Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Work Day

 47 degrees this morning when I arrived in town for my walk.
Started out a little foggy but soon the sun came out
and I got to walk once again in the sunshine.

Walked through town and behind our old house and then
over to the DG Market and walked the road behind the store.
Back through town and up and down all the side streets.
Continued walking around both of the cemeteries.
Had all my steps in before I got to walk around the ball park.

I saw the woman walking who usually walks two dogs
but she was alone this time.
Was going to stop and introduce myself but she turned off
before I got to her.

As I was walking through town Ken passed me in the truck
going to G&W, the lumber yard in town.
He tooted at me as he passed by. 🙂

Modern gas station on the left
very old one on the right.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    ☀️    ☀️

Fingerprint work day at church today.
Seems like we just did this a week ago and here a month has already gone by.
A couple people are sick and others are out of town so there wasn't
a very good turnout and we only got 3,000 books done.
There is another work day tomorrow, maybe we'll get a better turnout.

No time for anything else today.
Looking forward to reading this evening.

Hope your Thursday was a good one.
Thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...I like old gas stations!

Mari said...

What a beautiful morning! I like that old gas station.
I hope your Fingerprints ministry goes well tomorrow.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the contrast between the old and new gas stations!! And so close as well.

Rose said...

I love the mist coming off the pond. Hopefully there will be more for your work day tomorrow.

Granny Marigold said...

The fog and mist in the early morning make a great picture.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Ann said...

I like the picture of the old and new gas stations. I miss the old days when someone came out and pumped the gas for you.

eileeninmd said...

Love the pond view and photos. Take care, have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

Fun misty photo. Do you know of other churches that participate in the Fingerprint work?

Dianna said...

I love the picture with the fog around the pond. One of my favorite things about this time of year is the fog. I just enjoy the way it gives a sense of mystery.

That was kind of Ken to toot at you when he drove by. :)

I hope your Friday workday is a good one.

Inger said...

A good start of the day makes for a good day, I believe. I wish I were as good as you at getting the beginning right. But, as always, your are an inspiration.

Bill said...

The mist coming off the pond is beautiful.

Prims By The Water said...

That old gas station is cool. I love old buildings. Janice

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful foggy morning! We've been having some of those too.

Jeanette said...

Love the morning mist picture!


you had a productive and pleasant walk, despite the cool start to the morning! It’s great that you managed to get in so many steps and enjoy the sunshine.

The contrast between the modern and old gas stations adds a nice touch to your walk through town. It’s always interesting to see the different eras reflected in our surroundings.

Good luck with the fingerprint work at church. Even with a smaller turnout, it sounds like you made good progress. I hope the next session goes smoothly and that you have a relaxing evening with your reading.

Thank you for sharing your Thursday with us!

Read my new blog post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2024/08/best-ways-to-style-pink-shorts-for-chic-spring-summer-look.html
Thank you.