Drove to town this morning and walked outside.
It was 28 degrees and cloudy and a few snow flurries at the end of my walk.
Sunrise 7:36
Morning Walk Steps 10,526
Left a little bit later when it was just starting to get light.
Wore my shoes with the ice grippers and brought along a pair without too.
I can't walk with the ice grippers unless everything is snow or ice covered
because walking on the pavement wears them out.
So I started out with the gripper pair of shoes and walked first to
the lower cemetery but couldn't walk around it because the snow was
too deep and it was the same for the other cemetery and the ball park.
Turned right at the top of the cemetery and went down the hill
to the barn and the Drane house.
Walked past the barn and between here where I turned around and
went back up to the cemetery.
Then back to the Jeep and changed shoes for the rest of my walk.
When they built the two houses (white and black) in town
rumor had it that they were also going to clear off some more land
for more houses.
Well it is no longer a rumor.
They started clearing the land.
Now we'll have something else to watch the progress on.
The last part of my walk was down the main street towards home
and a little ways up and down Barn Sale Rd.
Back to the Jeep and the drive home.
☁️ ❤️ 🙂
After breakfast we headed out to Lowe's to look for a new washing machine.
I picked out the one with the least options and one that had dials that
I could turn.
It's an Amana and Lowe's will call when we can pick it up.
Probably next Monday.
I thought a good price at $478.
We had snow on and off during the morning but it didn't amount to anything
and in the afternoon we saw sun!!!
It was windy though.
This afternoon we worked on the latest puzzle for a while and then
I did some reading and making weave-it squares.
Shouldn't have a problem finishing the blanket by Thursday.
I just have 11 more squares to make and half of the blanket is
already sewn together.
Milk Bottle number 14
This is another pint size
Hope you had a great Monday.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Karen. The washing machine you picked out looks a lot like the last one we bought in 2017. I'm with you - the simpler the better when it comes to appliances - especially washing machines. You are brave for walking outside in the snow and ice. Today was bitter cold and very icy here, even in the afternoon, so I will exercise inside. Have a good Tuesday! See you then.
Thank you for sharing about your new washing machine. I know that there's a new one in my not-so-distant future and I hadn't thought about getting one with dials instead of what I currently have. That was definitely a good price!
Pleased you were able to pick out your new washing machine.
All the best Jan
I was also able to get outside for a walk today, instead of using my bike indoors. Nice to get some sun and fresh air, but still quite cold here. Nice to see you are getting a new washer. I always love getting a new appliance :)
...Amana has a long history making appliances. $478 is a great price.
All this snow really affects your walking! Glad you could get outside though.
The new washer looks nice. I agree on less options, that means there is less to break.
I like the milk bottle, that green writing shows up nicely.
We bought this same washing machine and I like it. I'm like you-as few bells and whistles as possible.
I prefer items/appliances that don't have all the bells and whistles. Simple is good for me too.
We purchased Whirlpool washer and dryer 2 years ago. The heating element went bad in the dryer and within a month we had to replace a belt in the washing machine. The units we replaced were twenty years old with no problems. They don’t make them like they used to.
Stan in South Carolina
I got a new washing machine a few years back. Don't like it. I still haven't worked out some of the functions on it. I'll be glad when it needs to be replaced,
Ah the “two-shoe” walk! Funny you have to do that for awhile.
Gee your small town is growing with new builds starting to pop up. Exciting.
That really is a good price for a washing machine! Their prices have gone up horribly!!
That would be the washer I would have chosen too. I don't need all the fancy stuff. I just want it to wash my clothes.
Glad you were able to get out for your walk again.
I like walking outside unless it is super windy. It is good you took two pairs of walking shoes. I am glad you found a washer that you like. Take care, have a wonderful day!
Love the washer! I agree - more knobs and less electronics. Love the milk bottle too!
Hooray for walking outside and finding a washer that you like.
It will be fun to follow the progress of the homes being built in your area.
Another cute milk bottle. Not often that I've seen green writing and that cow is adorable.
Happy you could find a washing machine you can live with. Hope it serves you well for many years. Fun milk bottle. Today I get to go to Spokane to have a follow-up echo on my heart. Have a great Tuesday!
You said you went town, but it all looks like you had a lovely country walk.
Good to have a new washing machine! Hopefully it will be dependable! Our snow is disappearing. We don’t often have snow, and it was nice to have some this winter.
I love all you nice photo's. Also the new washing machine :-)
Oh good! You could walk outside.
Sounds like you picked a good washer. I hope you'll like it.
A good choice.
Another fine example of a milk bottle. Progress. We just heard our state sold land North of us to a ammunitions factory. 400 acres of state land will be cleared for this. Not sure if I like that...but like you said, progress. Janice
I LOVE dials...cannot tell you how much the push pads irritate me, specially on an oven. I hope it is a great washer and lasts a long time. I wondered what you would find. I have not looked since I bought my last. It had dials, too.
That is the cutest mil bottle!
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