Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Baby Bear

56 degrees this morning when I left walking.
Not a breeze to be felt and foggy.

Can you spot those three deer way up there
in the middle of the picture?

Walked to town and over to the post office to mail a birthday card.
From there I walked to the lower cemetery and walked around there.

There is still work going on with the deck/sun room ? at the house
by the cemetery.  Noticed today that some plywood has been delivered.

This reminds me of Queen Anne's Lace though I knew it wasn't.
So I used my handy Plant Snap App and found out it was
Cow Parsley.
It goes well with Queen Anne's Lace which is wild carrots.

I was walking up the last hill to home about a block away
and heard something in the bushes and turned to look
when I saw a baby bear run up a tree.
So cute and such a little thing.
Didn't stop for pictures because I knew mama was probably close
by so just kept on going up the hill
and went up just a bit faster than usual. 🙂
 What a treat though to see the bear!!

Walked 5.4 miles

🙂     🐻     🦌

We have a big bowl of Bing cherries sitting in the kitchen
and every time I walk by I eat a few.
A favorite fruit of mine.

I'm liking Anne of Green Gables a lot.
Anne is quite a character!!
I liked the Little House on the Prairie books
but like Green Gables better!

Walked around outside this afternoon.
Most of the sunflowers plants have the tops eaten off them.
They were just little things yet so maybe they will grow back.
Sure hope some of the sunflowers survive.
Also the deer have eaten all the cone flowers,
they didn't even get the chance to flower.
Oh well, hope the deer enjoyed their dinner.

That's all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
Eileen - My Kindle came with 3 free months of Unlimited Kindle.  I might just keep it after the trial period.  I've gotten free books on Amazon too.  I'll never run out of books to read that's for sure! 🙂

Bettye - Not sure I'd like raccoons living under my porch!  Perhaps animal control would remove them?


Granny Marigold said...

Good thing you didn't hang around watching that bear cub. Meeting mama bear wouldn't be fun at all.
I had to enlarge the picture to see the three deer.
And last of all...I love cherries. I think they may well be my fav. fruit.

The Furry Gnome said...

Enjoyed Anne of Green Gables three decades ago with our kids. We visited her home in PEI too.

Kathie said...

Wow! What a lovely walk! We have had bear sightings too.. I'm glad you spotted baby then skidaddled away. I love Anne of Green Gables so much! I just finished Marilla of Green Gables and enjoyed that one. God bless!

Deb J. in Utah said...

That is cool that you got three months of Kindle unlimited. Is your Kindle the paperwhite edition or the Fire. I got a Fire in 2016. I still like to read most of my books in hard copy form. That is so cool that you saw a baby bear. Have a good one and I will see you again tomorrow!

Susie said...

Yikes, scary about the bears. I would take a bell and clang it the whole time if I had to be around bears. What is eating your sunflowers. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Tom said...

...lovely foggy images!!! These Bing cherries look great, I'd have a hard time just eating a few!

Sandi said...

A bear!

Vee said...

Smart to keep on trucking seeing the baby bear. You're still carrying some spray aren't you? No, I didn't see the deer.

Cathy said...

Have you watched Ann of Green Gables on Netflix? It was sweet and entertaining. I recommend!😊

Ruth Hiebert said...

Knowing that a mama bear is near, would help to increase my walking speed as well.

Inger said...

I had forgotten that this is cherry season. Since I can't go to the store myself, I just forgot my favorite berry. Thanks for reminding me, I need to get some before they season is over. I love that you saw a baby bear. We had twin baby bears here with their mom, messing up our vegetable garden years ago now. Bears would also come and upend our garbage cans and spread the trash out all over the place. And eat the juniper berries. No sightings for years now. Not sure why.

ellen b. said...

Oh boy...I would have put it into high gear once I noticed a cub, too, for sure. I need to download or upload or whatever you call it that plant identification app! I bought the best cherries at our farmer's market this last Wednesday. Now I understand why plants around our parts are labeled in a way that let us know that deer won't eat them. ;) Once Dear's shop is done and we have our fences repaired we won't have to worry about deer in our back yard anymore. Until then I'll wait to plant things that aren't deer resistant. Have a wonderful Father's Day Sunday!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

We've been very fortunate with cherries from our trees this year.

God bless.

Hootin Anni said...

Bing cherries!! My favorite summer fruit no matter the cost (they're expensive here in Texas). And wild carrots...that's all new to me. I remember in Yellowstone, when I was a kid, I got chased by a mama bear with three cubs...scary.

eileeninmd said...


Wonderful views, I can see the deer. It is good to move away from the baby bear, the momma is near by..The cherries are delicious, I love them too. I usually have the problem of which book to read next, there are so many on my want to read list. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead.

Leslie said...

A baby bear!!! What a sight! You've got me wondering if my queen Anne's lace is actually cow parsley. My daughter has that plant app, I'm gonna have her check it for me. Hope that you have a great day. Enjoy those cherries and good reading.

Bill said...

I love cherries, it's so hard to eat just a few. I do that with grapes too when placed in a bowl, before you know it they're gone. :)
Have a great day.

Rose said...

Oh, I love those cherries, too. I miss working at the orchard...we had those dark real sweet cherries, as well as the Rainier. I did eat some, but I miss picking them, too. How exciting to see a bear cub!

Lowcarb team member said...

I think your Bing cherries look great :)

All the best Jan

Beyda'nın Kitaplığı said...

Güzel bir gün olsun. :) Kiraz çok severim.

Hill Top Post said...

How exciting to have seen the bear cub! We had the rare occasion once to see a pair of young cubs scramble up a tree. They were ever so precious! Our deer nibble everything that's not behind a fence. Millie does her best to keep them out of the yard, but sometimes they slip in while she sleeps.

Retired Knitter said...

A bear!! That sure would be a treat! And like you I would have been hoofing it fast. Mom bears are not noted for posing for pictures when their babies are around. Hahaha!!