Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Foggy Start

 It was pretty dark and foggy when I left for town this morning.
Getting to the end of my road here.
A left here takes me to the main road and then another left
turn takes me to town.

The temperature was 64 degrees and no wind.
The sun eventually chased away the fog.

Headed over to the library first thing to drop off a book and DVD.
Then walked to the Farm Loop road which starts at the school.

🌱    🌱

Tom, the yard with the brown grass never did turn green.
Guess it wasn't that Zoya grass that Ken thought it was.

🌱    🌱

Didn't walk around the whole loop but turned around here
at the intersection and went back the way I came.

It was so nice and peaceful walking along the road that I didn't want
to hit the main road so stayed on the peaceful road.

School for the kids start next week but the teachers are there this week. 
 One of the teachers was having some trouble getting
a book case moved from her car to the school 
so I stopped to help her.  
Once I got back to the Jeep still had a few steps to take
so walked around the lower cemetery.

Lumber was getting delivered to the cleared spot where
I think a garage is going to be built.

Didn't see anyone else out, but then I don't usually walking up this way.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    🌤

Got the rest of this weeks house work done this morning.

Wanted to get my work finished in the morning so I could spend
some time on the cross stitch.
I worked on that till my eyes went crosseyed.
Then went and sat at on the front porch
and ended up reading.
Have to get all the porch sitting time in while the weather is nice!

We missed our homemade pizza last Friday so we
had that for supper this evening.
Still no ice cream so we'll have another piece of the spice cake.

That's it for today
Thanks for stopping by
Happy Tuesday
Comment Replies:
Dianna - Yes, the umbrella girl is a Hummel.  I have the boy also and a few others.  They were my mothers.

Mari - Yes, that is a live edge board over a little brook. 

Ginny - The toys were not in front of an antique shop but someone's home. The kids that live there always leave their toys out.  Yesterdays collection was just a lot more than usual!!

Bill - Yes, if you don't put the toy away, it gets taken away.  That's one of the good old fashion rules that isn't used much in today's world!! 🙂 


Tom said...

...fog season has arrived.

Dianna said...

I love the fog pictures! SO pretty! How kind of you to help the teacher get the bookcase out of her car and into the school.

It was too warm here today for any porch sitting...maybe I should move to Garrett County? :)

Thank you for answering my question about Umbrella Girl. I would love to see some of the others that you have. What a blessing that you have these that belonged to your mother.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Yes, you are right - time goes so quickly that before we know it, winter will be here and it will be too cold to sit on the porch. That was nice of you to help the teacher move the bookcase. I got the audiobook of The United States of Trump from the library and I am listening to it and am already almost 1/3 of the way finished with it. It is very interesting for sure! I hope you have a good evening. See you again soon!

Mari said...

I love a foggy morning! You have beautiful photos of it. The darker mornings are really starting to show up, I see it on my way to work too.
I'm sure that teacher really appreciated your help.
I agree with the rule you and Bill are talking about. I wish it was used more often.

Kim said...

Such beautiful views!

Ginny Hartzler said...

There must have been a lot of kids living in that house (from yesterday's post). I love how the fog makes everything look.

Hill Top Post said...

Fog makes the world a different place. You captured it wonderfully in your magnificent photos.

Ann said...

I've always liked a good morning fog. It makes things look mysterious.
School started here yesterday.

Bill said...

The fog adds its beauty to your photos. Enjoy your day.

Rose said...

Oh, I so love the foggy world...it adds mystery.

eileeninmd said...

Love the foggy photos, beautiful views! Take care, enjoy your day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Great photos. God bless always.

ellen b. said...

We are seeing those foggy starts here and there, too. Nice photos. Walking where things are peaceful is nice. You are a good neighbor to all who live in your town!!


Your morning sounds so peaceful, despite the foggy start. I love how you always find beauty and tranquility in your walks, especially by choosing the quieter paths. Helping the teacher with the bookcase was such a kind gesture—it’s the little things that make a difference! And porch sitting with a good book sounds like the perfect way to unwind after a productive day. Homemade pizza and spice cake sound like a delicious way to end the day, too!

Hey there! 🌟 I enjoyed reading your post. By the way, I recently wrote about how many senior citizens still follow outdated aspirin advice. Check it out here: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2024/08/who-needs-rsv-vaccine-this-year.html. Would love to hear your thoughts!

Granny Marigold said...

It sure was foggy. You got some great pictures that capture the mood.

Henny Penny said...

It is dark and foggy in your first picture. I have been sitting on the porch more lately. Dan keeps the house too cold. I just have to go out and warm up. Are you just out of ice cream or taking a break? :) We are still eating ice cream every night. My two favorite flavors right now are Turkey Hill's Double Dunker and Peanut Butter Cup

Retired Knitter said...

Your photography is always so beautiful.

Prims By The Water said...

Been foggy evert morning here except for the one day it was raining. Wish I did not have to drive those mornings. Janice