Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Cross stitch delivered

Another sunny morning walk once the sun came over the mountain.
It was 37 degrees with no wind.
Sunrise 7:32

Had one of my random walks all over town up and down all the streets, the two cemeteries, and the ball park.

At the church in town people were showing up to get ready for their Annual Fall Bazaar and the cooks were already making the 3 kinds of soup that they sell every year.
The Bazaar had flea market items, crafts, and food.
It sure smelled good walking past smelling the soup being made.

Didn't see any other walkers around town.
A couple of deer were around the cemetery as well as some rabbits.

Morning Walk Steps 13,044

🎃    🍁    ☀️  

Stitching morning at the library.
Five of us there this time including the two young girls who are doing quite well with their knitting and crocheting.

I left a little early at 11:15 to go to my church for the Ladies Luncheon Prayer Meeting.
Got there before it started so that I could give the Promise counted cross stitch I made to Kathy.
She was so surprised and really liked it and thanked me over and over again.
Said she had the perfect spot to hang it. 

After being out most of the day it was nice to get home again and like yesterday I read until supper time.

Since we didn't have pizza yesterday, we had it today.🍕
I'm going to start making our own dough but we still have a few of the Pepe doughs in the freezer and will use them up first.

Hope you all had a great Saturday
Thanks so much for stopping by

Comment Replies:
Deb - Bedford is not that far away from our house, about 1 hour 40 minutes.  Our church is 35 minutes away in the opposite direction.


Dianna said...

The picture with the colored leaves on the path is so stunning.

I'm not surprised that your pastor's wife thanked you over and over for the counted cross stitch. It's beautiful.

I'm blessed that those two little girls continue to come to the stitching get together at the library.

Have a wonderful Lord's Day tomorrow.

Tom said...

...the carpet of red leaves a beautiful sight.

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, I too like the carpet of red leaves.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

Look at all those leaves!
I'm sure Kathy will treasure that cross stitch.

John's Island said...

Wow, love that first photo! You continue to be an inspiration!

Sandi said...

The leaves are so beautiful.

Rose said...

I bet Kathy loved the cross stitch. It has been a nice day here, too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These bushes look Christmassy. and th red leaf strewn path is beautiful. Wish I could go to the Bazaar, it sounds wonderful!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I know that Kathy loved the cross stitch. I was just beautiful. What a lovely gift! That Bazaar sounds fun. I haven't been to one of those for years! I love the picture of all the leaves on the ground. Hope you have a wonderful, peaceful Sabbath. See you again soon!

Ann said...

All the fall color you have around you is so pretty.
You probably made Kathy's day by giving her the cross stitch. It's always nice to get a gift and especially a hand made one.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty photos of the leaves, the red color is lovely.
Happy Sunday, have a wonderful week!