Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, August 23, 2024

Old Milk Can Tractor Seat

It was 46 degrees this morning and once the sun was up it was sunny.
Another nice walk all around my town.

Went up and down all the streets in town, the ball park
and one of the cemeteries.

No people out that I saw this morning.

The antique shop in town is getting a face lift.
It will look so much nicer with the white siding than the gray
painted siding.

Haven't seen the geese family for quite awhile now.
They are off to destinations unknown.

Morning Walk Steps

☀️    ☀️    ☀️

Fingerprints again at church this morning.
We quit at noon today.
Not a good turn out again today but we managed to get another 3,000 books done. 
So for both days we finished a little over 6,000.
For most of the morning there was just 5 of us there.

A nice sunny afternoon and I sat out on the porch and knitted.
Working on a small blanket and will probably finish it 
tomorrow at stitching time at the library.
Watched a few deer wander around in the front.

GrannyM this picture is for you.
This is the old milk can that my step dad put an old tractor seat on.
I need to take the peeling black off and repaint it.

Happy Friday
Thanks for stopping by
Comment Replies:
Ellen - I know of 5 other churches that do Fingerprints.  They call it Scripture Assembly.  Our Pastor named it Fingerprints because we all put our fingerprints all over the books. There are many churches from many states that participate in the ministry.


Tom said...

...it looks like construction companies stay busy in your small town.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This milk can seat is so cool!!

Mari said...

Your antique store is going to look so nice when it's done. I'll be looking forward to seeing pics when it's done.
I have an old milk can like that from my Dad's farm. Mine is also painted black and I have it by the back door with a welcome sign in it.

Rose said...

6,000 in two days is nothing to complain about...especially with fewer people to help. Do you just take what you finish, or do you try to do a set number?

Ann said...

That antique store is going to look so nice when they're done. Love the milk can seat. That's quite a treasure.

eileeninmd said...

The store will look nice with the new siding.
Great photos, the milk can is a treasure!
Have a happy weekend.

ellen b. said...

Thanks for answering my question, Karen. I'm glad you aren't the only church participating. What a fun seat! Have a great day!

Bill said...

I love the milk can seat, it's very cool.

Inger said...

I love the seat too, such imagination to create it.

Jeanette said...

That is a interesting milk can seat!

Granny Marigold said...

Thanks for posting the picture of your old milk can. It looks in good shape, all it needs is a bit of work to make it look outstanding.

Kim said...

Great use of a tractor seat!

Prims By The Water said...

That tractor seat is so cool. Janice