walking.  The animals are more afraid of me.  Roaming dogs are the animals I worry about.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


60 degrees this morning when I left the house for my walk.
A little fog around at first.

Sun coming through the fog.

Then a mix of sun and clouds.

Walked to town as usual and this time walked the loop around town
that takes me along the side road, past my old house,
up the other side road and back to the main road.
Then it's just a walk back home.

A few deer, rabbits, and all the birds were around as usual.
Only saw Rebecca out walking today and it was from
a distance.

Walked 5.5 miles
I was walking along thinking I hadn't found a penny in a while.
Looked down and what did I see, a penny!  🙂

⛅️     🙂     💰

Tuesday again and off to the Shop an Save for this weeks
grocery shopping.
Went right after breakfast.

Clouded up as the day wore on and we had some
rain showers in the afternoon.
Before it rained we went outside.
Ken did some weed wacking out front and I did some weeding.

Went over to the fence by our neighbor cows to say hi
when I got the mail.

We were sitting in the living room about an hour before supper,
Ken was playing his video game,
and I had just put down my book.
I said to Ken that I didn't feel like reading, or knitting,
or doing anything I usually do.
He said just sit there and relax.
I told him I didn't even have any motivation to relax.
He starting laughing and said,
"Karen, that is called being bored."
That just struck me so funny.
Guess I'm not bored very often.

Anyway I'm not bored anymore and will be making weave-it squares
this evening after my ice cream snack.
Working on July's baby blanket.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️
Comment Replies:
Cathy - Our summer temperature is very pleasant.  Mostly high 70's to mid 80's.  Some days cooler, some hotter, but rarely does it get in the 90's.  We live in the woods and with all the trees it is about 5 degrees cooler than down in town.  Don't even need AC, but we do have ceiling fans.

Eileen - We are getting Trex for the decking.  It is the same that is on our front porch.
Seems like a lot of things are taking longer to get lately.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Running Deer

Just a little fog around this morning when I left on my walk.
Didn't last long though and it was a sunny walk.
It was 62 degrees and calm.

Walked to town and around both cemeteries once 
and back home again.

As I left the cemetery on the hill, Lisa was just getting there.
We stopped and talked for about 10 minutes or so and then
we continued on our ways.

Lots of new growth on this tree.
Like all the different color greens.
Lots of deer and rabbits around and I didn't see but smelled a skunk.

On the road to my house two different neighbors driving by
stopped to say hello.
 It was a very sociable walk today. 🙂

 Walked 5.2 miles

🌤     🙂     🌤

Still haven't gotten the decking yet and I wanted to hang 
the sheets out on the line today.
So Ken put some boards down on the joists for me to walk on.

Then we went to the dump to get rid of the weeks trash.
Also cleaned up some junk around the yard and took
that there too.
On the way home stopped at the Dollar General.

 Got my clothes off the line just in time before a thunder storm
rolled on by.

Finished reading Anne of Green Gables and happy to say
I loved it.  What a great book.  
Will start the second book after I finish a mystery I'm reading.

Ken said he could go for some cookies,
so I baked him some Chocolate Chippers this afternoon.
He ate a couple and we will have some cookies for our
snack later on instead of the usual ice cream.

Most of the day my computer was downloading an
update.  Then unexpectedly it said internet connection lost
and it quit downloading and everything was lost.
Very frustrating.
I'll try again another day!

See lots of these pretty little weeds all over the place.
Philadelphia Fleabane

That's been my day so far.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️

Sunday, June 21, 2020


I think Psalm 23 is probably the most familiar Psalm of all
and I can see why because it is such a comfort.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: 
he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: 
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 
I will fear no evil: 
for thou art with me; 
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: 
thou anointest my head with oil; 
my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.   

We went back to listening to church on line again today.
Last week we went to the church building
because there were two services and we went to the first one
which was for us old folks.
Not many people and we felt comfortable with the spacing.

Today it was decided to go back to having just the one service
and we just didn't feel comfortable being in such a big crowd yet.

We will just take it a week at a time and go when we feel ready.

A happy Sunday to all.
God Bless You.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone  ❤️

Comment Replies:
A few of you mentioned it being scary seeing the bear cub.  Not scary!  They are black bears and they really do run away if they see you.  It is more scary coming across a mean dog!!

Vee - Yes, I still carry pepper spray when I walk.

Deb - I have a Kindle Oasis.

Cathy - We don't have Netflix anymore.     

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Baby Bear

56 degrees this morning when I left walking.
Not a breeze to be felt and foggy.

Can you spot those three deer way up there
in the middle of the picture?

Walked to town and over to the post office to mail a birthday card.
From there I walked to the lower cemetery and walked around there.

There is still work going on with the deck/sun room ? at the house
by the cemetery.  Noticed today that some plywood has been delivered.

This reminds me of Queen Anne's Lace though I knew it wasn't.
So I used my handy Plant Snap App and found out it was
Cow Parsley.
It goes well with Queen Anne's Lace which is wild carrots.

I was walking up the last hill to home about a block away
and heard something in the bushes and turned to look
when I saw a baby bear run up a tree.
So cute and such a little thing.
Didn't stop for pictures because I knew mama was probably close
by so just kept on going up the hill
and went up just a bit faster than usual. 🙂
 What a treat though to see the bear!!

Walked 5.4 miles

🙂     🐻     🦌

We have a big bowl of Bing cherries sitting in the kitchen
and every time I walk by I eat a few.
A favorite fruit of mine.

I'm liking Anne of Green Gables a lot.
Anne is quite a character!!
I liked the Little House on the Prairie books
but like Green Gables better!

Walked around outside this afternoon.
Most of the sunflowers plants have the tops eaten off them.
They were just little things yet so maybe they will grow back.
Sure hope some of the sunflowers survive.
Also the deer have eaten all the cone flowers,
they didn't even get the chance to flower.
Oh well, hope the deer enjoyed their dinner.

That's all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
Eileen - My Kindle came with 3 free months of Unlimited Kindle.  I might just keep it after the trial period.  I've gotten free books on Amazon too.  I'll never run out of books to read that's for sure! 🙂

Bettye - Not sure I'd like raccoons living under my porch!  Perhaps animal control would remove them?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Rocky the Raccoon

Started out cloudy but the sun came out
a couple of miles into my walk. 
No wind and the temperature was 57 degrees.

 A walk to town again and through town on a side road
over to the ball park and walked the loop around there.
 Then down the main road and home again.

Rebecca was out walking and the man that runs
around the ball park loop was there today. 
I see him once in a while and during the past year
he looks like he's lost about 20 pounds!

Nothing going on around town this morning.
Walked 5.4 miles

☁️     🙂     🌤

 A few thunder storms rolled through during the afternoon
and then it was sunny again.

Played around with the Kindle again today.
Our library doesn't use Overdrive but something called EPUB ebook
and am told that it isn't compatible with Kindle.
There are enough other ways for me to get books on the Kindle
so I'm not going to worry about the library anymore!!

I've never read Ann of Green Gables when I was a kid but I've
started reading the first book today.
I have all 8 books on my Kindle!

Dusted and organized the top shelf in our bedroom closet.
There sure was a lot of dust up there.
We don't have any clothes on the top shelf just a bunch
of odds and ends.
Plastic containers
An old picnic basket that we've only used a couple of times
and some other junk like that.

There is a raccoon that lives in a tree out back.  🦝
Quite a few evenings we've watched it leave the tree,
come down near the house, and
walk along the stone wall on the side of the house.
Then it drops down into the drainage ditch, goes through
the pipe and comes out the other end.
We see Rocky the Raccoon peak his head out of the drain pipe,
look around and then walk off into the woods.
The times we've seen him he takes the same route.
Ken watched him come back home in the morning when
I'm out walking a couple of times too.
I never think to take a picture, to busy just watching him.

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️

Thursday, June 18, 2020

No more gloves

A misty morning walk today.

59 degrees and mostly calm.

Walking to town I noticed that when people are leaving town
there will be no more gloves on the posts waving good-bye to them.
Some one came along and took all 13 gloves down.
Ken said it was probably highway workers but he did say
they probably got a chuckle seeing all those gloves.

Once I got to town I walked around both cemeteries and then 
headed back home.

Only saw one deer today.
Quite a difference from yesterday!!

A quiet morning.
Didn't see anyone.

Walked 5.5 miles

🌧     ☁️     🌧     🙂

All day its been an on and off again misty rain.
Good for plants and the farmers.

It's been one of those lazy days around the house.
Just did the basic house chores.
Did some reading and knitting and that's really about it.

Oh I spoke too soon yesterday about being able to get books
from the library to read on my Kindle.
I put one book on request yesterday and that seemed to go OK.
Today I tried to get a book and every time I tried it said,
Your library has no title that works with a reading device.
I'll have to get Connie at the library to help me!

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My Wednesday

53 degrees this morning, cloudy, windy and felt
like rain but it remained dry for all of my walk
and it never did rain all day.

Walked to town and went straight through town,
passed our old house, and around the block.
Continued back through town down the side road
and back home again.

It's Wednesday and fresh donuts were being back at the bakery.
Sure smells good walking past there.

Saw more than the usual amount of deer today.
Didn't even count them there were so many.

Walked 5.5 miles

A few asked why I'm cutting back walking.
5 miles was my original goal.
It just sounds like a nice number for a morning walk.
 I do this every so often and end up back to 6 so who knows 
how long this will last. 🙂
As you see, I still haven't gotten down to the 5 miles.
Most days I also go out some other time of the day and walk
around Happy Trails too.

 ☁️     🙂     ☁️

Finished up some house cleaning while Ken was outside
on his tractor moving more dirt around.
I went outside when I was done inside and puttered
about pulling some weeds and just walking around.

We are still waiting for the decking for the deck to arrive.
Would be nice to get the deck done.
The weather has been so nice for working and we have to wait.

Figured out how the get library books on my Kindle. 😀

Haven't done any knitting for a while so did a bit of that this afternoon.
Started a purple scarf a while ago and worked on that.

That's it for today.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️
Comment Replies:
GrannyM - That 'field' yesterday is not part of the farm.  It is just someones yard and its just part of their grass that they don't mow.

Deb - Glad you all liked the Spaghetti Pie!  Yes, the Plant Snap App identifies plants.  You take a picture of the plant and it is identified right away.  It is really cool.

Bill - Thanks so much for the link.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


50 degrees this morning with a mix of sun and clouds
with a breeze when I left on my walk.

Went to town and once I got there walked a big loop
around the main road on the sides streets
and then headed back home.

Didn't see anyone out again.

 The fountain in the little town pond is working again.
Found out the problem was a build up of algae was
clogging it up.

Such a beautiful morning to be out walking.
Walked 5.4 miles
I really like this walking route and it's almost down to 5 miles!

🌤     🙂     🌤

Shopping discount day at the Shop and Save.
Got that over with right after breakfast.

The sunflowers I planted yesterday are all doing well so far.
They perked up after watering and so far the chipmunks
haven't dug them up.

We packed a lunch today again and went and sat in the
parking lot at MacDonald's and ate watching people.
The drive thru is open and you can go inside and order now
but can't eat inside.

By the way I am enjoying reading on my Kindle but still
it won't replace actual books.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone ❤️
Comment replies:
Thanks Tom, Rose, and Anni for helping me identify the flowers from yesterday.  Looked them all up and it is definitely Multiflora Rose.
Kim - Thanks for telling me about the Plant Snap App. I put it on my phone and it works great!!

Monday, June 15, 2020


50 degrees, sunny, with a bit of a breeze this morning
as I walked to town.

Walked around both cemeteries,
once around the lower one and twice around the one on top 
of the hill.
Leaving the cemetery in this picture.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.

Don't know what this flowering bush is but there are a lot of
them along the sides of the roads.

A couple of my neighbor cows.

I'm going to try to get my walk down to just 5 miles.
I'll get home a little earlier and 5 just sounds like a good number.
I've tried this a couple times before and end up back at 6.
Today I walked 5.6 miles

🌤     🙂     🌤

After breakfast we made a quick stop at the Dollar General
to pick up a few things.

Got started on this weeks cleaning of the house while
Ken went up to the cabin and weed wacked.
I tried to exchange jobs with him but he didn't think that
was such a great idea. 

After working inside I went out back and transplanted some sunflower plants.
 I grew them from seeds and planted them in the raised garden bed
with the thought of moving them when they got bigger.

The ones I planted directly into the ground the chipmunks dug up.

Transplanted my rhubarb plants to the back in the raised garden bed.
Hopefully they will grow better there than out front.

I haven't worked on the cross stitch outlining yet but
I have finished another baby blanket.

This is not one of my favorites but
I only had a little bit of the blue yarn and the only other color
I had to go with it was white.
I need to get to the store and get more yarn.

Supper tonight was ham steaks with mashed potatoes and pineapple slices.

Well that's been my day.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️