Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, June 30, 2022


55 degrees this morning and once again sunny when walking.
Drove to town but parked in the library parking lot this time.
The pond parking lot still had all the repaving equipment
there and it's where all the workers meet.

Most of the paving is done.
This is where they got to yesterday.

Nice walking on the new road.

Walked around the lower cemetery and 
then to the industrial park and walked around there.
Through town and back down the road toward home for about 
a mile, turned around, then back to town 

Saw a new person out running but she was listening to 
something with earbuds so don't even think she knew I
said good morning and just kept on running.
Can't help but think of all she isn't seeing and hearing 
on such a beautiful morning.

The usual deer, rabbits, and birds out enjoying the morning too.

It was a lovely walk and for that I am truly thankful.

Walked 6 miles

☀️    ❤️    🌸

Good day for laundry so got a load washed and out on the line.

We went to the library to pick up a couple more books
for each of us.

Ken dug up a couple of asparagus plants and David and Liz
came by to pick them up.  
They are going to plant them by the cabin.

Another nice sunny day in the 70's.
Spent some time walking around outside and then
it was time to sit out on the porch again.

That's all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you. 🤗
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂

Comment Replies:
Ann - The view that you liked in yesterdays collage was where the 21 house lots were. So glad Farmer Marvin bought the land.

Kim - I've been using the Norwex clothes for a while and love them.  The dusting mitt is great too!

Rose - It is nice to walk to town once in a while but I prefer driving to town and walking.  I meet more people and I guess I'm just nosey and like to see all that is going on in town.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Walking to town

 52 degrees and sunny this morning when walking.
A little different walk today.
Instead of driving to town 
I walked there.
It is a tad over 2 miles to town.

Had to mail a couple of things so when I got to town
went to the post office.
From there it was to the ball park and walked that loop.
Then up and down the main road and then headed
back home.

The workers are still working on road paving so I picked a
good day not to drive there.

Didn't see anyone else out walking though I wasn't
in town for very long.

Saw a few deer, rabbits and a ground hog on the way home.
Some of you may remember the little pesky dog Kai
who ran out after me when I walked past her house to town.
She was there again today barking her fool head off.

Walking home once I left the main road.

It was nice walking to town for a change but I still would
rather drive to town and walk around there.

Two miles to town,
two miles around town,
and two miles back home again 
for my 6 miles.

☀️    🥾    😊

Did a few chores around the house this morning.
Afternoon spent walking around outside and 
reading on the porch and then just sitting there
listening to the birds and feeling the breeze.

We've been watching White Cottage Company on YouTube
and I love watching Mary do all her crafts.
She is amazing in all she does.
Watched her make soap a little while ago and was surprised
today when a package arrived in the mail.
Ken bought me some.
I love home made soap!!

Liz and David spotted this sticker and couldn't resist getting it for me.
They stopped by for a few minutes to give it to me.
Perfect isn't it?
Going to put it on my Jeep.

I made Spicy Chicken for supper tonight.
It was delicious with a side of macaroni salad.

That's all for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you. 🤗
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂

Comment Replies:
Vee - I'm sure there are restrictions on the size of the house that can built on the lot.  Was thinking that maybe one of the neighboring properties would buy it.  Will be interesting to see what happens with it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Cool Morning

 A nice cool morning at 47 degrees and full sun.
Started out wearing a sweatshirt but walking and the sun soon
had me warm so back to the Jeep to drop off the sweatshirt.

A different view of the pond.

Driving to town I saw 5 deer all in the road.
I stopped and they all went off in different directions.

Walked around the cemeteries, the ball park and around town.

The road that goes from the cemeteries to the ball park is 
getting prepared to be resurfaced. 
It has been cut and now is being brushed clean.

Look at all that road dust.
I turned left here to walk around the ball park.

I went on Zillow to look at the lot that I posted a picture of 
yesterday by the cemetery that is for sale.
You might what to check it out 
There are lots of pictures of the lot and views of the whole town.
You can get a good overview of where I walk.

Joy was out walking today but we just waved because
we were too far away.

Walked 6 miles

☀️    🥾    🌼

We made a quick stop at the Shop and Save because
we were getting very low on ice cream.
Also picked up some milk and cheese too.

Didn't do much of anything.
Nice to take the day off.
Walked around out back and sat out on the deck.
Just in the 60's today with nothing by sunshine so the weather was delightful.

Life is Good
Thanks for the visit.
A happy day to you. 🤗
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂

Comment Replies:
Vee -there was a house on the lot before so yes, the lot is big enough for a house. 

Monday, June 27, 2022


 64 degrees and raining this morning when I started walking.
It had rained during the night (1 1/2 inches) and was supposed 
to be stopping any time.  
Took my umbrella and only had to use it for the first mile before the rain stopped.
 Then went to the Jeep and dropped off the umbrella and picked up
a card and a flyer. Had left them in the Jeep till it stopped raining.

Walked over to the post office and mailed the card and then
continued over to the laundromat where I hung up a flyer for
Bible Time on the bulletin board.

Next place to walk to was the industrial park and walked around there.

Back through town and a couple times around the ball park loop.
The stream there was very muddy from all the rain.

Also walked around the upper cemetery.
By this time the sun was shining.

Right across the street from the lower cemetery is a vacant lot.
A house was there when we first moved here but it was demolished
a while back. 

You many remember me mentioning this lot a little while ago 
saying that is was being cleaned up.
So I wasn't surprised today to see a For Sale Sign.

Didn't see any people out walking.

Walked 6 miles

🌧    ☁️    🌤     🌸

First thing after breakfast I put some pork chops in the
slow cooker with some BBQ sauce to let them cook all day.

Baked some more chocolate chip cookies for Bible Time.
5 dozen this time so now 15 dozen are done and I just have to
bake another 5 dozen.

Finished the baby blanket for July.
If you care to see how it turned out you can find it 

We had the swing on the deck and decided to move it
where the old BBQ was.

Made mashed potatoes and corn on the cob to go with the
pork chops for supper.
It's been a good day and it isn't over yet.
There is ice cream to look forward too.

Life is Good
A happy day to you. 🤗
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Skies and a memory verse

Happy Sunday

A sunrise from this past week.

Sunrise Today

Mid day one day last week.

🌼    🌺    🌸 

This months Bible verse at church for us to learn as a church is,

📖 1 John 3:2 📖
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, 
and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: 
but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; 
for we shall see him as he is.

A Blessed Sunday to all.
Jesus Loves You ❤️
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone 🤗

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Paint Splattered

58 degrees, calm, and lots of sunshine walking this morning.
(by the end of my walk it was 64 degrees)

Walked all around town and through it to the curve in the road where
I turned around.
Made a few extra turns around the ball park loop because
most of it is in the shade.

I saw Joy walking but I was leaving the parking lot when she
walked by so just gave her a wave.
She was the only person I saw.

Pretty flowers I got to see along my walk.

I thought these petunias were most unusual and so pretty.
Look like they are paint spattered.

Looks like this vehicle was in a demolition derby.

Walked 6 miles

☀️    🥾    🌺

We made a quick trip to the Dollar General for a few things.

Ken went outside and took apart the stone BBQ that he made.
He was never happy with it and is now building another one in a different place.
The patio swing will be moved to where the BBQ used to be.
Once completed there will be pictures.

While he was outside doing that I was inside making salads.
Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad and

There was way too much salad for the two of us so we
invited David and Liz over for supper to help us eat the salads
and hotdogs.

Worked some more on the baby blanket and I'm sure it will
be done in two days time.

Most days I spend late afternoon sitting on the porch
reading and did that again today.

Life is Good
A happy day to you.🤗
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today.🙂

Comment Replies:
GrannyM - The Mennonites here wear long skirts or dresses and the married women wear white caps. Yes, there is an Amish community here.

Nellie - No, it hasn't been very hot here, just nice spring like days.  

Ann - I'm with you! I also dislike shopping at Walmart!

Friday, June 24, 2022


A calm sunny morning with a temperature of 55 degrees.

First walked over to the library to drop off a book,
then continued on through and around town.
Next came the cemeteries and then down the main road
toward home a ways before turning around and heading back to the Jeep.

John was walking his dog and Lisa was out walking.

Some Queen Anne's Lace is starting to bloom here and there.
Seems a bit early to me.

The woman with the yard sale yesterday was setting up again for today.
I stopped to talk with her for bit.
Nice to meet another person in town.
Her name is Carrie.
She commented that she sees me walking every day.
Didn't ask how far or how long it takes me but one of these days
she will ask.  Every one does. 😄

Noticed that Kermit got a load of gravel delivered.
Makes me wonder what his newest project is.

The blue birds at the cemetery are just too quick for me to get
a picture, but enjoy seeing them there.

Walking along I saw two pancakes sitting at the edge of the road.
There was no wrapper or container, 
just two perfectly made pancakes.
That was a first!

Walked 6 miles

☀️    🥾    🌸    😊    🌺

When I got home I walked down the driveway to get the mail
from yesterday.
A couple of my neighbor cows were down by the fence.

A new grocery store opened up in Grantsville a month or so ago and today
we went there to check it out.
It's run by Mennonites. 
A lot of the items are cheaper than the Shop and Save and they
have a great produce section.
Though we just went to look we came home with,
Corn, cucumbers, lettuce, red peppers, and a few other items.
(before you ask, no, the horse out front is NOT real) 😀

BUT on the way home we did see a real horse and buggy.

Finished up the last bit of housework this afternoon.
Got some more squares sewn together on the baby blanket.
This evening I'll make some more squares. 
(only 14 more to go)

Sat out on the porch and read for a while too.

Pizza day so got the dough made in the bread machine
and Ken made the actual as usual.

Life is Good
A happy day to you. 🤗
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂

Comment Replies:
Vee - The fire pit will be used on the 4th of July for roasting hotdogs.  This fire pit will get used often!!!

A few people mentioned the rock I took a picture of in mid flight.  No skill in doing that, it was just dumb luck!!

Thursday, June 23, 2022


 After supper yesterday I cut up an apple that was getting old 
and put it out back on a rock which I do every once in a while.
The deer usually come and eat it.

I looked out the window and saw Rocky Raccoon sitting
on the rock eating it.  
He lives in an old tree out back and we see him coming or going
once in a while.

🦝    🦝    🦝

This morning it was 62 degrees when I started my walk.
There was a mix of sun and clouds.

Walked around both cemeteries, the ball park loop, and all around town.

At the lower cemetery I saw a truck pull in with a digger on
a trailer.  A new grave will be getting dug later today.

Finally had a Robin sit still so I could take a picture.

A thunder storm came through last night and dumped a good
amount of rain on us.
The rain gauge said 2 1/2 inches.

That was good for the corn
which comes up to mid thigh now.

Saw some deer and rabbits.
This must be a good year for rabbits, so many of them around.

A woman was setting up for a yard sale but I just said
good morning and past right by.

Didn't see any of the usual people out walking.

Walked 6 miles

🌤    🥾    🌸

I've been wanting pancakes for breakfast the past few days
and today I finally made them.

More house work to do this morning.
Saved one more job for tomorrow.

Ken loaded a bunch of stones in the dump trailer this morning.
Then after lunch we took them to church.
Pastor Matt, our youth pastor was making a fire pit
and we told him we had all the stones he would need!!

They unloaded the stones.
Notice I captured a stone in mid air.

Ken and Pastor Matt making the fire pit.

Finished - Only took them 40 minutes.

When we got back home we sat on the porch and had a drink.
After Ken went inside I read till I had to come in and make supper.

Life is Good
A happy day to you. 🤗
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

34 years


This morning when I went walking it was 68 degrees
with a mix of sun and clouds.

Walked around town and past the library and dropped a couple
of books down the drop for Ken.

Headed over to the industrial park and walked all around there.

Walked around the ball park loop a couple of times and then
back to the Jeep.
I was a bit earlier than usual and didn't see anyone else out.
Figured I'd take advantage of these light mornings.

On the way home I saw a half dozen wild turkeys running
in the field.  Tried to get a picture but wasn't able to.

Walked 6 miles

This month is my walking anniversary month.
Started taking morning walks back in June of 1988, 34 years ago.

🌸    🌤    🥾

Ken has been cleaning up in the basement and had quite a lot
of junk to throw away.
So Ken loaded up the back of the truck and we went to the dump.

Got some house cleaning done this morning and some laundry
hung out on the line.
The clothes were already dried before lunch.

It was a nice sunny day so spent some time outside.
Did some weeding.

Then it was nice to relax and sit on the front porch and read.

Life Is Good

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Wednesday to you. 🤗
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂

Comment Replies:
Tom and Galle - Thanks for identifying the pink flower of yesterday as (rose) Spirea  Salicifolia.  

Debi - This LINK will explain all about weave-its.

Debby - I can find the followers of my blog, just can't get to their blogs by clicking on their name like I used to do. 
Yes, we will take the Romans books to Bedford and when we do we will pick up the next pallet to do.

Deb - The Fingerprint Ministry at church is once a month. It was just different this month with so much work because of the cutter being broken for the past few months. 

Vee - Got the black petunias just because they were different and I'd never had them before.

Three Debbie's had questions and did you notice all three
spell their name differently.
My daughter's name is spelled

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Finished at last

Happy First Day of Summer.

It was a cloudy morning walk and 58 degrees.
Sunrise 5:49
Sunset 8:48

Deer were roaming around out back when I got up.
Saw a deer on the way to town.
Then saw two more off in the distance in this empty lot in the tall grass.

Had a nice walk all over town, both cemeteries and the ball park.

Lots of rabbits hopping around again.
I counted 6 of them!
Nice variety of birds too.
Red Winged black birds
Mourning Dove
and the usual Crows and Robins.

Rebecca was out running.

Don't know what this flower is but thought it was pretty.

Walked 6 miles

☁️    🙂    🌸    🥾 

Another day of working at church trimming the Romans books.
Happy to say we are now finished.

We worked from 9:30 to 1:30 with a break in there for lunch.
Packed a lunch of salami and provolone cheese sandwiches,
some potato chips, and cherries for dessert.

It took us 4 days but we have 48 boxes each with 
420 Romans books in them. 
That comes to 20,160.

In a few weeks we will be loading them up in the trailer and
bringing them to Bedford, Pa to Beacon of Truth where they will be 
shipped to missionaries who will hand them out to anyone
who wants them.
This bunch will be shipped to I believe Central America.

Stopped at the library on the way home to pick up another
book I had reserved. This time that was the only book I left with!

When we got home I gave all the plants outside a good watering.
Here's some pink petunias and this year I bought some black ones
which I think are a pretty strange color for a flower.

Working on making weave-it squares for July's baby blanket
and have quite a lot done already.

I remember when you used to have a new follower on your blog
that you could click on the name and it would take you to their blog.
  Now you can't do that and you can only see their blog if
they leave a comment.

Well that's all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by.

👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂 Be the reason someone smiles today. 🙂

Comment Replies:
Melanie - Yes, stray cats count. : ) Yes, the Romans books are handed out like tracts.
It is called the Fingerprint Ministry in our church.  Here's a post about it.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Colorful Bench

Temperature was 53 degrees this morning when I walked.
Calm, cloudy, and occasionally a few rain drops here and there.

Walked the cemeteries, the ball park and around town.


Saw a couple of deer on my way to town and lots of
rabbits in town.

Some time ago I did a picture series of benches.
This must be a new bench because I doubt that I would
have missed this colorful one!

Saw Lisa, Rebecca, and Joy this morning walking.

Walked 6 miles

☁️    🥾    🙂

We ate breakfast, I got the sheets hung out on the line to dry,
and then we left for church to get some more Roman's books trimmed.
We worked about 4 hours.

This is one of the totes and we emptied 4 of them.

Left before being trimmed.
Right after being trimmed.

Had to get the sheets off the line and make the bed when
we got home and that's all I did around the house.

We made chicken quesadillas for supper.

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Monday. 🤗
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
😀 Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today 😀