No walk yesterday morning but I was back out again today nice and early. It was 38 degrees, damp and cloudy, but no ice anywhere to be seen. All the ice has melted on the lake too. Once again the geese can be seen spread out over all parts of the lake instead of just on the little part that wasn't frozen. I saw a sad thing this morning too. I walked by a deer that was laying on its side. At first glance I thought she was dead, but a second look I saw that she was breathing and as I talked to her, she moved her ears. I could see no signs of injury. I'm guessing she got hit by a car. The road is just up that path to the left.
A another woman came by who happened to have the number for the Animal Rescue on her phone so she called them. It was so sad to see the deer suffering and not be able to do anything.
Other than that I enjoyed my walk. Only a handful of people out around the lake, but since it's a holiday I'm sure more people will be there later in the day. One couple I see running most days and we always say hi to each other, I realized today live a few houses away from me. Funny I only ever saw them before around the lake.
I walked 6.6 miles.
Sunrise 5:52
Sunset 5:51
I suppose some of you are wondering how the Gala turned out. We had a really good time. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Annapolis and we had booked a room there so we would be able to have a drink or two and not have to worry about driving home. It was great to be able to bring our clothes and get ready and then just walk down all dressed for the party. Those of us who booked rooms got the bulk rate of $89. I looked on the back of the door and saw that the room normally cost the outrageous price of $325. The room was nice but not that nice.
I took pictures but they didn't come out all that good, but here is one of me and one of the two of us. I'm not crazy about either photo.
There was lots of food set out buffet style. First lots of fruit, salads, and breads.
Then came, different meats, potatoes, sweat potatoes, and vegetables.
Last came LOTS of delicious looking desserts. I loaded up on the first foods that were put out and wasn't hungry for the second line up of food, but I did have a delicious piece of chocolate cake when the desserts were set out.
We spent a lot of the time dancing which we hadn't done in quite a few years and really enjoyed ourselves.
It was really hard to sit and talk to people because it was pretty loud but the people we sat with all seemed pretty nice. It was a fun time and I'm so glad we decided to go.
In the morning we had breakfast at the hotel and both of us had Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Mmmmmm so good.
Then back home again with happy memories of a great time.
Ken is off today because of the holiday and we are off to auction.
I'll be back later tonight with another post about the rest of the day.
Haven't had a chance to visit blogs but I'll be around to see you all later today or tomorrow.
A happy day to you all.
Happyone :-)