Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 55 degrees this morning again and sunny.
Perfect walking weather.

Walked around both of the cemeteries.
The corn is taller than I am and the corn smells good!

Here in the pasture in front of the Drane house
are a couple of bulls still sleeping.

Next headed on over to the ball park loop and then back to the Jeep.
Got a DVD out of the Jeep and then dropped it off at the library.

Continued on over to the industrial park and walked down the
main road in there, back through town and that
ended my walk.

One woman was out running around the ball park.
Don't see her very often and don't know her name.

Nothing much happening around town but it sure was nice
to be there and walking around.

Morning Walk Steps

☀️    ☀️

Some housework got done this morning.
Washing machine still working fine.

Did some knitting sitting out on the front porch.

Grilled hamburgers outside for supper this evening.

Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by
Comment Replies:
Mari - No, it wasn't a double wedding.  My aunt was already married and was the Matron of Honor for my mother.  Though my aunts gown does look like a wedding gown.  I'm thinking maybe she just wore her wedding dress so they didn't have to buy another dress for my mom's wedding.


Dianna said...

The last two mornings have been wonderful! Our temps have been 47 and 48 respectively. I try to enjoy each season for what it has to offer, but this summer the heat has really bothered me...the humidity more than the heat. These cooler temps have been a blessing from the Lord.

It would have been a beautiful afternoon to sit on the porch and read or knit.

Tom said...

...the corn is high as an elephant's eye!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Grilled hamburgers for dinner sound good!

Mari said...

Such a beautiful morning. I always like the Drane house and even more with bulls in front of it.
Thanks for the wedding answer!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love how you draw things on rearview mirrors. It is so uplifting and surprising. I would make my day.

Granny Marigold said...

Another lovely day gone by with a bit of this and a bit of that.
August is over half done and the time of the year that I love the most is coming💗💗💗

doodles n daydreams said...

Sounds like a relaxed sort of a day :)

Ann said...

It always looks so quiet and peaceful in the pictures you take. My kind of place.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful walk, love the cows! Take care, enjoy your day!

Jennifer said...

The mornings have been perfect for walks! I love the crisp air. Now, if I could just see bulls still sleeping along my route:) A country view would be wonderful, I do believe!

ellen b. said...

Looks like another great walk about your nice town. Take care!

Bill said...

Up and walking before the town begins its day, that's the best time!

Michelle said...

Burgers are on the menu tonight!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We might grill some hamburgers tonight for dinner - depends.

Rose said...

Hoping and praying all is okay....so unlike you not to post.

I thought I had commented on this last night but apparently I didn't. I must not have hit publish...I comment something about burgers on the grill. They are one of my favorite meals. I always say they are a meal fit for a king.

Visits With Mary said...

Always enjoy your walks! It's been a while since I've seen a corn field, Mr D and I just don't get out like we used to! You can't go wrong with burgers on the grill -YUMMY!

Rose said...

I was glad to hear you were just taking a day off...I have to moderate all comments because I get spam a lot if I don't...this way I am able to catch it. But, I did not see the comment till after I visited your blog last night..