Giving Thanks Post Day Thirty
Readers and Comments
Near the beginning of the month
on the thankful for friends post I included bloggers,
But I want to end these thankful posts by thanking
you all who take time out of your day to read my blog.
Sometimes I just can't imagine why you would want too
and it humbles me that you do.
I thank you too for the many comments you leave.
They always bring a smile to my face and heart
and sometimes a tear or two.
They are
Kind words
Encouraging words
Heartfelt words
Humorous words
Caring words
Thank You for all of them. : )
A special Thank you for the prayers you have said too.
Prayers in particular for my mother.
God has surely answered them.
My mom is doing quite good.
Her heart is still going good 8 months after her
temporary fix!!
She went to the doctor and he was amazed how good her heart was.
I am thankful to be part of the blogging world. : )
Thank You.
happyone : )
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This is the end of the Thankful posts but of course I will go on being thankful for each new day that I am given to live on this earth. Not only am I thankful for them but I will enjoy them too. : )
Nothing to do with this post but I took a couple of pictures the other day of Faith, one of Farmer Bill's horses.
One day when she stopped eating to have her picture taken.
The next day she was up to her knees in water and mud in the brook eating something that must have been good because she didn't even look up at me.
Tomorrow I'll be back to my regular blog posts about walking and every day life.
A happy day to you.
happyone : )