Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, June 16, 2020


50 degrees this morning with a mix of sun and clouds
with a breeze when I left on my walk.

Went to town and once I got there walked a big loop
around the main road on the sides streets
and then headed back home.

Didn't see anyone out again.

 The fountain in the little town pond is working again.
Found out the problem was a build up of algae was
clogging it up.

Such a beautiful morning to be out walking.
Walked 5.4 miles
I really like this walking route and it's almost down to 5 miles!

🌤     🙂     🌤

Shopping discount day at the Shop and Save.
Got that over with right after breakfast.

The sunflowers I planted yesterday are all doing well so far.
They perked up after watering and so far the chipmunks
haven't dug them up.

We packed a lunch today again and went and sat in the
parking lot at MacDonald's and ate watching people.
The drive thru is open and you can go inside and order now
but can't eat inside.

By the way I am enjoying reading on my Kindle but still
it won't replace actual books.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone ❤️
Comment replies:
Thanks Tom, Rose, and Anni for helping me identify the flowers from yesterday.  Looked them all up and it is definitely Multiflora Rose.
Kim - Thanks for telling me about the Plant Snap App. I put it on my phone and it works great!!


Tom said...

...that red barn off in the distance is a lovely sight.

Debi said...

Such fun to see bunnies on your walk. Like you, I enjoy reading on my Kindle, especially in bed at night, but nothing will take the place of holding a real book!

Rose said...

That is such a cute little bunny! Looks like it cooperated with you!

Vee said...

That bunny is not at all timid. Amazing photos of him. I wish that I could get up and going early enough to beat the lines at the grocery store. It's no fun waiting in lines. Shopping just isn't fun anymore, not that I ever liked it. Red pepper flakes shaken around your newly planted flowers should keep the squirrels and chippies away.

Happy@Home said...

Such cute pictures you captured of the bunny.
I hope your sunflowers continue to do well. I love it when they come into bloom.
I'm glad you are enjoying the Plant Snap app. I imagine you will soon know the names of every plant you encounter on your walks :).

Granny Marigold said...

I like the picture of the field of grain (?) and that red barn . Do you know what kind of grain that is?

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen - I want you to know I made Spaghetti Pie for dinner tonight and it was a hit! Everyone liked it. Josh even got seconds to two thumbs up! Thanks for the recipe! I have a question for you. Why did you decide to only walk five miles instead of six? Just curious. Five miles is still a lot! Glad your sunflowers are doing well. I must have missed something about an app? Is that one that identifies plants? I will have to check that out! I'm with you about the Kindle. I use mine, but it won't replace the traditional books I love. Have a good evening and I will see you tomorrow!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I read a Kindle once. Such an expensive way to read a book, having to buy another one every time you want to read another book. Cheaper to buy the books surely?

God bless.

eileeninmd said...


Love the view and the cute bunny. It will be nice to see the fountain working at the pond again. We enjoyed the cooler weather, it is nice for walking. Have a great day!

Bill said...

Beautiful view looking toward the red barn. Cute bunny, probably out for a walk too. :)
Now that you have a Kindle, check out this site for free ebooks. Their copyrights have expired and they are in the public domain. I didn't know if you knew about this site. My wife loves it.
Have a wonderful day!


Lisa said...

Love the bunnies. Glad to hear you have a sunflower. I have not been able to get anything to grow good this season. My loofah plants have never gotten over 2 inches tall. They grew like weeds last year. I guess its been the cooler weather.

Carolyn said...

Good morning! I don't comment as often as I should but I really enjoy your posts! I live alone and at this time don't talk to many people so you posts are like having a little chat! Have a wonderful day!

Adam said...

Cute bunny

Jeanette said...

I read on my Kindle for the longest time. Then I figured out that reading from it in the evening before bed was keeping me from sleeping well. I switched to real books from the library. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it. Then the library closed and I'm back to my kindle again!

ellen b. said...

Fun photos of the bunny. Glad that fountain is working well again!

Hootin Anni said...

I will gave to try this spaghetti pie!