Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, September 04, 2024


 50 degrees this morning when I walked in town.
Lots of sunshine.
One of those clear crisp mornings just perfect for walking.

First walked up and down the main road in town.
Then around the lower cemetery.
Trusses were getting delivered to the pole barn site.

Next walked to the ball park and around there a couple of times.
Continued back to the other cemetery and around there too.

I could barely tell where they dug up the coffin yesterday!
I remember reading the grave stone that was there.
It was a little girls grave.
One day some years ago I was walking around the cemetery 
and there was a man putting flowers on her grave and then took a picture.
He started talking to me and said that he knew the couple whose
little girl had died.
They moved away and he would put flowers on the grave for them, take
a picture and send it to them. 
Wonder why they wanted to move her after so many years.

Walked up and down the main road again as well as some
side streets and then back to the Jeep.

Saw Ruth out walking her two dogs.
Sheila was running.  
She suggested we meet for lunch one of these days.

Walking past the head start building and seeing
all these little trikes made me smile.
I could picture all the little ones riding around on them.

Morning Walk Steps

☀️    ☀️

Got some more laundry washed and hung out on the line
and did some of my weekly house cleaning.

Afternoon time for fun.
Reading and working on the cross stitch.

Happy Wednesday and thanks for visiting.


Lowcarb team member said...

That morning sky is beautiful.

All the best Jan

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a sad and interesting mystery about the little girl.

Dianna said...

The sunrise picture is gorgeous.

Thank you for sharing about the grave of the little girl. It does make one wonder why they would want it moved after all this time. I'm sure it was rather costly.

Have a great rest of your week.

Rose said...

The trikes make me think of Lorelei when she was little. It would be so sad to lose a child, and when visiting an old cemetery, one sees so many children's graves.

Tom said...

...what a great kids play area!

Granny Marigold said...

Don't we all like a mystery!! I also wonder why the little girl was moved after all that time.
Beautiful sunrise again.

Ann said...

That was so nice of the man to put flowers on that little girls grave. Sad that one should die at such a young age.
Head start has a nice are for the little ones to ride their trikes on

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sunrise! It is nice the man is able to put the flowers on the girl's grave! Take care, have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Great sky photo,

God bless.

Bill said...

The sky is a beauty.