Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, August 05, 2024

Pink Peep day again

 A foggy ride to town this morning.

Sunrise 6:20

Saw all the usual deer on my way to and from town.
It was 61 degrees and once the fog burned off it was sunny.

Walked first to the library to drop off my latest book
and then walked down toward home a ways before turning back to town.

Continued through town and up and down all the side streets.
Around the ball park a couple of times.
All but one of the chickens were inside their coop and she was on the 
wrong side of the fence.
I saw that they don't escape by a hole in the fence but by flying over it.
I watched the one chicken fly to the top of the fence and then down.

Only walked around the lower cemetery and I had company
half way around it.
KitKat stopped for his pet and then walked along side of me.

When we got back to the road KitKat turned and went home.

Saw both John Rebecca but both were too far away and they didn't even see me.

Another toy in the yard across the street from the cemetery.
They have the neatest toys.

I came across these flowers that I've never seen before.
Looked like lilies but had no leaves.
Looked it up when I got home.

They have several names
Resurrection Lilies
Surprise Lilies
Magic Lilies
Mystery Lilies

Morning Walk Steps
Saturday my total steps for the year to date is 4,002,309.
That total is for ALL day steps NOT just morning walk steps.

🌫    ☁️    ☀️

Washed the sheets this morning and when I went to take them out of the washer
they were all tangled up together with black marks all over them.
I think a part of one got under the agitator somehow and got grease on it
from under there.
I washed them again in HOT water and they came out nice and clean.
Hope it's only a one time thing.
A new washing machine may be in my future.

Worked on the cross stitch a little.
The pattern to follow came in two halves and I'm having trouble
lining both of them up on the material.
I put it down and will try again tomorrow.

Got a good start on reading the book club book and won't
have any trouble finishing by Thursday. 

Pink Peep has hopped up on here on the tea towels this week.

Happy Monday 
Thanks for stopping by


Tom said...

...that looks like Lycoris Species, common names Magic Lily, Naked Lady, Resurrection Lily, Surprise Lily.

Dianna said...

What a neat way to store and display at the same time your tea towels! I love that idea!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love how you store your dish towels in that basket! That is a very interesting lily. I have never seen one like that. Wow, you have walked a lot of steps. Have a good Tuesday. See you then!

Rose said...

Pink looks comfy setting where she is. We always called those Surprise Lilies. That is a lot of steps taken!

Debby said...

I have to agree with everyone else - the basket storage for your tea towels is a good idea!

Mari said...

Pink Peep looks good with the towels. The basket is perfect for them.
You did have a foggy morning! The lilies are really pretty.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love how you store the tea TOWELS! I AM GOING TO TRY IT. kitKat is so sweet. I think we may need a new washer, ours is really old. Maybe over 25 years! I have seen these lilies around here and never knew what they are! No leaves, weird!

Granny Marigold said...

It's so cute that KitKat walks along with you for a bit before turning back.
I'm glad you were able to get the ugly black marks off your sheets.

Ann said...

wow, that was a foggy morning. That's a much neater way to store your tea towels than I have. Mine are in a cupboard and not neatly stacked.

Bill said...

It's nice that KitKat joined you for part of your morning walk.

ellen b. said...

That is a fun way to keep your tea towels. Fun furry companion for part of your walk. Hope your washing machine behaves and that was just a one time glitch!

susan q said...

love the pink peep! need to find a pattern for one!

William Kendall said...

KitKat is welcome company.