Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tread Softly

66 degrees, calm with a mix of sun and clouds as 
I walked to town this morning.

Passing by a yard I saw a skunk with her little ones walking
across the grass.
A pretty poor picture but here they are.
Didn't want to get any closer!!
I counted three babies.
They all kind of blended together as they walked along.

Walked down the middle of town and over to the ball park
where I walked around the loop there a couple of times
before walking back home again.

Lisa and Dwayne were out again
and a man riding a bicycle zoomed by me down the hill.

The usual deer and rabbits were around too.

Walked 5.6 miles

🌤     🙂     🌤

Feel like I just wrote this but we did our weekly shopping
at the Shop and Save again this Tuesday!!

We have an old red water pump that Ken just put in the ground
out front.  Just for decoration, it doesn't actually work.
Needs to be repainted and when I do, will post a picture.

Finished reading Tread Softly on My Dreams
by Gretta Curran Browne.
The first book in The Liberty Trilogy. 
A book about Robert Emmet, the Irish freedom rebel. (historic fiction)  
Really got caught up in the book and thought it was excellent. 
 Look forward to reading the rest of the trilogy!! 

More thunderstorms rolled by us this afternoon.

Have finished all the weave-it squares for the next baby
blanket I'm working on and now just have to sew it together.

 Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Look for the good in your day.
happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Glad so many of you got a chuckle out of my hair yesterday!! 😃

Vee and others who wondered why I didn't care for the cruise.  Basically too many people and WAY WAY too much food.  Cruising is just not my thing.  My dad had a boat for a good part of my life growing up and I just enjoy a smaller boat cruising up the Hudson.


Tom said...

,,,I tread softly when it comes to skunks too!

Nawm D Gerr said...

I was going to say what Tom said too! Cool pictures! Love the skunk babies.

Michelle said...

Skunk babies are cute, but oh dear!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Love the cloud picture and also the picture of the baby skinks. An old water pump will be a fun addition to your front yard. I am going to see if our library has those books you are enjoying. We went to a thrift store today and I got another Fannie Flagg book. I know you liked those too. Have a good evening and see you tomorrow.

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful skies! We had those skunks outside behind our house about a month ago.

Inger said...

The picture of a country road is lovely. I've never seen skunk babies, were they white?

ellen b. said...

Oh boy...I've never seen a skunk alive just the road kill variety. It would be fun to see the babies at a distance of course.

Rose said...

Oh, my goodness, I just put down Tread Softly on My Dreams...because I couldn't get into it. I do not know why. But now you got me thinking maybe I should pick it back up. I don't know if it was cause I am distracted by other things.

Rose said...

Have you ever had a book you have started two or three times, but put down, and then go back to it again because it keeps calling your name, and all of a sudden it is one of the best books you have read? I have did that with one or two, and now cannot remember the names even though I have been trying to for about a month.

Susie said...

Oh my gosh those skunks...you do see the craziest things girl. Sure looks as if you got an early start too. I wish I could walk as far as you do every day. You are amazing. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

Cruising up the Hudson does sound relaxing and fun. Cute little skunks...from afar. 🦨

Sandi said...

OH! They are so sweet. I would have stayed faraway too. Ha ha

Granny Marigold said...

The clouds in the first two pictures are so interesting.
The third pic could be a calendar picture!! You got some great photos.

Hootin Anni said...

That is my favorite fictional genre...historical!! I have never seen skunk babies in my whole live...my encounters are always road kill; of adults. Enjoyed walking with you.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, what a sighting! A mama skunk with her babies. I have seen a live skunk once, I gave it plenty of space. Love the sky images. I will see if my library has the Liberty Trilogy. Take care, enjoy your day!

Bill said...

Glad you used social distancing when it came to the skunk family. :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those skunks, especially the babies, are so cute, but you want to give them all the room they want.

Nellie said...

We have a skunk family in our neighborhood! They often go searching for grubs in our yard at night! On occasion, a very small sniff will alert us to the nearness of their presence!

kimshappyhome.blogspot said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to get any closer to take your skunk photo. I'll bet those babies were cute.
Your second photo is so pretty. I would enjoy that type of scenery while walking.
I am having a major blog problem right now. I am no longer able to sign into my own blog. Have tried everything I can think of. I'm not sure how this comment is going to show up. In case you can't tell who it is, it's me Happy@Home Kim :).

Henny Penny said...

Love the pretty clouds. I can't imagine seeing a real skunk, especially one with babies. Bet the babies were cute. I had missed your post about your hair style so looked back and found it. That was amazing. How funny to see your wind blown hairstyle in the picture. It probably took a stylist hours to get her hair to stand up like that. Good picture of you.

William Kendall said...

Amazing skies!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such beautiful skies.

All the best Jan