Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Farm Loop

Another beautiful morning for walking.
65 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds. 

I asked Ken if he would mind picking me up at the town pond
this morning. I knew he would say yes.
Still it is nice to ask. 🙂

Had my usual walk to town but today walked right on through
and out of the other side down the main road.
Then turned left and started walking what I call the
Farm Loop because of all the farms along the way.
When we lived in town I'd walk this route often.
It was my favorite route.  

Took these pictures along the way.
It is a beautiful place to walk, very calm and peaceful. 
It can't help but put you in a thankful and happy mood for the day.

Coming up to Farmer Bills place.

A nice long gentle hill to walk down.

Farmer Gene's Farm

The Dairy Farm
and a nice long gentle hill to walk up.

At the top of the hill and to the left is the school.
Walked town the hill back to town and over to the pond
and there was Ken waiting for me.

Walked 6.9 miles
If Ken wasn't there I'd have another 2 miles to walk home.
 Found 2 dimes walking in town. 

🌤     🙂     🌤

After breakfast it clouded up and looked like rain but I did
a load of clothes and hung them outside anyway.
A thunderstorm came along again and I had to bring the clothes inside.
After the storm, the sun came out and I hung them out again.
Heard thunder once more but this time the rain held off till my clothes were dry.
After the rain it was cool and breezy and sunny once again.

We sat on the porch watching it rain till the wind blew the rain on us
and we started getting wet.

Ken gave me hair a nice trim again.
Just took a bit off to make it even with my chin.

Got quite a lot of the baby blanket sewn together
and also read.
It's been a good day.

Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Look for the good in your day.
happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
Inger - The baby skunks (called kits) were black and white like mama.

Rose - If I don't like the book the first time and try reading it again I still don't like it. 


Tom said...

...what fabulous countryside and the barns are gorgeous. P linked this post to The Barn Collective!

Susie said...

The farms look very nice and clean. Your town seems to be a pretty place. You sure are a worker. LOL Blessings, xoxo, Susie

ellen b. said...

I see why you enjoyed walking the farm loop. So serene and such idyllic views.
That was quite a back and forth with the clothes line. Keeps you alert! :)

Rose said...

Oh, I love the photos, but especially the one of Farmer Gene's.

Sandi said...

You live in a beautiful place!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. You had a nice long walk today - almost 7 miles. I love your pictures from the farm loop. See you again tomorrow. :-)

Vee said...

The farms in your community are so attractive and well tended. 6.9 miles...you might be adding miles these days. 💇🏻‍♀️How good that Ken can act as hairdresser...are you trimming his hair, too?

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Farm Loop looks like a lovely place to walk. Your pictures look great.

Granny Marigold said...

I can see why you would want to walk this route. It's a bit different from your usual and it must have been a lovely day to walk all that way ( and nice that Ken was waiting to drive you home).

Hootin Anni said...

Oh, I would definitely make the farm loop at least once a week...never tiring of the scenery. Besides, I may find a quarter now and then!!

eileeninmd said...


I love your images from your walk on the farm loop. Beautiful views and photos. Take care, have a happy day!

John's Island said...

Just a great walk and I love your photos, as always. Left you an answer to your question about my walks on my blog. Hope you have a great day and stay safe.

Jeanette said...

That must have been a great place to walk if you did 6.9 miles! I struggle with walking 2 miles but only because my mind is always telling me I have things to do and better get to it! It's a holdover from working full time and not having enough hours in the weekend to get stuff done. I suppose I'll get over it eventually!

Lisa said...

Wow that is a beautiful walk. I love red barns. They add a nice scenic view. I wish I had somewhere nice and peaceful to walk. IWe walk three to five miles around the neighborhood but always worried someone will drive by and start harassing us. A lot is going on in my this whole state that makes it unsafe to go anywhere by myself.

Bill said...

What beautiful scenery your walk takes you through. Great photos!!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful views!

Nellie said...

Great that Ken will cut your hair! The last time I was at the salon was February 13! I’ve taken the scissors to my hair three times; just where I can see on the sides and the top. The back will almost fit in a scrunchie.

Lowcarb team member said...

What beautiful photographs these are, lovely to see.

All the best Jan