Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 24, 2025


A cloudy morning for walking,

 windy, with a temperature of 45 degrees.
Sunrise was 7:13
but didn't see any sun.
(Later in the day it was a mix of sun and clouds)

First walked to the library to put a book down the book drop and
then walked around town till it was light enough to 
walk around the ball park and both of the cemeteries.

I see this little smart car driving around town every so often.
It is so tiny.

As always I enjoy my walk around town each morning. 🙂

☁️    🥾

 Even though it was so windy I hung the sheets out on the line anyway.
They kept getting tangled around the line so I was out there often
untangling them.
Looked out one time and the clothes line had broken.
The sheets were still pegged on the line and both were blowing around.
The sheets were already dry and didn't get dirty because my 
clothes line is on the deck.

Every year in April our church has Tract Month.
We hand out Gospel tracts throughout the year but we concentrate on it
during the month of April.
The tracts are put in groups of 10 and set on a table at church.
People can take as many as they want to hand out.
This afternoon Ken and I counted out groups of 10
and put a rubber bands around them.
Here they all are on our dining room table.
We did over 9,000 of them.
Other people are doing some more.

We had some frozen chili in the freezer so just had that for supper.

That's about it for this Monday.
Thanks for stopping by and hope your day was a good one.


Tom said...

...leftovers for dinner here today too.

Lowcarb team member said...

I've never been in one but I think those smart cars look great and yes, they do look tiny!

All the best Jan

Mari said...

It was cloudy here and snowed much of the day.
Those smart cars are cute! I wouldn't want to drive one in the snow though.
Good job on all those tracts.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. That car sure is little. I don't think I would feel very safe driving around in a car that small. Wow, you sure bundled a lot of little tracts. I hope you have a great week. See you again soon!

Bill said...

I would be worried all the time if I was driving one of those smart cars. Nice job on the tracts.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Do you have a plan on how and where to hand out the tracts?

Dianna said...

That smart car is so cute...but I wonder if I'd worry about being crushed if I'd be in an accident. That's a lot of tracts! You did a great job!

doodles n daydreams said...

A really productive day on the tracts and the sheets:)

eileeninmd said...

The smart car is tiny, I would think it would not be a good car to drive around in the winter with snow on the ground. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

Ann said...

I've seen cars like that around here. I don't think I would like driving something so small.
Glad your laundry didn't get dirty when the line broke.

ellen b. said...

I agree with Eileen about that 'smart car'. That's a lot of tracts! Glad your sheets didn't blow away!

Jeanette said...

I always said that the price of gas would never be high enough for me to even consider buying one of those little cars! They look so unsafe!

Michelle said...

Always nice to have things in the freezer! It has been windy here, too.