Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, March 31, 2023


 37 degrees this morning and cloudy when I walked and
just a bit of a breeze.
Sunrise 7:02
Walking Steps 12,654

Walked up and down the main road in town,

around the upper cemetery and over to the barn to see the cows.
Then over to the ball park and walked around there.
Continued walking to the right of the main road and up and down the
streets on that side of town.
Walk ended going up and down the road to the lower cemetery.
Didn't walk around there because by then I had walked my 6 miles.

All that is left of the snow from yesterday is this little
bit along the side of the road.

Not much going on around town, pretty quiet.
I did see Rebecca though, sometimes she walks and sometimes like
today she runs.

๐Ÿฅพ    ☁️    ๐Ÿ˜‰

Did my usual morning routine.

After lunch we went out and got a few errands done.

It was a rainy afternoon.
I did a good bit of reading this afternoon.

Made the pizza dough in the bread machine and we had home
made pizza for supper like we do most Fridays.

That's it for today.
Thanks for visiting.
Happy Friday

Comment Replies:
Anni - Yes, will be making the found recipes from yesterday.  I'd like to eventually make them all and then keep the ones I like and throw the others away.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

A Dusting

 We had a dusting of snow over night which made for a pretty morning.
The temperature was 21 degrees but once the sun rose it was sunny.
Sunrise 7:04
Walking Steps 13,082

Started my walk going up and down the main road in town.
Then it was around the upper cemetery a few times.
A walk over to the barn to see how the cows were doing.
This little one made me smile.

Walked down the road towards home, turned around and back to town.

Walked around the other cemetery and still have a mile to walk
so once again walked up to the upper cemetery and around there.

A quiet morning around town.
Didn't see anyone walking or even just outside.

A beautiful start to the day walking in the crisp sunny weather.
    ☀️    ๐Ÿฅพ    ๐Ÿ˜€    ๐Ÿ„

Home today getting some things done around the house.
Load of Laundry
Bathroom cleaning

I found a folder tucked in with my cookbooks.
It had more recipes that I've cut out of magazines or people have given me.
A few were written on recipe cards that were my mothers. 
Also in the folder were a couple of recipes I knew I had but couldn't find them.
Sure was happy to have found these again.

Thanks for poppin' in for a visit.
Happy Thursday

To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold.
- Aristotle -

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A visit with Bettye

 25 degrees this morning for walking.
It was calm and sunny once the sun rose.
Sunrise 7:06
Walking Steps 12,569

The road work was done when I got to town.
A little bit later all the equipment got loaded on to trailers and
was carted off to do the next job.

Walked to the library first and dropped off a DVD.
One we picked up yesterday - Shades of Blue.
We watched about 15 minutes of the pilot and knew this was
not a series we would enjoy!!

Continued walking through town and then went to the cemetery
on the hill.
At the entrance to the cemetery, if you turn right it leads to the
Drane house and the barn with the girls.

Left leads to the new big barn.

Walked around the cemetery a few times and went to see the cows
in the big barn. Some of those cows look like they will be 
mama cows VERY soon.

Next walked to the ball park and around there and then back and
walked around the other cemetery.

The pond about 2 miles into my walk.

 This is at the end of my walk on the way back to the Jeep.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.
Pretty quiet out there.

๐Ÿฅพ    ๐Ÿ™‚    ☀️

I went to visit Bettye after doing a couple of things around the house.
Took her some of the Shrimp Macaroni Salad and Lemon Poppyseed muffins 
I made yesterday.

We had a nice visit chatting about this and that.
Had the salad for lunch.
So nice to be able to visit her in her home.

That about took care of the day.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
Happy Wednesday

Comment Replies:
Nellie - all the cows in the big barn are mama cows either with their little ones or about to calf.  Farmer Marvin breeds and raises the cows and bulls and eventually sells them. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

We have Ice cream ๐Ÿ˜€

 This morning when I started walking it was 35 degrees.
Still dark but getting lighter earlier each day.
The sun rose at 7:07
but didn't see it because it was cloudy.
Even had a light drizzle for a little while.
Walking Steps 12,846

Walked around town under the street lights till it was light.
Then went around the ball park loop a couple of times.
Continued down the main road towards home, turned around and back to town.
The two cemeteries were next on my route and once again
I went to see the cows up at the big barn.

The road near the pond where I park is getting dug up.
I think there is a water problem that is getting worked on.

I saw a heron down by the pond but it flew away before I could get a picture.

Thought this was interesting - a little shed made out of old doors.
It doesn't have doors on the front so it might be to stack wood up in.
It is in Kermit's yard so I'll ask him when I see him.

๐Ÿฅพ    ☁️    ๐ŸŒจ    ๐Ÿ„

Food shopping day again.  We went to the Shop and Save this week
because they finally put some ice cream on sale.
Turkey Hill - 2 for $7 so we got four.
Ken picked out two chocolate.
I chose this.  ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Sure am looking forward to having some this evening.
It's been a while since we had ice cream.

I made Shrimp Macaroni Salad today.

Also made some Lemon Poppyseed Muffins - no recipe, made
them from a mix.

Did a few chores around the house.
Finished counting out and rubber banding another box of tracts.
They are all done now.

I got a hair trim.
Ken took about 2 inches off the ends.
He does a great job.

Nice to have some time to read again this afternoon.

Thanks for popping in for a visit.
Happy Tuesday

It is a grave error to assume that ice cream consumption requires hot weather.
- Anne Fadiman -

Comment Replies:
Mary - The daffodils from yesterday are in a garden. 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Six more bowls


43 degrees when walking this morning.  
Clear and when the sun rose it stayed sunny.  
Calm at first but then it got a bit windy.
Sunrise 7:09
Walking Steps 12,861

Walked down the left side of town first and then behind our old house.
Continued over to the ball park and around the loop twice.
Next it was back to the cemeteries and walked around both of them
a couple of times too.

Went down to see the 'girls' at the barn.
A muddy mess there again.

Walked over to the big barn and up and down both sides of it
looking at all the cows and little ones.
The little ones here were still asleep.

While I was there Farmer Marvin showed up and gave me a tour
of the big barn.
He walked up and down with me and pointed out all the different cows. 
The barn is full of mothers and babies and some about to 
calf any time now.
Maybe I'll get to see one being born.

These heifers were up front and were for sale.

Next I walked through town and back again.

Saw Rebecca out walking with her dog Leo.
(she is Farmer Marvin's niece)
Saw George who I know from town over by the garage and
Phil was there too.

Nice to see some daffodils blooming.

๐Ÿฅพ    ๐ŸŒค    ๐Ÿ™‚    ๐Ÿ„

Got some chili cooking in the slow cooker first thing after breakfast.
Then got started on the weekly house cleaning.

We took the 3 boxes of tracts to church yesterday.
Someone had done 1 of the other boxes.
There were still 2 boxes left so we took them home to do this week.
Did one box this afternoon.

More Pyrex bowls arrived today.
These are the 2 cup size.

We had a brief rain shower but then it cleared up again.

Like most afternoons I read a little and knitted.
I seem to do that late afternoons before supper.

Thanks for popping in for a visit.
Happy Monday

Sunday, March 26, 2023


Three sunsets from my front porch from this past week.

๐ŸŽถ ๐ŸŽถ How Can It Be? ๐ŸŽถ ๐ŸŽถ
Avis B Christiansen

1. O Savior, as my eyes behold
The wonders of Thy might untold,
The heav'ns in glorious light arrayed,
The vast creation Thou hast made.
And yet to think Thou lovest me,
My heart cries out how can it be?


How can it be?
How can it be?
That God should love
A soul like me,
O how can it be?

2. As at the cross I humbly bow
And gaze upon Thy thorn crowned brow,
And view the precious bleeding form
By cruel nails so bruised and torn,
To know Thy suff'ring was for me,
In grief I cry, how can it be?

3. How can it be? How can it be?
Was ever grace so full and free!
From heights of bliss to depths of woe
In loving kindness Thou didst go,
From sin and shame to rescue me,
O love divine how can it be?
๐Ÿ“– Psalm 40:2-3 ๐Ÿ“–

 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, 
out of the miry clay, 
and set my feet upon a rock, 
and established my goings.

 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, 
even praise unto our God: 
many shall see it, and fear, 
and shall trust in the LORD.

A Blessed Sunday to all.
Jesus Loves You❤️

Saturday, March 25, 2023

An afternoon walk

 This morning when I woke up it was 35 degrees,  
raining, foggy, and windy.
Sunrise 7:12
Figured I'd get soaked walking so didn't walk this morning.
It was supposed to warm up and stop raining later so I waited
and went for my walk after lunch.

This morning I did my everyday house chores and then finished
reading The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny.
Wanted to finish it so I could drop it off at the library when
I went walking later which I did.
Also dropped off a DVD.
An old show called Simon and Simon - only watched a couple
episodes, just too corny!!!

Didn't look at my step count before I started walking so didn't
get the step count but did walk 5.6 miles.
The temperature was 43 degrees and windy.
My walk started out foggy and then finally the sun came out.

Walked around town, the ball park and both cemeteries.
Though it was nice to get out and walk, it is just not the
same as walking in the morning watching a new day begin.

 I followed a couple of geese up the road to the cemetery.
They went in the field as I passed by.

Never a lot a cars about town but a Saturday afternoon there
are even fewer with no one going to work or school.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.

Took this picture when I started out.

And this is from the same spot at the end of my walk.

We ran out of ice cream a couple of days ago and still haven't gotten any.
 (nothing on sale)
We've been eating cookies for our evening snack and today I made
chocolate pudding for later.
That's good too, not as good as ice cream but I'll put some whipped
cream on it and it will do just fine.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Saturday

Contentment is just the realization that God has already provided for me today 
all that I need for my present peace and happiness.
- Nancy Leigh Demoss -

Friday, March 24, 2023

A walk in the rain

45 degrees this morning when I walked and it poured down
rain the whole time.
Sunrise 7:14
Walking Steps 12,921

Wore my rain slicker and rain pants and since there was no wind
I used my umbrella too.
That kept my face dry so no water got down my neck so I stayed
nice and dry.  The only thing that got wet was my feet and with it not
being cold I was fine with that.
Happy to report no lightning and thunder today.

One good thing about the rain is that the Jeep got a washing.
It was filthy with all the salt but the rain washed it all away.

Didn't expect to see anyone else out and I didn't.

Walked around town up and down all the streets.
Walking around the ball park loop here.

Walking down from the upper cemetery in this picture.

Didn't walk around the other cemetery because the tracks where
I walk were little streams of water.

Even though it was raining I had a good walk and it was nice
listening to the rain on my umbrella. ☔️

๐ŸŒจ    ๐Ÿฅพ    ๐Ÿ™‚    ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Today I straighten up the pantry. 
It was pretty good already and mainly organized the baking shelf.
I have a pretty good sized pantry and all the little kitchen 
appliances fit in nicely as well as all the food.
Put some things that I don't use very often up on the higher shelf.
I also put some nuts, chocolate chips and craisins that were opened
in some mason jars.

This afternoon I read and knitted.

Friday so it was pizza day again.
Bread machine making the dough and Ken making the actual pizza.

A rainy day and was very foggy for a couple of hours
this afternoon.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Friday

He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.
- Lao Tzu -

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Rain, Thunder and Lightning

 48 degrees this morning when I left and raining with a bit of a breeze.
Sunrise 7:16
Just a tad over 5,000 for my walking steps.

Don't mind walking in the rain but when I saw lightning and heard
thunder I headed back to the Jeep and home.

๐Ÿฅพ     ⛈    ๐Ÿ™‚  

We didn't go food shopping on Tuesday because we didn't need
anything but had to get a few things so we had to go today.
This week we went to Casslemans Market.
In the same shopping center there is a hardware store and
we had to go in there too.
This sign was in front.
Makes you stop and think.

Went home and dropped off the groceries and put them away and
then we headed out again to the library here in town.
Picked up a couple DVD's and my book club book.

We've had bursts of rain all day and the wind has picked up again.
After being out in the morning it was nice to be home
this afternoon to read and knit.

Haven't seen deer out back for a while but today 5 of them all in a row
walked passed the bedroom window and continued on into the woods.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Thursday

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Another good day

Good Morning 

A nice 38 degrees this morning, calm, and cloudy.
Sunrise 7:16
Walking Steps 13,227

As I pulled into the parking lot at the pond there were two deer milling about.

While it was dark I walked up and down the main street
under the street lights.

Then up up to the cemetery for a couple loops around there.
Also walked over to the big barn to see the cows and bulls.

Continued on over to the ball park and on the way there
saw that they were spreading hay all around the building site
so the mud wouldn't be bad.

The fire alarm went off and I saw the fire truck leave town.

Headed back through town and then around the other cemetery.
KitKat was there and came over to say hi and for a pet.
He is so hard to get a picture of because he never stands still!
He looks fat but isn't, he is just nice and fluffy.

Most mornings a man in a pickup waves to me.
I met him today when he was just getting into his truck.
His name is Adam and he grew up around here.
He is also a volunteer fireman and told me he just got back
from a fire call.
Nothing serious, an engine fire and no one was hurt.
I told him every time I see the fire truck go out I say a little prayer.
He thanked me!!

Didn't see anyone else out walking.
I must be just a little bit earlier than the others.

When I got back to the parking lot to go home I saw
this car parked there which I've never seen before.

Another great walk around my town.

๐Ÿฅพ    ☁️    ๐Ÿ™‚    ๐ŸŒท

No sunshine today but it was in the 50's again.
I went out and started picking up all the deadfall and adding
it to the natural fences I've been making.
After the winter and the many windy days there is a lot to pick up
and will keep me busy.
Once I get caught up with the areas I've already done I'll expand the
area I clear.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Wednesday

Comment Replies:
Deb - We distribute these tracts locally.

Connie - I don't need any motivation to go walking alone. ๐Ÿ™‚ I'd rather walk alone!! I can go where and whenever I want at my own speed. I think I meet so many people walking because I do walk alone. On your own I also think you notice things more.  Talking to someone while walking would be a distraction to me. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Cold to Warm

Clear and 22 degrees this morning for walking. 
Nice to see the sun once it 
rose at 7:18
Walking Steps 13,122

Walked first to the library again and dropped off a DVD.
Continued on to the main road and went to the Dollar General.
Since I was in the area I thought as might as well walk around the industrial park.
Nice and flat, no cars and peaceful.

Next walked behind our old house in town again.
This old barn back there is starting to slowly deteriorate.

From there I walked over to the ball park and around the loop
and then headed up to the cemetery.

On the way back down stopped at the pond and took a picture
of the future home sites from this end.
The brush continues to burn with the smoke going in the opposite direction today. 
Bulldozers are digging up the stumps.

One day I'll be taking a picture of the houses reflected in the pond.

Didn't see anyone else walking this morning.
Though it was cold, it was sunny and I was nice and warm in all my layers.

๐Ÿฅพ    ๐Ÿ˜€    ๐ŸŒท    ☀️

The last couple of days we have counted out 10 gospel tracts and put
 rubber bands around them and stacked them in piles of 5.
Each pile has 50 tracts. 
April is tract month at our church and though we do give out tracts
throughout the year this is when the whole church gets involved with it.
We put them in groups of 10 so it easy to keep track of how many we have.
We did three boxes and there were three more that others did.

It warmed up nicely this afternoon to 55 so I went out for a walk
around Happy Trails.
The long white roof you can kind of see through the trees in the
middle of the picture is Farmer Marvin's big barn.

I'm walking down David and Liz's driveway here just getting 
to the lane on my way home.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Tuesday

Comment Replies:
Terra - the lot is being cleared of the trees to build a few houses.  Not to worry we have LOTS of trees around here. ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ

Monday, March 20, 2023

A smokey walk

Doesn't feel much like the first day of spring with it being
18 degrees this morning, but at least the sun was out. ☀️
Sunrise 7:19
Walking Steps 12,722

First walked over to the library and dropped off a book and a DVD.
Continued through town, behind our old house in town, and 
around the ball park loop.
Then headed over to the cemeteries. 
Workers are taking down the last few trees on the lots
and started another burning pile.

Walking around the cemetery on the hill I could see all the smoke
from the fire.  Not much fire just smoke.

Here I am down by the Jeep.

I could even see the smoke as I walked a little ways down
the road towards home.

Turned around came back to town and walked around the
other cemetery a couple of times.

Philip was out in front of the car dealership making
his Wiggle Man video for the day.

Saw Karen in her yard and stopped to say hi.
We commented on it being the first day of spring.

Didn't see anyone out walking.
They are probably waiting till later when it warms up.

๐Ÿฅพ    ☀️    ๐Ÿ™‚    ๐ŸŒท

I usually take the sheets off the bed and wash them on Mondays.
But had the bed already made when I realized it was Monday!
So I'll do that tomorrow.

I had mentioned to Ken that I wanted to get some glass containers
with lids for left overs instead of the plastic ones we use.
Without him telling me he ordered four 4 cup glass Pyrex
bowls with lids.
They came in the mail today.

I have one 2 cup bowl just like these and would like to get a few more.

Did a little knitting on the pillow this afternoon
and started another book.
The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny.
This is a good one.
I made myself put it down after the first 100 pages or I'd still be reading it.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Monday and First Day of Spring.
Maybe it felt like spring in your area?

๐ŸŒท    ๐ŸŒท    ๐ŸŒท

Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.
- Doug Larson -

Sunday, March 19, 2023


 A few sky pictures from this past week.

Hebrews 13:5 
Let your conversation be without covetousness; 
and be content with such things as ye have: 
for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

I'm walking and talking with Jesus,
Each day as I travel along.
I'm never alone. Hallelujah!
The joy of the Lord is my song.
- Elizabeth Osborn -

A Blessed Sunday to all.
Jesus Loves You❤️

Comment Replies:
John - Here is a link to Farmer Marvin's Farm.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Farmer Marvin's Big Barn

 This morning when I walked it was 25 degrees, cloudy, and windy.
Sunrise 7:22
Walking Steps 13,378

Walked over to the library first and dropped a book down the slot.
Then continued through town and up and down the side streets.
Then up around the cemetery on the hill.
Went down to see if the girls got hay in the barnyard,
and sure enough they did.๐Ÿ˜€
Farmer Marvin takes good care of them.

Then I headed on over to Farmer Marvin's big new barn.

The little part of the building is the office.  I took a peek inside.
 (FM told me to take a look)

Walked down the left side of the barn.

And turned around when I got here.

On the other side of the barn I got to see the bulls.
The two with their heads out of the fence both sniffed my hand
and then licked it. Their tongues are very rough.

Looking down the right side of the barn.

It is quite a barn and nice to see it up close.

Left the barn and walked around the cemetery a couple times.
Then over to the ball park and walked that loop a couple of times too.
Back to the other cemetery and around it once.

Very quiet around town on this early Saturday morning,
didn't see anyone else out.

๐Ÿฅพ    ☁️    ๐Ÿ’จ    ๐Ÿ„    

We went to the Dollar General but not the one in town today.
The cold cases and freezers are still broken
so we went to the one in McHenry which is about 6 miles down the road.

Got a load of laundry going and did some house chores,
had lunch and then I knitted.
Working on the pillow.
It has to be 40 inches long and I have only 10 inches finished.

Here are the color weave-its I'm making for the next baby blanket for April.

It stayed cold and windy but we did see the sun.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Saturday

Comment Replies:
GrannyM and Ginny - The flying birds are geese. I have never seen a swan around here though I'd love to.  Once in a while I do see a heron.

Anni - It took Marilyn 6 months to make the quilt.
The deer weren't chasing each other, but just all hanging out together in one big herd.