Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rearranging Again

 My walking outside only lasted one day, back inside walking today.
The sun was out but it was only 4 degrees F and windy
so it was a bit chilly to be outside.
(Anyway that's what Ken said) 🙂

Yesterdays sunset out the front door.

Made us French toast for breakfast.

I did some more rearranging today.
In the laundry room I have a white cabinet which I cleaned out and moved.
I'm going to put a kitchen cabinet there on the wall and a piece of
counter top beneath it.
On the wall over the washing machine will be an open shelf.

Moved the white cabinet into the kitchen.

This cabinet Ken made many years ago and I cleaned it out
and put it in the hall by the bedroom.

In its place I put white shelves with baskets on it.

We worked on the puzzle.
It is pretty easy but fun and I like the scene.
Here's our progress so far.

In the afternoon it clouded up and started snowing again.

I only have 3 more weave-its to make and will do them later and
then sew some more rows together.
Might even finish it tonight.

Hope your Tuesday was a good one.
Thanks for stopping by.


Dianna said...

You are such a creative person, Karen. I love how the white cabinet from the laundry room looks in the kitchen! And I love the plate display close to it. SO pretty.

The piece of furniture that Ken made is lovely. I love all of the baskets on the white shelves, too. Are some of those Longaberger baskets? (Sorry if I misspelled that name).

The puzzle scene looks so relaxing and calm.

Tom said...

...I like the cabinet that Ken made, the simple hinges and clasp are nice.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a beautiful sunset...

All the best Jan

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! I love how you are always moving things around in your home. I love that white cabinet and the cabinet Ken made. Glad you had a nice, productive Tuesday. See you again tomorrow!

jack69 said...

Yeah, i would say that temp would make it a little nippy outside. LOL Nice changes, you are doing a lot it seems. Ken did a good job on the cabinet.
I lost my pedometer on our last trip to Orlando. I ordered a couple and this one registered 100 steps after a mile of walking. OUCH. WE are just cool down here, but it does feel cold to me at my age.
Love from down here. STAY WARM and hug the old retiree! He might be cold... LOL

Inger said...

That's a very big puzzle and it looks like it will be very pretty when finished.

Mari said...

It was 6 degrees here. It's supposed to be a little warmer this weekend and then be right back down to those cold temps next week.
I like your laundry room plans and what you've done with your cabinets.
Looks like a fun puzzle!

Sandi said...

How do you think things would be different if you had never taken up walking?

Ginny Hartzler said...

The white cabinet is really pretty. It looks so much better in it's new spot! It needs to be shown off, and the blue wall really makes it beautiful. The sunset is gorgeous! I love your cube shaped basket shelves!

Ann said...

Everything looks so nice. Those little changes can make it look like a whole new room.

Prims By The Water said...

Your re=arranging looks quite nice. I always say if you re-arrange, it helps make your home look fresh and new again...at least for me it does. Janice

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Beautiful sunset.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, the sunset is gorgeous. It has been too cold for too long now. Your cabinets and the white selves with baskets is cute.
I like your puzzle board, I could use one now too.
Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

John's Island said...

I sure like your cabinets and you’ve done a great job placing them. I wonder if you’re like me … I’m always thinking about ways to rearrange things around the house. 😊 John

Jeanette said...

All your rearranging looks good and organized!

Granny Marigold said...

I like all the cupboards you have especially the one that holds 9 baskets and the one Ken made. It looks like a genuine antique with that old fashion closure ( not sure what the proper name for it is).

The Furry Gnome said...

Karen, I'm afraid for skating through the trees you really need a long cold winter.

Bill said...

It's good to move things around every now and then, it gives you a nice new perspective.

Happy@Home said...

Brrr, that is cold!
What a gorgeous sunrise.
I like all of the rearranging you did. It's fun to change things up from time to time. I do it often with accessories and am always amazed at how little changes can provide such a fresh perspective.

ellen b. said...

4 degrees...yep that's cold. I really like that white cabinet you moved from the laundry room...charming. The piece that Ken made is very cool.

Hill Top Post said...

Rearranging things is somewhat of an obsession with me. A big thumbs up to you! 👍 Your home always looks so neat and clean!

William Kendall said...

Note to self- eat French toast.