Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, September 06, 2024

Gingerbread Men

It was 52 degrees this morning when I got to town.
Walked again in the sunshine once the sun came over the mountain.
Morning Walk Steps 13,378

I walked up and down and all around town first and then the ball park and both of the cemeteries.

The roof trusses have been put on the pole barn.

Sheila was out running around the cemetery the same time I was walking around it.

I saw my little friend Kinsley getting dropped off at day care.
She came running over to me to give me a hug.
Kinsley is now in 4th grade.  I first met her back in 2019 at our neighbors house fund raising party.  For some reason she took a liking to me and we've been friends ever since.

These nice sunny cool mornings sure have been great for walking and for that I am so thankful.

☀️     ☀️     ☀️

Another great day for doing laundry with all that sunshine.

Got the rest of my house cleaning done for this week.

I had a theme of birds in our bathroom and took everything to do with birds out and put some old bottles around.
The birds went up on the mantel in the living room with some bird pictures above the birds. Nice to have a change.

I had some gingerbread men I made out of wood years ago and they have been in an old glass cookie jar.
Today I took them out of the jar and decided to put them all in a row and hang them up.  Ken hooked them together for me with wire on the back of them and then hung it up.  I like looking at them all in a row.  

The windows have been calling me for the last week to wash them so got the glass doors and the windows in the dining room area washed.
After that I was done with work and read sitting on the porch till it was time to make the pizza for supper which we always look forward to. 🙂🍕

Happy Friday
Thanks for visiting

Comment Replies:
Lisa - The yellow flowers yesterday are Goldenrod.


Tom said...

...I like the rows of wrapped hay bales in the first picture.

Lowcarb team member said...

I like your wooden gingerbread men.

Enjoy your Friday pizza.

All the best Jan

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Those gingerbread men look so fun hanging in your kitchen. You sure do have lot of fun things in your house! Wow, Kinsley is really growing up. Time flies. I didn't realize that it was clear back in 2019 that you met Kinsley when she was really little. I hope that you enjoyed your pizza and that you and Ken have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The gingerbread men were MADE for this spot, it is perfect! Now I want to see the bird decor. We are birdwatchers.

Rose said...

Love what you did with the gingerbread men. I did not notice those were haybales in the first pic till I read Tom's comment. There sure is a bunch of them.

Granny Marigold said...

Cute idea you had putting the gingerbread men up on the wall.
We've been enjoying the cool mornings too. By 9 it's uncomfortably hot for walking.

Ann said...

Kids and dogs always seem to be able to spot good people. Kinsley obviously could sense that you were a good person.
I like the gingerbready men. They look nice hanging like that.

Prims By The Water said...

The gingerbread men are so sweet. Janice

ellen b. said...

That's a sweet friendship you have with Kinsley. i like the gingerbread men!

Kerri Farley said...

Love those gingerbread men!!

Happy@Home said...

The gingerbread men look cute in their new location. I enjoy changing things up around here with things I already own.
That's a very special friendship you have with Kinsley.

eileeninmd said...

The weather has been delightful for walking.
I like the cute gingerbread men.
Have a great weekend.

Bill said...

The gingerbread men, a very cool bunch. :)


It sounds like you've had a productive and enjoyable day! Your morning walk and the friendly encounter with Kinsley must have been a great way to start the day. I love the idea of changing up your bathroom decor and the gingerbread men display—such a charming touch. And it’s wonderful that the sunny weather made for perfect laundry days and window cleaning.

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