36 degrees this morning for walking.
(in the afternoon it reached 71 degrees!)
It was very still without any breeze at all and the pond was smooth as glass.
It was sunny this morning once the sun rose at 7:21.
Walked up and down the main road in town and then back
toward home a ways before turning around back to town.
I've mentioned this house in town on the main road a few times that has been
slowly deteriorating for the past 12 years that we've lived here.
Looks like it is finally being torn down.
It is too far gone for it to be renovated.
Animals have been living in it.
They are taking the aluminum siding off and I guess will
take it to the scrap metal place.
It must have been a beautiful house at one time.
Wonder if a new house will be built.
Once back to town I walked around both of the cemeteries.
I always get a kick out of my long shadow as I walk down from the cemetery.
Another quiet morning around town and I didn't see
any one else out walking.
Morning Walk Steps 11,584
🙂 ☀️ 🥾
Spent the morning house cleaning and got most everything done.
This is the last puzzle we will be doing for this season.
I read a little sitting out on the back deck.
Started going through and sorting out my knitting patterns
but didn't get very far.
Came across a pattern for knitting little Easter baskets
and I started knitting one. 🧶
Made hamburgers and tater tots for supper.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope your Wednesday was a good one.
Wow K! Great job getting more steps in before noon than I probably will all day today. I've been at my desk most of the day hah. Can't wait to see your knitted Easter Basket!
Goodness! It did turn nice and warm for you this afternoon.
I like that puzzle, it's a cute one.
Do please share your knitted basket with us when it's finished.
I want to get a few new Easter decorations/ornaments, perhaps an Easter Chick or Easter Bunny ...
All the best Jan
What a pretty morning! I like your long shadow too.
It's sad to see the house being torn down. I always think of the memories made and lives lived in a house like that.
That's a cute puzzle.
...wow, you sure are tall and lean.
Another puzzle season comes to an end. Curious to see what comes after the house is torn down.
Hi Karen. I like your new puzzle! I do mine on a card table, so usually only have room for a 300-500 piece puzzle - but you and Ken do some very challenging 1000 piece puzzles! It's a shame that the old house was let go so badly that it cannot be restored. It looks like it was a nice, big home in its day. Do you have any idea what will built there? I hope you have a good Thursday. See you then!
Your shadow gives you very loonnng legs!
That new puzzle looks like a fun one.
That’s a neat picture with your shadow.
In the photo with your shadow, the light is beautiful! I believe we may have this puzzle!
Hey! About the stress test. I passed out at my doctor's office on Monday, my heart slowed down and the doctor was getting ready to do CPR. She called an ambulance and they took me to the E.R. I am back home now and will be seeing cardiology on Friday. Just a bit too close to death for all of us. I will ask if I should take the test now.
Maybe someone will find that lost Civil War gold hidden in a wall or basement when that house comes down.
That jigsaw puzzle looks difficult.
God bless.
Looks like a beautiful morning. Always sad to see houses torn down but I'm sure the neighbors will be happy to have it gone especially if there have been animals living in it.
Pretty sky and a great shadow capture.
The puzzle picture is cute.
I am enjoying the warmer weather, but it will be cold again.
Take care, have a great day!
That's a GORGEOUS home that could have been restored! how sad that it wasn't. Wonder what will go in??
Question: when you do your morning walks, is it a power walk pace as in a slow jog or do you just stroll?? I'm curious because I was told by chiropractor to slow down due to my sciatica issues. But then my heart rate doesn't go up very far!! hahah Just curious what you do or do you do a combo??
Your blog would be a great historical record of your town.
That is quite a warm up.
I am always curious about houses that sit empty for years. That looks like a very nice house. Shame to see it being dismantled.
Another cute puzzle and the tiny Easter baskets sound cute too. Hope you'll share a picture once done.
Such a shame on the house. It was probably a magnificent one in its time. Janice
So glad you are okay now!
Karen, I'm sorry that I've missed these last two posts. That house was quite a large one and I imagine at one time was a lovely home. The puzzle of Curious Kittens looks like a lot of fun!
And the Psalm at the end is so precious. It kind of goes along with what I posted today (Friday).
I agree I bet that was a beautiful house at one time!
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