Happy Sunday
The morning sky a few days ago.
The Bible verse we learned this month at church was
James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation:
for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life,
which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
📖 📖
I don't usually blog about my Sunday walk but since it was a
bit different so thought I would.
I waited till it was light out to walk but didn't go to town.
Decided to hike all 6 miles around Happy Trails
and a little on the state land.
It does take longer hiking than walking.
It took me about 25 minutes to walk one mile.
This is the corner of our property and it is all state
land above here.
I usually trudge up the hill to the state land trail through the woods but
always go a different way.
David made me a switch back trail that leads right to the trail
which makes things so much easier.
This is a trail on the state land which I walked down.
It leads to the fire road which has trails off of it.
I hiked 3 miles in the morning and it was 44 degrees and cloudy.
Went back to the house in time to watch church on FaceBook.
After lunch I went back outside and hiked the other 3 miles.
By then the sun had come out and it was 58 degrees.
In the morning I saw a doe and her little one who was quite big.
In the afternoon I saw a doe and then later saw a 6 point buck run across
the trail about 20 feet away.
It was a wonderful hike through the woods and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Still I wouldn't want to do it every day.
One thing it takes up too much time and
I really do enjoy my town walk in the morning.
A Blessed Sunday to all.
👩🏻🦳 happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
Sue - I LOVE my air fryer. It is very easy to use and an easy cleanup too. The brand is Ninja. I use it often!!
MsBB - Yes, I did notice those stairs. It is a very old house so I guess you have to expect a little sinking! : )
Looks like a pretty walk.
It does look a very nice hike, I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
All the best Jan
Happy Sunday. Nothing like a sweet autumn walk! xo Diana
...what a way to start you day.
A beautiful sky.
A beautiful hike,happy the weather cooperated with you.
Thank you for the response on the air fryer.
I love that you can literally hike in your own backyard. Hope you have a great week!
How special to see those deer while on your hike. Do you ever have hunters come on the state land near your place?
I'm using my air fryer more these days. At first I had my doubts whether we'd use it much.
Thank you for the Bible quotation.
God bless always.
That is also a nice walk. O and I understand. I prefer a walk in the early morning too.
Thank you for the "Bijbeltekst".
Pretty sky and scenes from your walk. The fire roads there are similar to the ones we walk here at our reservoir's watershed area. Have a great day and a happy new week!
Hi- You and Ken have a very nice Property Karen- great to go walking in your own Woods. Stay well ands safe there. Regards. KEV.
Even if you shorten the hike on the Federal trail it'd give you a good workout!! Beautiful.
Beautiful sky and scenes. Love your trail and it's so convenient to get to.
It's nice to have a change every now and then, even if this one makes for a slower walk and less miles. And it's always nice to read about your walks.
Beautiful walk, for a day, with a bit more time.
And lovely that your son, has marked a trail for you.
Sounds like a wonderful hike and a beautiful place to hike in!
That sounds like a lovely way to start the day...and I love that sky...
What a nice change of pace for you but I can understand why you wouldn't want to do it everyday. How nice to border government land. Great verse to memorize.
The hike looks so enjoyable.
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