Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 27, 2023

Six more bowls


43 degrees when walking this morning.  
Clear and when the sun rose it stayed sunny.  
Calm at first but then it got a bit windy.
Sunrise 7:09
Walking Steps 12,861

Walked down the left side of town first and then behind our old house.
Continued over to the ball park and around the loop twice.
Next it was back to the cemeteries and walked around both of them
a couple of times too.

Went down to see the 'girls' at the barn.
A muddy mess there again.

Walked over to the big barn and up and down both sides of it
looking at all the cows and little ones.
The little ones here were still asleep.

While I was there Farmer Marvin showed up and gave me a tour
of the big barn.
He walked up and down with me and pointed out all the different cows. 
The barn is full of mothers and babies and some about to 
calf any time now.
Maybe I'll get to see one being born.

These heifers were up front and were for sale.

Next I walked through town and back again.

Saw Rebecca out walking with her dog Leo.
(she is Farmer Marvin's niece)
Saw George who I know from town over by the garage and
Phil was there too.

Nice to see some daffodils blooming.

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Got some chili cooking in the slow cooker first thing after breakfast.
Then got started on the weekly house cleaning.

We took the 3 boxes of tracts to church yesterday.
Someone had done 1 of the other boxes.
There were still 2 boxes left so we took them home to do this week.
Did one box this afternoon.

More Pyrex bowls arrived today.
These are the 2 cup size.

We had a brief rain shower but then it cleared up again.

Like most afternoons I read a little and knitted.
I seem to do that late afternoons before supper.

Thanks for popping in for a visit.
Happy Monday


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh, I love the cows. How neat for you to be able to watch them grow - and to visit with them. I have those same pyrex containers.

Tom said...

...I love the daffodils, snow today makes them look a ways off.

Susan said...

I could walk that many steps if I was where you. I know it is an excuse, but this city girl longs for the country. I like Pyrex bowls too. I hate plastic! Enjoy your week!

Debi said...

How neat that you got to visit the cows and their babies! You met lots of people on your walk today... it must be spring! Have a great week!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those blue skies are so pretty and the Daffodils are sure to brighten the day.

Ginny Hartzler said...

How lovely that he gave you a tour! Those bowls are a perfect size for so many things.

Visits With Mary said...

43* I think that's the warmest temp I've seen you post. It looks like you had a pretty day for walking, and how nice to stop along the way and see the animals. The daffodils are so pretty, are they growing wild or are they in someone's flower bed? Enjoy the chili, it sure sounds good.

Granny Marigold said...

The sky looks so summery but at 43* I'm sure it was not warm. The Daffodils are cheery. GM

Ann said...

I'm looking forward to seeing daffodils blooming. Haven't spotted any yet.
Farmer Marvin has quite an operation there.

Hootin Anni said...

I would really enjoy the live your of the barn!!
Spring flowers are the best!!
(We had a crock pot of chili too!!)

Hootin Anni said...


eileeninmd said...

Pretty sky capture and I love the daffodils. I would enjoy a tour of the barn and seeing all those cute cows. Take care, have a great day!

Debbie said...

Quite the busy walk today! And how fun to tour the barn!

Mari said...

How nice to tour the barn you see so often.
Those bowls are going to be well used.

Happy@Home said...

How nice to have a tour of farmer Marvin's barn. I'll bet the babies were cute. It would be exciting if you were able to see one be born.
I have bowls just like yours and love them.

Bill said...

Pretty daffodils and a pleasant sky to begin your day.

ellen b. said...

How nice to get that special tour by Farmer Marvin. Wonderful to see those daffodils. Ours are just popping out of the ground. Take care...

William Kendall said...

The daffodils are lovely.

Aritha V. said...

Hoi Karen,

Thanks for sharing your day with us! It was so cool to hear about the cows and daffodils you saw. Wishing you a good rest of the week, and I'll definitely be back to check out your blog soon - I always love reading about your walking adventures!