Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Sunday, October 31, 2021

Zig Zag

 Happy Sunday
Another rainy day so this sunrise is from a previously day.

🌧    🙂    🌧

The Zig Zag Path

We climbed the height by the zig zag path,
And wondered why; Until!
We understood it was made zig zag,
To break the force of the hill.
A road straight up would prove too steep,
For the traveler's feet to tread.
The thought was kind in its wise design,
Of a zig zag path instead.
It is often so in our daily life;
We fail to understand,
That the twisting way our feet must tread
By His love alone was planned.
So, murmur not at the winding way;
It is our Father's will,
To lead us Home by the zig zag path,
To break the force of the hill...

- Unknown -

🙂 God Bless you as you travel your zig zag road in life. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Saturday, October 30, 2021

More Rain

 Another rainy morning for walking but this time there
was no wind and it was just a light drizzly rain and 44 degrees.
So with my rain gear on I walked all 6 miles outside.

Walked all over town, around both cemeteries and the ball park.

No one else was out on this fine rainy morning.

Didn't spot the mushroom right away,
it blends in so well with the leaves.

🍁    🌧    🍁

A drive to town after breakfast to the Dollar General as we do
most every Saturday.

Knitted a bit on the hat again and so far so good.

In the afternoon we got a little break from the rain and
 hiked around Happy Trails.
It was quite soggy so we didn't stay out too long.

Did some reading before supper.
Supper was rice and sweet and sour chicken.

I'll be making some weave-it squares this evening.

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Saturday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone  ❤️

Daylight saving time:
 Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Knitting mistake and Bench Number 1

 Woke up to lots of rain, wind, and the temperature was 40 degrees.
I already got wet three times this week while walking and
didn't feel like going for four so did my walking down
in the basement.
3 miles before breakfast and 3 miles after breakfast.
Thankful I have this option!!

A French toast breakfast this morning hit the spot.

I was just about done with the hat I'm knitting when
I realized I made a major mistake.
Ripped a bunch of it out to where I made the mistake,
but when I tried to get the stitches back on the needle
I just couldn't get them all back on.
Sooooo I ripped the whole thing out and started over.
Well at least I won't make that mistake again!!

It's been a lazy rainy day and really didn't get a thing done.

Since I've been inside all day didn't take any pictures I
decided to post the first bench pictures in the
Bench Series
Bench Number 1

It is by the brick church on the corner in town.

A wider picture includes the wishing well.
There is a box where you can drop off prayer requests.

I'm off now to have homemade pizza for supper.

That's all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Anonymous :  Would you please leave a name so I know who you are.  Thanks. 🙂

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The last sunflower

 Woke up a little late again this morning.
I think my body is adjusting to the time change next month.
Got to town just after 7:00 to begin my walk.

Saw a couple of deer on my way to town and one of them
I almost hit.  She ran right in front of me but thankfully 
I have good brakes and she was fast.
It was the closest I've ever come to hitting one!

It was 42 degrees this morning and a nice fall morning.
A mix of sun and clouds.

Walking down from the cemetery on the hill I saw Rebecca
going up.  Told her I left a message on the mirror.
She laughed and said, "I thought that must have been you leaving
those messages."
Today I left 'have a happy day'.

A young mother was walking her baby in a stroller around
the ball park.  Her baby was so cute with a hat that had bunny ears.

Nice getting to town a little bit later and being able to walk in the sun.
Looking forward to getting the time back to normal and then I sure
wish they'd leave it alone!!

Walked around town collecting some Bench Pictures for the
Bench Series coming up soon. 

I spotted this pretty sunflower which I think is the last one blooming in town.

Walked 6 miles 👟

🌤    🎃    🌤

We had some of the pumpkin bread for breakfast.
Ken likes his plain but I like a bit of butter on mine.

Drove over to Grantsville to Walgreens and then
went for a little ride before coming back home.

Ken went outside after lunch but I had a few things I needed to do.
Made Macaroni Salad for our supper to go with hamburgers.
Then used up THE LAST of that PUMPKIN and made another
crustless pumpkin pie.

I removed the husks from the Walnuts I found
which was very easy.  I just stepped on them, moved them around
a bit and the husks came right off.
I only have 9 walnuts - thought I'd start off with just a few
to see how it went.
Then washed them with the hose the best I could.
(did remember to wear gloves)

Now they just have to sit and dry a couple of weeks before
I can take the nuts out.

Got some more knitting done.
I'm working on a hat for Liz.
Love the yarn and the color and if I have any yarn left 
I'm going to make myself one too.

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you.

Comment Replies:
Vee - The size of the can of pumpkin is a #10 can and has about 12 1/2 cups of pumpkin in it!!  That's a LOT of pumpkin!! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

More Pumpkin Bread!!

 Looked outside when I got up and it was dark, foggy, and raining.
Decided to wait until it was light before walking.
While waiting for it to get light I walked 2 miles down
in the basement around Ken's train layout.

Then had breakfast and did a couple morning chores around the house.
By that time it was just foggy with a slight mist
so that's when I drove to town and walked the other 4 miles.
40 degrees.

No one else about.
It was even quieter around town mid morning with no
school buses and people going to work.

Walked around the cemeteries, ball park, and a quick trip
around town.

Path behind the ball park.

☁️    👟    ☁️

Finished my chores when I got back home and then it was lunch time.

Ken went outside to work on the bridge even though
things were still wet.  He still has a bit more to do
with some rocks and fill.
He needs some dry weather though.

I stayed in the house this afternoon.
Baked another batch of Pumpkin Bread and now I have 8
loaves sitting in the freezer.
Don't think I'll buy that HUGE can of pumpkin again!
Will for sure be giving some loaves away.

Finished out the afternoon reading, knitting,
and started a jigsaw puzzle.

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Wednesday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 The temperature was 47 degrees, it was dark with lots of rain 
and even some wind thrown in there when
I went walking this morning.

Walked all over town, around the ball park,
and just the lower cemetery.

Not much happening on my walk today.
Didn't see anyone else out.

Took a picture of me in my rain outfit in the reflection of the fire house door
and it's the only picture I took walking.

Walked 6 miles

🌧    🌧    🌧

We went food shopping at Shop and Save right after breakfast
and then just stayed put in the house the rest of the day.
Not a very pleasant day to be outside in all the rain and wind.
A lot of the leaves have come down!!

Enjoyed a nice day puttering about the house.
Did a couple crossword puzzles.

Supper tonight was fried bell peppers (from our little garden),
onions, and sausage in a burrito shell.

That's all I've got for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Tuesday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
MsBB - We see bears once in awhile but thankfully they are scaredy-cats and run away.

Monday, October 25, 2021


 This morning it was back to walking in town
54 degrees, dark, and clear.
The last half hour the sun finally came over the mountain
and I got to walk in the sunshine.

I saw three deer on my way to town, and two more on my way home.

Saw Joy out walking at two different times.
We stopped for a short chat each time.

Walked all over town, both cemeteries and the ball park.

The walnut tree I pass has started dropping walnuts
and I picked up 6 of them.
(that's all I could carry - 3 in each hand)

I found this LINK telling about how to get to the nuts.
Tomorrow I'm going to take a bag with me and get more walnuts.

I walked 6 miles

🌤    👟    🎃

The two loads of laundry I hung out on the line dried super quick
in the sun and breeze.

This morning I made 2 loaves of English Muffin Loaves.

Pictures taken from the top of our driveway.

My neighbor

This afternoon I went to see how Ken's bridge is coming along.
Here's a picture from the other day.

This is what it looked like when I saw it today.

Now he just has to clear things up a bit and then back fill.

Back at the house I read a while before supper.

Supper was hot ham and cheese sandwiches and 
French fries made in the air fryer.

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Monday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
GrannyM - I've never seen hunters on the state land but have heard gun shots.  We always wear bright orange when we are in the woods. This week it is bear hunting season so I'll stay off the state land.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Sky, A verse, and a hike

 Happy Sunday
The morning sky a few days ago.

The Bible verse we learned this month at church was
James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: 
for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, 
which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

📖    📖

I don't usually blog about my Sunday walk but since it was a
bit different so thought I would.

I waited till it was light out to walk but didn't go to town.
Decided to hike all 6 miles around Happy Trails
and a little on the state land.
It does take longer hiking than walking.
It took me about 25 minutes to walk one mile.
This is the corner of our property and it is all state
land above here.

I usually trudge up the hill to the state land trail through the woods but
always go a different way.
David made me a switch back trail that leads right to the trail
which makes things so much easier.

This is a trail on the state land which I walked down.

It leads to the fire road which has trails off of it.

I hiked 3 miles in the morning and it was 44 degrees and cloudy.
Went back to the house in time to watch church on FaceBook.

After lunch I went back outside and hiked the other 3 miles.
By then the sun had come out and it was 58 degrees.

In the morning I saw a doe and her little one who was quite big.
In the afternoon I saw a doe and then later saw a 6 point buck run across
the trail about 20 feet away.

It was a wonderful hike through the woods and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Still I wouldn't want to do it every day.
One thing it takes up too much time and
I really do enjoy my town walk in the morning.

A Blessed Sunday to all.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Sue - I LOVE my air fryer.  It is very easy to use and an easy cleanup too.  The brand is Ninja.  I use it often!!

MsBB - Yes, I did notice those stairs.  It is a very old house so I guess you have to expect a little sinking! : )

Saturday, October 23, 2021

A Rainy Day Walk

 Woke up to a dark rainy morning at my normal time but
just didn't feel like a walk in the dark and rain.
I turned over to go back to sleep but was too wide awake 
so I got up.

I waited until it was almost light out though before I went to
town for my walk.
It was 44 degrees and still raining and rained the whole time.

Didn't see anyone else out in the rain.

Planned on just walking 4 miles but after that I thought
I'd go another mile and then once had 5 miles down,
thought I might as well walk the last mile.
So I got in all 6 miles.
I'm so glad I got out there and walked because 
I would have regretted not walking for the rest of the day. 🙂

My rain paints and slicker work great for about 4 miles and then
water starts running down my neck and down the front of my
slicker and I end up getting wet.

I stopped to listen to the rain falling on the dried up corn
and took a video so you could hear the sound too.
Hope the video works.

🌧    🎃    🌧

This it the last stairs picture in the series.
Number 24

In a couple of weeks or so I plan to start another series.
Think it will be benches.
Not all that many around town but enough to have a little series.

🍁    🌧    🍁

Sure felt great to get back home in a nice warm dry house.
Thought oatmeal would be the perfect breakfast
and it was - with brown sugar.

Needed eggs so we made a quick trip to the Dollar General
and picked up a few other things while we were there.
I got this cute pot holder for my collection and put it up on the wall
with the others.

The rain continued all day and it was a great day to relax
and read and knit.

Made Potato Salad after lunch which we ate for supper
with breaded shrimp.  They were frozen and I cooked them in the air fryer.

Well that's all I have for today.
A happy day to you. 🙂
Thanks for visiting.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Friday, October 22, 2021

Bridge Progress

 This morning it was 44 degrees.
At first there was a very light mist but then it was just cloudy.

Walked all around town and around the industrial park.
Didn't see anyone else out.

Most of my walk is in the dark now so no opportunities 
to take any pictures until it gets light.

👟 Walked 6 miles ☁️

Stairs Number 22
Two concrete ones today.

🍁    🎃    🍁

This morning we made a trip to the dump to get rid of our trash.
Got gas while we were out and stopped at the lumber yard
in town on the way back.

I made some more Pumpkin Bread and now have 5 loaves of it in the freezer.  
Still have more pumpkin to use so tomorrow I'll probably make more.
Last year we bought one of those huge cans of pumpkin and
that's what I'm trying to use up.

Had my little afternoon hike around HT and stopped to take
a picture of the bridge progress.
A bunch of years ago we were at an auction and a
radio tower came up for bid.
It started at $2 and didn't get any bids.
Ken just couldn't believe no one wanted it so he raised his hand
 and we were the proud owners of a 32 foot long radio tower.
I said what on earth are we going to do with that.
Ken just smiled and said it will come in handy some day.
Well he was right it did come in handy.
He cut it in three parts and is using it for the bridge.

A different view

The bridge is just over a gully now but at times there is running water.

Just as I was getting back to the house it started to drizzle.
Before supper I did a little knitting and read.
Got pizza dough going in the bread machine
and now Ken is making us pizza for supper.

Thanks once again for stopping by.
A happy Friday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Anni - I use canned pumpkin too for my pie but not the recipe on the can.  The recipe I use is HERE.

SusanQ - Just two colors in the November baby blanket and they are Lemonade and Persimmon.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Blanket Day

 54 degrees this morning when I walked.
Calm and dark at first, then a mix of sun and clouds.

Saw 6 deer as I drove to town - all along the corn.

If you look closely you might be able to see the morning moon
 above the corn just about in the middle of the picture.

Clouds had such a pretty color to them this morning.

Had a very random walk all over town and around both cemeteries.

Saw John, Rebecca, and Joy out on this beautiful fall morning too.

I was down at the fence by the bulls talking to them when
Farmer Marvin came by in his truck.
He stopped and got out of the truck and we had a little chat.
There are 39 bulls at the barn at this time.
The reason they were all hollering a few days ago is because
they were just taken away from their mothers.
Eventually the bulls will be sold.

Walked 6 miles
👟     🌤

Stairs Number 22
The front stairs at the brick church on the corner.

🍁    🎃    🍁

Baby Blanket work day and I spent the morning at church 
with 7 other women making blankets.  
I handed in the October blanket and continued
working on the November blanket which I already started at home last week.

After reading on GrannyMarigold's blog that she made a crustless
pumpkin pie I decided to try one too.
Ken doesn't care for the crust anyway so this seemed like just the thing.
I mixed up my regular pumpkin filling and just put it right in the 
pie plate without crust, (sprayed the plate with vegetable spray)
cooked it the same amount of time and it came out great!!!
Wanted to see how it turned out before I tried it for Thanksgiving.

Never made it outside for my afternoon hike but it was 
another beautiful fall day, though a bit on the windy side.

That's all I've got for today.
Thanks for visiting.
A happy day to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Hey Lizzy - thanks for reading and the comment. ❤️

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

David on the Tractor

 44 degrees this morning and calm.
The clear and dark morning turned into a sunny one
and I walked all around town and the two cemeteries.

Saw Lisa out running.
Haven't seen her for a while so we stopped to chat.

The farm pond down by the bulls.

Walking down the hill from the cemetery.

Walked 6 miles 👟

Stairs Number 21
In the yard of an abandoned house.
Must have been a walkway there at one time.
Now it just leads nowhere.

☀️    🎃    ☀️

Beautiful for hanging laundry out so did two loads.
One was sheets and with it being cooler out they smell extra good.
Both bathrooms (1 1/2) got cleaned today too.

After lunch I finally washed my very dirty Jeep.
Figured I'd better, don't know how many more nice days like
this we'll have.

That done and it was time for my afternoon hike.
Ended up by Ken and David to see how the bridge was coming.
Worked at stopped on that and 
David was having fun learning to drive the tractor and how
every thing works. 

 Left them and hiked around a bit more and finally made
my way back home again.
Ken came along soon after.
He walked back to the house and left the David on the tractor.

That's all folks.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope your Wednesday was a happy one. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Rose - My walking shoes last about 4 months.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 Didn't wake up till 7:00 this morning so got a late
start walking.
It was 39 degrees and sunny.

Walked around town, the two cemeteries and around
the industrial park.

A light frost here at the cemetery.

Saw Joy and Rebecca out walking.
They both said they got a late start this morning too!!

A Halloween decoration in a yard I pass each morning.

Since I was late walking I got to walk in the light and sunshine.
Walked 6 miles
Retired a pair of walking shoes this morning.
(I wonder just how many pairs of shoes I've gone through)

☀️    👟    😎

Stairs Number 20
Like the shadows on this one

🍁    🍂    🍁

Food shopping day.
We went first to the Dollar General and then to the Shop and Save.
What we couldn't get at the DG we picked up at the S&S.

By the time we got home and put things away it was almost
lunch time.

Did a couple of things around the house after lunch and
Ken went out to 'play' on his tractor.

 I went outside for my what is fast becoming a daily afternoon 
hike around Happy Trails.

Weather is just too NICE to be inside!!

This evening I plan to read, knit, and maybe make a weave-it or two.

 That's it for today.
Thanks for visiting.
A happy day to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Monday, October 18, 2021


 39 degrees this morning when I started walking at 6:40.
It was clear and a bit windy.
Sunrise was at 7:31 and the sun came over the mountain at 8:00.
Walked 6 miles

Saw a few deer on my drive to town.
Walked all around town, both cemeteries, and the ball park.
Didn't see any people walking around.

The cool, crisp air sure made it feel like fall.
Perfect walking weather.

A couple pictures along my way.

Stopped to say hi to the bulls.

☀️    🎃    ☀️

Stairs Number 19
Kermit's house
Took a wider view to get the garden and pumpkins in

🍁    🍂    🍁

The temperature made its way up to 50
and it was sunny and windy all day.

Hard to get motivated to do any house cleaning but
did do a little.

Too nice to stay indoors so went outside after lunch
to hike around Happy Trails.
Ken is still working on his latest bridge and I went to see
how he was doing.  It's coming along nicely.  He's stacking rocks
on either side where the bridge will be.

David started lining a hiking trail with rocks which I hiked
along this afternoon.

Back at the house I got the eggplants and peppers out of the garden.
Enough eggplant to make a good sized eggplant parmesan.

Thanks for stopping by today.
Hope your Monday was sunny and bright. ☀️
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Sunday, October 17, 2021


Happy Sunday

Sunset from a couple of days ago from our front porch.


Back in July I gave the devotional at Blankets for Babies.
This is a much shortened version.

Friends are an important part of our lives and we have many
different kinds of friends.
Family friends
Church friends
Walking friends
Casual friends
Blogger friends
Best friends 
and Life long friends.

But to be have a friend we must be a friend.

Proverbs 18:24
A man that hath friends must show himself friendly. . . 

Some friends come into our lives for a little while and then leave again.
That used to make me sad till I realized that sometimes
these short lived friends came into my life when we needed
each other. Sometimes just for a day or even a couple of hours.
I believe God gives us a blessing when he sends us these special friends.

Some people may say they have no friends but they would be wrong.
We all have a very special friend in Jesus Christ.
Jesus was the ultimate friend in that He laid down his life for us
so that we can have a home in heaven forever.
The only thing we have to do is Believe,
and ask him to come into our hearts.

John 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this.
That a man lay down his life for his friends.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

❤️ Thank you my friend for reading this post. ❤️

A blessed Sunday to all.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️