The birds and geese were quiet but i did hear lots of crickets especially by the rocks. Not that many people out walking but that is normal for a Monday.
A while back i mentioned that posts were being put in every so often around the lake and was wondering what signs they were going to post on them. Well, this morning i got my answer. They are help locator signs. There are at least 6 of them scattered around the lake.
I walked 6.4 miles.
Also found a lucky penny.
Sunrise 7:19
Sunset 6:26
While i was walking this morning three women were walking behind me and i couldn't help but hear their conversation.One lady was telling the others that her 16 year old daughter was grounded because of a rule she broke. She got found out about a date she went on with a boy whose parents she (the mother) had not met.
If this lady thinks her daughter will always abide by that rule i think is living in a Fantasy World. I can just imagine a guy asking this girl out and her saying, "Oh before i can answer you my parents have to meet your parents." I just can't see it.
I can see the parents insisting to meet the guy, but his parent too. I just don't think that is realistic. They will be lucky to meet the guy all the time.
My parents NEVER met the guys parents i went out with and my parents didn't even know about some of the guys i went out with!! And really i was a good kid! I didn't realize how good a kid i was until i had kids!! : )
What do you think? A realistic rule or Fantasy World?
I couldn't start knitting on the scarves Saturday because when i went to get my size 11 needles i realized that i had loaned them to someone. I went out and bought some new ones and have now started on the first scarf. I'm knitting a purple one first.
It was cloudy this morning but the forecast was for a sunny day so i trusted in that and washed a load of clothes (whites.) They were right! We are having a beautiful sunny day, with a breeze - perfect for clothes drying. Only now i have 6 white shirts to iron! I'm going to try to get that done today, if not tomorrow it will get done.
I'll be sitting out on the deck in just a little while.
Hope you're having day of sunshine.
It was cloudy this morning but the forecast was for a sunny day so i trusted in that and washed a load of clothes (whites.) They were right! We are having a beautiful sunny day, with a breeze - perfect for clothes drying. Only now i have 6 white shirts to iron! I'm going to try to get that done today, if not tomorrow it will get done.
I'll be sitting out on the deck in just a little while.
Hope you're having day of sunshine.
Happyone : )
A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket
and rejoices that the system works.
~ Bill Vaughn
Sunny Monday mornings are always best. I think that rules are rules and if that's the rule at that home, the young lady should have abided by it. It may seem extreme, but lots of families have "different" rules and, as long as they are clearly presented, that's the way it is. I wasn't allowed to date until I was 18. I didn't. I did marry the first boy I ever dated. Parents have to weigh these things and think them through. I had friends who didn't believe in kissing before marriage. Now THAT's unusual in my book. Ha! Have a fun day, Karen!
Having unrealistic rules makes for disobedience and lies. You have to show trust in your children whilst providing guidance about safety and sensible behaviour. That worked for my 3 boys who were no angels but did nothing worse than drink too much and throw up. That is not to say that there shouldn't be boundaries but they need to be reasonable.
I think that Mother is making a rule ripe for breaking. I'm with you - she's lucky to even meet the boy! I enjoyed your sunny day - it's snowing here.
Help Locator signs. Excellent idea. After all, there's a lot of territory to be covered, when someone is in trouble... just "in the park."
That mother... She's living in one of the biggest fantasy worlds I've ever heard of! Silly woman. Grounding her daughter, for this, is simply driving her daughter away. And to more *not-Mom-sanctioned* activity, I'd say.
Sunny around here in the mornings, then cloudy (or rainy) after noon time. -pout-
Gentle hugs,
"October, here’s to you. Here’s to the heady aroma of the frost-kissed apples, the wine-y spell of ripened grapes, the wild-as-the-wind smell of hickory nuts and the nostalgic whiff of that first wood smoke."
~ Ken Weber
Fantasy! I wish that mother luck. My guess is that her rule has been broken a whole bunch of times, she just doesn't know it
Your header photo could be an illustration for a poetry collection!
I think we all do the best we can with our kids.
I'm wondering if at 16 the girl has just begun to date and it's new to the mom. Maybe she is being a bit overprotective. As the girl gets older I think it is a fantasy to expect to meet the parents of her dates.
Hope you have another sunny day today.
Not only is this mom living in a fantasy world she's building a lot of heartache for herself. In my opinion, this rule only teaches the daughter to be resourceful in avoiding all her parents rules. It's far more important to build trust and communication than hard core rules.
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