Sunrise was 7:11
It was 34 degrees and clear and sunny once the sun rose.
On the way to town I saw four deer in the field and a
rabbit ran across the street in front of me.
Just light enough now so I can walk around both of the cemeteries first.
Stopped at the Jeep and picked up a DVD and walked to the library
to drop that down the book drop.
On the way to the library I saw that the house to come down
had a fence all around it in preparation for the demolition.
The excavator was parked out back and then I saw a truck
pull up and figured they would knocking it down in a little while.
Continued my walk around town and then around the ball park.
Next time I passed by the house the demolition was about to begin
so I hung around and watched for a while.
It was really cool to watch and I stayed about a half hour watching.
That made for an exciting walk.
Didn't see anyone else out walking.
🙂 ☀️ 🥾
We went to church this morning to pick up and load the church
trailer with the Romans books we all put together.
Tomorrow we will bring them to Bedford and pick up the next load.
On the way we stopped a Lowes and picked up new rope for my clothes line.
Then on the way home we stopped at Walmart and did some food shopping.
The new clothes line got put up this afternoon all ready
for the next load of laundry.
Did some reading this afternoon.
That's it for today.
Happy Tuesday and Thanks for stopping by.
Comment Replies:
Ginny - the Gospel tracts get handed out all over the place. No special place just wherever we all go in every day places.
...the story that the house could tell.
I bet this was one of your more unusual walks. It's not often you see a house come down. I wonder if they plan to build a new one there.
You had a productive day!
The house being torn down would have made me stop and watch too.
Oh dear - how quickly a house is demolished... now it will be interesting to see if a new one is built.
I like watching stuff like that. When my boys were little, if I found out about demolition, We’d walk or drive over with their foldable lawn chairs and they loved watching! I did the same years later with my daycare kids.
Sounds like a fun walk.
Hello! That is so neat to see. Sad in a way. I was thinking about the people who built it and then the families that called it home. I always think of things like that when I see buildings demolished. Aren't I a joy?!?! Have a cozy evening, my friend.
The house demolition certainly made for an interesting walk.
All the best Jan
That made for an interesting walk!
You had a very interesting walk. Still sad about the demo of the house though. They dont make homes like they use to. Janice
Hi Karen. That must have been quite interesting seeing the house come down - sad in a way too. You and Ken sure stay busy sharing the Gospel with Fingerprint books and tracts. I hope you have a good Wednesday! See you then!
It is so cool that you took shots of the progression of the demolition!!
Tomorrow the section will probably be cleared and you will only see the footprint of the house. Interesting to watch it coming down though.
It is interesting to see that house being demolished. They seem to do it quickly, it's probably a cleared lot now. Take care, enjoy your day!
If that house wrote its memoirs ...
God bless.
It's always sad to see a house torn down but how fascinating to watch them do it. It may be the crafter in me but when I see things like this I always think "look at all that wood that I could make something with"
It's too bad the house couldn't be saved. Interested to see what is built in its place.
That is something you don't see everyday. Glad you could see it and document it.
There are houses around here that should be knocked down. THey sit empty when there is a housing shortage.
The old house reminded me of an old TV show called If Walls Could Talk. I wonder how many memories the walls of that old house could share, I also would have found it interesting to watch the demolition progress. I don't hang my clothes anymore, except a few things which I hang on hangers to dry. Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday!
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