Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, November 30, 2024

Inside Walking

Today was an inside day again for walking.
Driveway and road were icy.
Ken put the chains on the tractor and put gravel on our driveway.
The county came and put grit on the road out front and then we were able to drive to town.
I went to the library to meet the stitching ladies.
There were 5 of us there today.

I had a book to pick up while I was there that I had reserved.
The British series Rise to Lark Candleford which I loved is based on the book by Flora Thompson.
The name of the book is The Illustrated Lark Rise to Candleford: a trilogy.
Just read a little of it this afternoon and so far like it a lot and loving the illustrations and pictures in it. 

Tomorrow is Liz's birthday and I baked her birthday cake this afternoon.  
She likes those pudding cakes so I baked a yellow cake with chocolate pudding icing.
Her and David will come over tomorrow afternoon.

We got the puzzle started and the border is done.

I got some more work done on the cross stitch ornament I'm making.

Sorry no pictures today.

Happy Saturday and thanks for stopping by.

I want to thank you, Lord, 
for life and all that's in it. 
Thank you for the day and for the hour, and the minute.
Maya Angelou


Lowcarb team member said...

Happy birthday wishes for Liz.

All the best Jan

Sandi said...

"I want to thank you, Lord,
for life and all that's in it.
Thank you for the day and for the hour, and the minute."

I love this. 💙

Ginny Hartzler said...

Goodness, nasty weather you are having. You are brave to even venture outside!

Tom said...

...you are an elevation of 2,356' and I am at about 350'. It's understandable that you are getting snow and we aren't.

Mari said...

We had snow and ice too. We ventured to the grocery store and were glad to get back home.
I'm sure Liz will enjoy that cake!
I've heard Lark Rise to Candleford is good. I'm going to have to look that one up.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Yes, better safe than sorry when walking. That's my motto now that I am a little older. ;-) That cake you baked for Liz sounds delicious! I also like the new puzzle you are working on that you showed a picture of yesterday. Glad you had a nice day. Happy birthday to Liz! See you again soon!

Granny Marigold said...

I've been donating many of my books but Lark Rise to Candleford as well as Still Glides the Stream by the same author are keepers!

I must check if your recipe for chocolate pudding icing is on your other blog because I'd like to have it.

Rose said...

I don't know why I had not thought about Lark Rise to Candleford/book. A lot of times I try to see if a series I like is based on a book.

Speaking of which...have you read any of the Elana Standish books by Anne Perry? I am listening to the first in the series, and it is a good think I am listening cause I would not be able to put a book down.

Liz is blessed to have you...the cake sounds delicious.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Yum, that pudding cake sounds good. I had one recently called a pumpkin patch cake - it had pudding and was surprisingly light and not too sweet.
Ive on pavement scares me because I don’t want anymore falls that require surgery. Fortunately we don’t get ice but when we go up to the mountains, we have to be careful.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad you stayed safe, with the icy roads.
Happy Birthday to Liz.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

Ann said...

Don't blame you for not walking outside. Snow is one thing but ice is another. I can't get out of my driveway here. Too much to shovel and no one to plow for me.
That cake for Liz's birthday sounds delicious.

Inger said...

I read the Lark Candleford books years ago and enjoyed them. It's great you have both Ken and the county to help you get to town. I bought gravel for our road this year and my neighbor Joyce used her tractor to spread it. It made a big difference after one of our rare rain storms.

Bill said...

Good decision to walk indoors and be safe. Have a great day.

ellen b. said...

Lark Rise to Candleford was such an enjoyable series we watched on DVD, I should probably read the series, too. Happy December to you!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I like the prayer at the end.

God bless.

Michelle said...

Sounds like a good day, despite the weather. We are having snow here in KY for the third time so far. Unusual for us.

Dianna said...

Happy Birthday to Liz. You are so thoughtful to know and make the kind of cake she likes for her birthday.