Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My Wednesday

53 degrees this morning, cloudy, windy and felt
like rain but it remained dry for all of my walk
and it never did rain all day.

Walked to town and went straight through town,
passed our old house, and around the block.
Continued back through town down the side road
and back home again.

It's Wednesday and fresh donuts were being back at the bakery.
Sure smells good walking past there.

Saw more than the usual amount of deer today.
Didn't even count them there were so many.

Walked 5.5 miles

A few asked why I'm cutting back walking.
5 miles was my original goal.
It just sounds like a nice number for a morning walk.
 I do this every so often and end up back to 6 so who knows 
how long this will last. 🙂
As you see, I still haven't gotten down to the 5 miles.
Most days I also go out some other time of the day and walk
around Happy Trails too.

 ☁️     🙂     ☁️

Finished up some house cleaning while Ken was outside
on his tractor moving more dirt around.
I went outside when I was done inside and puttered
about pulling some weeds and just walking around.

We are still waiting for the decking for the deck to arrive.
Would be nice to get the deck done.
The weather has been so nice for working and we have to wait.

Figured out how the get library books on my Kindle. 😀

Haven't done any knitting for a while so did a bit of that this afternoon.
Started a purple scarf a while ago and worked on that.

That's it for today.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️
Comment Replies:
GrannyM - That 'field' yesterday is not part of the farm.  It is just someones yard and its just part of their grass that they don't mow.

Deb - Glad you all liked the Spaghetti Pie!  Yes, the Plant Snap App identifies plants.  You take a picture of the plant and it is identified right away.  It is really cool.

Bill - Thanks so much for the link.


Tom said...

...it's nice to see local farmers baling hay here too. Great dry weather to get the job done, but without some rain the second cutting won't amount to much. You sure live in a beautiful area.

Rose said...

We sure don't see the deer we used to see. I miss that, but thankful that we still do see some occasionally. I love the smell when hay is being baled.

Vee said...

There's nothing much more tempting than the aroma of freshly made doughnuts!

Wonder what's up with all the deer?

ellen b. said...

Nothing like a good fresh donut. Glad the bakery is baking again. Hope your decking arrives soon!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Today, I especially like the picture with the three round bales. I may be strange, but I see beauty where many people don’t .

Granny Marigold said...

Thanks for answering my question about that tall grass that I mistook for grain.
Love the sunrise picture. It would be great if your decking came sooner rather than later, I'm sure you're both anxious to get to working on it.

Angie said...

Read in your comments about the Plant Snap App - I will have to give that a try! Glad to hear there are many deer around! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I love donuts. Now I need donuts. Where are the donuts we bought earlier today?

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

It has been cloudy yesterday and this morning. Rain is coming, our deck was a little wet overnight. The farmers are hard working and always having something to do. Having a bakery near by would be so tempting.
I using using my kindle to read the library books, I have some on hold, some on my wish list. I do not think I will ever run out of books to read. Have a great day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm so happy you are getting library books for your Kindle! It has changed my world! And I find a lot of enjoyment spending time on the library website looking at all the books! Have a good day!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I Love the sunrise picture. I tried getting library books on my Kindle a few years ago and it was such a complicated process that I got one or two books and never did it again. I hope the process has been made less cumbersome. Hope you have a good Thursday. P.S. The other night, I heard Josh up in the kitchen having a "midnight snack" which he sometimes does. Get what he was having - yep - more spaghetti pie! It is a really good recipe. Thanks again.

Deb J. in Utah said...

P.S. I did download the Plantsnap app and will have to try it out today. Thanks!

Leslie said...

I could possibly walk 5 miles for a fresh donut. hahah.
The weather has been so strange here.. It's mid june and I am wearing a sweater. : )
Have a great day.

Bill said...

Nice view of the field with the bales. I used to walk pass a bakery years ago on the way to work and would always stop and get a freshly made bagel, they were so good with a little cream cheese.
Have a great day!

Happy@Home said...

Glad you were able to figure out how to get library books on your Kindle. It always feels good to learn something new, especially when it comes to techie things.
Hope it won't be too much longer until your decking arrives. I'm sure you are looking forward to enjoying it this summer. It seems like anything I have ordered lately requires a long wait until it is delivered.

Hootin Anni said...

I like the idea of the plant app!