Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 17, 2025


 When I started walking this morning it was 33 degrees and cloudy.
After a few minutes it started misting and that soon turned into
snow which lasted on and off during the day.
Just a light dusting though and no accumulation.

Walked around town under the street lights up and down the main road 
and side streets.
Then when it was light walked around both of the cemeteries
a couple of times.

Saw those two geese again.
They were walking up the road in front of me and went
off to the side when I got near.

The barn down by the Drane house.
I'm told that 4 pigs are now in residence there.
Maybe one of these days I'll see them.

Down the other end of the road is the big long barn where the
calves are being born.
So far there have been about 100 with 30 - 40 more to go.

No people about again
and pretty quiet around town.

Morning Walk Steps 11,607

🙂    ☁️    ☔️     🌨

This morning I made Blueberry Bread.

Got Turbotax downloaded on my computer after a bit of trouble.
But thankfully we got that done.

After that we didn't feel like doing the taxes so will save
that to do for a another time!!

This is the latest puzzle.
I think we'll be doing one more and then that will be it until
next winter when we get the first snowfall.

Temperature never made it out of the 30's today so I'm back to
knitting a cold color on the temperature blanket.

At 4:00 the sun finally came out.

Well I guess that's it for this post.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope your Monday was a good one.

Comment Replies:
Aritha - Yes, I'm happy for you to share analogy of the woods and Bible reading from yesterdays post. 🙂❤️


Lowcarb team member said...

Nice to see the geese again.
I like your latest puzzle.

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...I see that you are "enjoying" mud season too!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Charly is still working on our taxes too. He has also been helping our son with his, so taxes seem to take up quite a bit of time. It will be a good thing to have finished. I love that puzzle! The blueberry bread sounds delicious! See you again tomorrow!

Sandi said...


Bill said...

The geese are out for a stroll. :)

Granny Marigold said...

That puzzle looks like a challenging one.
The long barn with so many calves being born must be quite a large operation.

Connie said...

Your walks are always so serene, no disturbances only a couple of lovely geese to stroll down the road with. It all sounds like something for a Beatrix Potter book . . . and your lovely photos just enhance the story :)

Mari said...

We had snow all afternoon yesterday but today it got to be about 40 degrees and melted. Nice to see the geese again!
We finished our taxes last week, that's always a relief!
I like the puzzle. We're finishing one now and depending on the weather, that might be it for us till next year too.

Marcia said...

How far do you walk do you estimate? We had rain on and off here today.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The puzzle is a book lover's dream, but looks so hard!!

Dianna said...

I told Carroll what you shared about getting Turbo Tax on your computer and then not feeling like working on the taxes afterwards. He said he can truly sympathize with you.

doodles n daydreams said...

That's a fun, busy puzzle. After temps in the mid to high 20s (C) the past few days we have dropped to the mid teens overnight. A bit of a shock to the system.

ellen b. said...

I'm pretty sure we have that same puzzle. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!