Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Gravel Weeding

A chilly start to the day at 43 degrees but good walking weather.
Diving to town this morning.

Arrived in town and started walking at 6:20 and sunrise was 6:35
and sunny once it came over the mountain.
No wind to speak of.

Walked right through town and over to the DG Market
and went up and down the road behind it.
Then back to town and behind our old house in town.
A couple of times around the ball park loop and then both of the cemeteries.

I saw John walking Prim and he stopped me and asked if my feet
ever hurt when I walk and told him no.
He asked me what shoes I wear because his makes his feet hurt.
I might have made another Keen shoe convert. 🙂

When my walk ended the temperature was 49 degrees.

Morning Walk Steps

☀️    ☀️    ☀️

Put sausage in the crock pot this morning with pasta sauce.

This afternoon I repotted a plant.
Then I spent a couple of hours outside weeding the gravel around the house.
I usually keep up with it pretty good but had let it go.
It was breezy and in the mid 60's so good weather for outside work.
Sat out on the front porch to get cool and then headed inside
and worked on the cross stitch for a little while.

Supper tonight was the sausage on hot dog rolls 
and we had coleslaw along with it.
And now I'm off to church in just a bit for Wed prayer meeting.

Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.


Dianna said...

I have often wondered what brand of walking shoes you wear. I'm glad that John asked you today. :) I want to check them out.

Your sausage in the pasta sauce sounds so delicious! I do that now and then too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your meals always sound so good. Fall weather is almost here! Never heard of these shoes.

Tom said...

...nature has some mighty hardy weeds, they want to survive.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad you had another nice day. :-)

Mari said...

I have Keens too - such good shoes!
I should try your sausage on rolls. My hubby would like that!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Now that’s some fall- like temps! We’re supposed to have rain and possibly snow on mt Shasta and other high elevations; like the Sierras etc. We shall see. The local weather likes the hype.

Rose said...

We are supposed to be down to 51 tonight and I thought that was getting cool! Hard to believe that the nights are getting this cool already.

Granny Marigold said...

Only 43F this morning....that's chilly. Time to find those warm gloves or mittens and maybe a hat.

Ann said...

For years I bought cheap shoes but finally learned that spending a little extra money on a good pair of shoes is so worth it.
I have a small area by my back door that has gravel and I tend to let it go too long before I weed. Thankfully it's easy to pull them out of there.

Kerri Farley said...

We had lovely weather here today too - our low was 47. An almost perfect day with sunshine!

Visits With Mary said...

We're still waiting for some of that cool weather, I guess it will get here soon enough. Sausage hot dogs sound great and it was so easy to prepare, my kind of meal. Hope you're enjoying a great day.

Bill said...

Sausage and sauce sounds great. I usually make a sandwich with that when we have leftovers.

ellen b. said...

I've never cooked sausage in the crock pot. Your dinner sounds good. We have had cooler mornings here again. Hope your Thursday is going well.

Retired Knitter said...

Cooking in a crock pot is my favorite kind of cooking.

Prims By The Water said...

Supper sounded good. We had tacos and cheese nachos last night.. Janice