Saw just a few people out walking and running. One runner was only wearing a sweatshirt and SHORTS!! Crazy!!
An uneventful walk but it was nice to be out there walking.
I walked 6.2 miles.
Added up the coins i found this month.
2 quarters
3 dimes
2 nickels
14 pennies
For a grand total of $1.04.
Sunrise 7:34
Sunset 6:08
Saturday morning i didn't walk because we left in the rain/snow/ice mix and went to a car auction at the fairgrounds. It was held inside so the weather really didn't matter all that much.Ken just couldn't resist bidding on a 1967 Chevy 1 ton pickup and surprisingly it went for a low bid and we got it! I wasn't all that pleased but have come around. : )
Ken drove it to the old house and i followed him in the FJ in the first winter weather of the season.
The picture was taken yesterday and as you can see the sun is out and no trace left of the bad weather from the day before. Ken might sell the truck for a nice profit or we might keep it up at the land. It will be nice for hauling building material when we build our little cabin.
I've finished knitting all six scarves and here's a picture of them all.
Black for Lisa
Purple for Winnie
Tan for Debbie
Black/Gray for Vickie
Red for Toni
Red for Toni
Blue for Linda
I was wearing a white one that i made for myself when we went out to eat last night. The young hostess mentioned how much she liked it and when i thanked her told her that i knitted it. She went on about how much she really liked it. Later as we were leaving the restaurant i walked up to her gave her the scarf and said " Here, it's yours, i'll just make myself another one." Her eyes lit up when she said "thank you so much."
It makes me feel good to make someone smile. : )
I got a call from my friend Cheryl this morning asking if i was free for lunch today. Yes, of course. Housework can just wait for another day. : ) We decided to meet at noon at Ram's Head.
Before meeting Cheryl i stopped at Michael's to get some more yarn. No Fun Fur there so i went to Joannes and i got some white Fun Fur to make myself another scarf. Also got some in blue and teal and some acrylic yarn in teal to make a pair of slippers. The slippers are made with two strands and i'll add a strand of white to make them two toned. A second pair of slippers will be white and blue. I'll start on the slippers tomorrow at my Tuesday knitting group.
Enjoyed my lunch with Cheryl - good food with a good friend. Life is Good.
Now that i'm back home i'd better go and get some of those chores done.
A happy day to you.
Happyone : )
Friendship isn't a big thing -
it's a million little things.
~ Author Unknown