Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, May 31, 2019


Thanks so much to you all for the happy birthday wishes yesterday.πŸ™‚

A cloudy morning when walking and 59 degrees.
No wind to speak of.
Had a nice walk to and through town 
with a stop at the old house.
Then down a couple of side streets and home again.
Quite a few rabbits around again
and some chipmunks.

Eventually saw the sun but looking at that sky chasing me home
I thought I might get rained on but I didn't.
Was walking down the hill and turned around to take the picture.
The mowers came through here and got a bit carried away.
So many pretty wild flowers are no more.
🌸     🌸
When Ken got back from breakfast with Edd,
we loaded up the kayaks in the truck and went to
Savage River Reservoir for a few hours of kayaking.
We were going to go yesterday but the weather didn't cooperate but
today the weather was perfect.
Ken in his yellow kayak.
Me paddling along.
It was fun paddling close to land here in among the trees.
We paddled up here to the end and went till our kayaks started
getting stuck on the rocks.
We sure did enjoy our time out on the water.

Last week Ken and I got to talking about the 1960 movie,
The Swiss Family Robinson that we both liked as kids.
Looked it up on Netflix and they had it
so I put it in our queue.
It came in the mail today and we will be watching it later this evening.
It will probably be really corny but fun to watch.

 Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone πŸ₯°
Comment Replies:
Carolyn - Thank you for those kind words yesterday.  How nice you are!

Kev - Happy Birthday to you too.  Nice we share the same birthday.  Now do we share the same year?  I'm probably older than you but I was born in 1951.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

My Cake

62 degrees this morning and cloudy.
Took along my umbrella just in case but never needed it.
Walked the Hilly Loop.
Only saw one deer and he snorted at me.
A red squirrel ran across the street and it was so small
I thought at first that it was a chipmunk.
Three tiny baby bunnies were along the side of the road too.
Read that the bunnies leave the nest and are on their own at 5 weeks.
They must have been about that old.
Passed by these pretty poppies.
 First time I tried taking a video with my phone.

🌺     🌺     🌺
As I mentioned yesterday Ken spent some time in the kitchen yesterday.
He made a three layer chocolate cake. πŸŽ‚
In between the layers he put chocolate pudding and raspberry jam.
The icing is whipped cream.
It's my favorite and
he made the cake for me because today is my birthday.🎈
He is one of the best!!
There seems to be no end to his talents!!
Would be nice to share a piece with you. 🍰
It is delicious.
It's been a cool day with periods of rain on and off
so we couldn't work outside.
I spent some time reading and sewing weave-it squares together.

Mid afternoon we drove to Morgantown, WV.
We stopped in at Michael's first and looked around.
I bought more yarn for the next couple of baby blankets.
Then we had a delicious supper at Outback.

It's been a good day and enjoyable day.

Hope you enjoyed yours as well.
happyone πŸ₯°

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ken Drives the ATV over the bridge

A mix of sun and clouds this morning, 65 degrees,
and a bit windy on my walk.
Walked down, the hill, and up another to town.
Went to the post office to drop off some mail,
continued to the ball park and walked around that loop.
Back to the main road in town.
Turned right up ahead,
and walked down the back road.
This is the back of the bakery.  There was a brick building sitting behind it,
but has just been taken down and now there is a parking lot out back.
Continued on down the street to the lower cemetery.
A walk around there and then back home.
This time walking down the hill and then up another.

Today was the day for chipmunks, saw a least 6 all along my walk.

A bit warm out there today and by the time I got home my shirt was
soaked.  Would have welcomed a little rain shower!
Ken was sitting on the porch with his cup of coffee
when I walked up the driveway.
I sat outside with him and before long the breeze cooled me off.

🐿     🐿     🐿
Wasn't going to post a picture of the stone bridge till it was completely
finished but took this one today of Ken driving the ATV over it
for the first time.
He went right over with no problem at all.
The whole area needs some prettying up and that may take a while
and will take a picture then too.
Ken spent some time in the kitchen today.
Will tell you about it tomorrow!

We worked outside, some in the front and some in the back.
Had a sunny but windy day for most of the day but a
thunderstorm came by in the middle of the afternoon.

That's it for another day.
Hope your day was happy one.
happyone πŸ₯°
Comment Replies:
Rose - Yes, like the house hidden in the trees.  It is great living in the woods.  

Vee - I was the first to walk across the bridge and then we both walked over together.

Aritha - I think the geese and babies are 'cute' too.

Eileen - Yes, they are white flowers.  Here's a picture of the whole bush/tree.  Tom says it is called Fringe Tree.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Removing the wood!

Another picture from yesterday.
My walk this morning started off rainy and 59 degrees
and a bit windy too.
Didn't wear my rain slicker because I would have been too warm
so just took my umbrella.
Rained steady the first mile and a half, then just a drizzle,
and finally on the way home it was just cloudy.

Walked to and through town and around the ball park loop.
A stop at the old house, back through town and home.

 A quiet walk but a good one!

Coming up around the last curve before getting home I used to be
able to have a good view of our house.
Now with the leaves filled in I can barely see it.
 House chores done this morning and then we went out and
got a few errands done.

After lunch I helped Ken with his stone bridge.
He first made the arch out wood.
Then put the stones on edge over the wood.
Today we took the wood out from under the arch.
  We were a bit apprehensive that the bridge would collapse
when the wood was removed but all the stones stayed
put and we now have a stone arched bridge.
We walked over it many times amazed that we could!
Tomorrow we will try driving the ATV over it and then the tractor.
Still have some work to do and will take a picture when
the whole thing is completed.

We had a sunny afternoon but it was very windy.
Strong thunder storms were predicted but so far nothing.

After supper we sat out on the front porch.
It's been a good day and for that I am
truly thankful. πŸ™‚

Hope your day has been a good and happy one.
happyone  πŸ₯°

Monday, May 27, 2019

Afternoon BBQ

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ     πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ     πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
A cloudy morning after a night of rain.
When I left on my walk it was 59 degrees and calm.
Walked to town and around both of the cemeteries.
No one around and only a few cars.
Guess people are sleeping in because of the holiday.

Walked down by the Drane house to see the bulls.
There seems to be only these two guys left.
Looking pretty lush and a bit over grown around the pond.
Saw a few bunnies, a chipmunk, ground hog,
and a bunch of different birds.
Red-Windged Black birds
A Bluebird
Gray Cat Bird
Downy Woodpecker
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ     πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ     πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
First thing after breakfast I got busy making a dessert
to bring to the BBQ we went to this afternoon.
It is quick and easy and no baking.
Everyone liked it and there were no leftovers to bring home.

Had a good time at the BBQ.
There was lots of good food, games to play, 
and much laughter.
There is a walking path that runs past the back yard
where we were and 6 of us decided to take a little walk.
There come Tricia, Becky, and Courtney
up the path.
I was with Betty and Linda and we waited for them to catch up.
 The loop was a mile long
and we passed by a couple of ponds along the way.
Two geese families were enjoying nice weather too.
A nice sunny day in the 70's.
Perfect for being outside.

Think I'll forgo a snack tonight,
ate quite enough this afternoon.

That's about it for today.
Hope you found the joy in your day.
happyone πŸ₯°

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Pictures from my morning walk

I Chronicles 29:11

Thine, O Lord is the greatness, 
and the power, 
and the glory, 
and the victory, 
and the majesty: 
for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; 
thine is the kingdom, O Lord
and thou art exalted as head above all.

Was just going to post one picture from my walk this morning,
but couldn't decide which one,
so here are all of them.

On the way home from church this morning 
we saw a big black bear run across the street!!

A Blessed Sunday to you all.
God is Good all the time. ❣️
happyone πŸ₯° 


Saturday, May 25, 2019

A day around home

Didn't take a morning walk but did get out to walk later.
Went up the lane
and walked around Happy Trails.
Saw these tiny yellow daisy like wildflowers along the lane.
Looked them up on line and think they are
Lesser Celandine.
Is that right Tom? 
It was a beautiful sunny day and we spent most of it outside
working in the yard.

Had to go down to the old house to mow the lawn there.
While I mowed Ken dug up some more flowers
and we brought them home and planted them here around the house
in the woods.  
Don't want any formal gardens that will have to be weeded.
Just want it all to look natural.
Late afternoon it clouded up and we had some lightning and thunder
but just a little bit of rain and then it was sunny again.

We enjoyed the day just being around home.
We are so blessed to live here in the woods.

We watched a deer with her fawn in the back yard.
It must have just been born because it was the tiniest little thing.
 What a joy it was to watch them together. 

Well that's about it for today.
Hope you found the joy in your day.
happyone πŸ₯°

Just a word about the cutter.  It is just not possible to cut a finger cut off using it.  In order for the blade to come down there are two buttons that have to be pushed at the exact same time and they are at a distance apart that you have to use both your hands.
It just won't work if only one is pushed.  So no need to be concerned.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Cutting Machine

Only had time for a short 3 mile walk yesterday
as we had to leave for Fingerprints.
We had a good work day yesterday.
We assembled, stapled, cut, and boxed up 6,057 Romans Books.
Worked from 9 in the morning till 6 in the evening.
We ran out of material so had to quit working a little early.
A trip to Staunton, VA to pick up another pallet before
we work again next month will be coming up soon for Ken and I.
I usually work on one of the staple machines, 
but help out where needed too.
I do everything but cut.
But that changed yesterday when Ken showed me 
how to use the cutting machine.  
The machine was a bit intimidating at first but once 
I got going it was very easy and it is now my favorite thing to do.
Here I am working on the cutter.
πŸ“–     πŸ“–     πŸ“–
This morning when I walked the temperature was 55 degrees F
with a slight breeze and sunny.
Headed to town.
Had a library book to return but it was An Echo in the Bone and 
it has over 800 pages and heavy so decided not to take it!!
 Just down the road from home I spotted this little bunny
sitting on the edge of the road.
This was as close as I could get before he ran away.
Once to town I walked down the road to the lower cemetery.
If you look closely you will see another bunny there on the left
side of the road enjoying a spot of sunshine.
Walked around the cemetery and then made a stop at the old house.
(We are optimistic about the viewing the other day.  
The man who came really liked it 
and is bringing his wife to see the house next week.)

From the house walked back through town, down the hill,
and turned in here to back home.
It is always nice once I turn off the highway back to
the peaceful country road.
πŸ‘Ÿ     πŸ‘Ÿ
When Ken got back from breakfast with Edd
we went down to LaVale to do a little shopping.
 We were delayed on the way home in traffic on 68.
(We should have gone the back way!)
There were 3 accidents.
As we passed by one of them I said a prayer for all involved.
5 vehicles were involved, an 18 wheeler, a pickup truck,
2 cars and a motorcycle.  
A scary thought thinking about the guy on the motorcycle.
We often pass by this old barn and I always want to stop
and take a picture.
Today as we were stopped in traffic I took the picture.
When we got home I put the groceries away
(thankfully we didn't buy any frozen or cold items) 
and Ken went out back to work in the yard till suppertime.
I went outside for a while but didn't do any work.

That's it for today.
Find the joy in your day and be thankful for it. πŸ˜€
happyone πŸ₯°
Comment Replies:
Thank you Tom for identifying the Dame's Rocket for me and all the others.  When I posted the picture I said to Ken, I bet Tom will know what it is.  AND YOU DID. πŸ‘

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My Wednesday

 On my walk it was
47 degrees F this morning with a mix of sun and clouds
and very windy.

Walked to town.
At the edge of town in a yard sits the largest
Rhododendron bush I've ever seen.
Walked to the post office and dropped mail down the slot.
Then made a stop at the old house,
went to the lower cemetery and walked that loop 
and then back home again.
Another pretty quiet walk and didn't see any one else out.
A couple of deer were around as well as lots of birds.

I don't know what these flower/weeds are called but
these pretty wild flowers are all over the place.
They grow tall on thin stems.
🌸     🌸
Ken worked outside again out back today.
I stayed inside in the morning getting house stuff done.
Was going to go outside around 11:00 but started reading my book
and read till lunch time and finished it.

After lunch I went outside but didn't do much.
Watched Ken and walked around a lot.

When it was a break time for Ken we sat
out on the front porch and ate ice cream cones.
Doesn't that sound nice!

It's Wednesday so we are off to church in just a bit.
Might not have time for blogging tomorrow.
It's Fingerprint Day.
If not tomorrow I'll be back on Friday.

That's it for today.
Find the joy in your day and be thankful for it.
happyone πŸ₯°
Comment Replies:
Lisa - One weave-it square takes about 10 minutes or so.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Cooler than yesterday morning at 44 degrees F but sure nice for walking.
Just a slight breeze and mostly cloudy but did see blue sky
from time to time.

Walked the Hilly Route.
I pass under the high voltage wires and can hear them crackle.
I've been told that bears walk down the power line clearing
but I've never seen one there.
A nice quiet walk and no cars till I reached the highway 3 miles away.
Kind of neat being able to walk down the middle of the road!!
Saw a few deer, Red Winged Black birds, and heard the gobble of a wild turkey.
πŸ‘Ÿ     πŸ‘Ÿ
A nice cool sunny day and we spent most of the day
again outside working out in the back.
Ken still on his bridge and me on clearing and fence building.

This is the progress I've made on the latest baby blanket.
 Not colors you would think of for a baby blanket but I like them.
(Ken picked out the colors)
Got a quite a lot done in less than a week.
That's it for today.
Find the joy in your day and be thankful for it.
happyone πŸ₯°

Monday, May 20, 2019


πŸ¦‹      πŸ¦‹
Windy this morning and a warm 62 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds
when I left on my walk.
I was glad for the wind to keep me cool.
Walked to town and down the main street,
then over to the post office to drop some mail down the slot.
A stop at the old house,
(Another viewing scheduled for tomorrow)
and over to the ball park and walked the loop around there.

Some of the rhododendron in town have started to bloom.
Walked back through town and home.
Saw a couple of very bright gold finches
and a chipmunk.  
Pretty quiet around town.
 πŸ¦‹     πŸ¦‹
A nice sunny day and the wind stayed around all day.
We worked out back just about the whole day.
Ken harvested more rocks for his bridge and then put them on the bridge.
I cut and cleared sticker bushes out back.
Picked up lots a dead fall too.
 The day just zoomed by.

Saw a Scarlet Tanager out front and
wow are they pretty.
Don't think I've ever seen one in person.
Took a picture but with the cell phone camera just
couldn't get a good one.
Times like this I miss having a 'real' camera.

It's Monday so we went to Brenda's again for pizza.
I look forward to Monday's!!

Reading this evening and also working on the latest baby blanket.
I'll have enough done tomorrow to post a picture of the progress.

That's been my day.
Hope you made yours day a happy one.
happyone πŸ₯°