Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, June 10, 2024

Pink Peep


Sunrise 6:49
To town at 6:25 and started walking.
50 degrees and mostly sunny with a few clouds.
Morning Walk Steps

First walked around both of the cemeteries.

There are just 5 baby geese now.
I guess one of them died.

A bull in the pasture down by the Drane house.

A few donkeys

After walking around the cemeteries went to the ball park and walked
around there a couple of times.
Then up and down the main road and the side streets.

It was the first day of no school so no school buses.
Not that there is ever a lot of traffic but there was less of it today.

The woman was out walking her two dogs again.
She is becoming a regular.
I'll have to introduce myself to her and learn her name.

🌤    🌤

After breakfast we headed out to get some errands done.
We went to the recycling place and dropped off a bunch of aluminum cans.
We had 48 pounds and got $24 for them.
Then we stopped at two hardware type stores.

Next we went to church and put up some red, white, and blue,
streamers along some low guide wires out back so no one would run into them.

Next stop was Walgreens and lastly Lowes.
By this time it was time for lunch so we picked up a couple of
burgers at McDonald's and ate lunch over looking the lake.

Supper tonight was meatloaf, baked potatoes, and green beans.

Monday and time to see where Pink Peep is hanging out this week.

Hope you all enjoyed your Monday.
Thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...corn is popping up here to, it should be knee high by the 4th of July.

Mari said...

You were busy today! I love seeing the bull and the donkeys. Seeing tractors in the fields is always nice.
McDonalds at the lake looks perfect!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

What a handsome bull. Love the donkeys! What a nice spot to have lunch at. Sounds like a very good day.

Bill said...

The bull and the donkeys are glad to greet you in the morning. :) I like the pond with the fountain in the background, nice composition.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful lunch this must have been!! The donkeys are so cute. Love the return of the Peep!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Sounds a busy day.
A nice spot to eat some lunch.
Nice to see Pink Peep.

All the best Jan

Granny Marigold said...

Donkeys always make me think of Henny Penny. She's always wanted a donkey if I remember correctly.
Pink Peep sure gets around.
Lovely pictures of the lake...such a nice place to sit and have a peaceful lunch.

Deb J. in Utah said...

We recycle aluminum cans too! We don't make, but we figure it's the right thing to do. You had a busy day. Sometimes a burger from McDonalds hits the spot for lunch! I will see you again tomorrow!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I do enjoy your lovely photos.

God bless, Happyone.

Ann said...

Won't be long before that corn will be knee high by the 4th of July. I used to do the recycling with cans but it's a bit much to do by myself. Besides I don't have nearly as much as I used to.

eileeninmd said...

Love the view of the pond, cute cow and donkeys.
The corn here seems to be growing fast.
Peep found a happy spot.

Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Rose said...

Lunch looking out over the lake sounds wonderful! I have to tell you for some reason the pink peep reminds me of this little stuffed chick Lorelei had when she was a toddler. It had to go with her everywhere! And to bed with her too, of course. And one night she woke up just crying cause she couldn't find her chick...I had to get up and take all the cover off only to find it had fell behind the bed.

Kerri Farley said...

You had a beautiful lunchtime view :)

Debbie said...

That lake is absolutely gorgeous! And I love pink peep :) So fun!

Happy@Home said...

You elevated your McDonald's lunch by eating it next to that pretty lake.
Looks like a pretty day in your area and also a productive day.

Pom Pom said...

Pink Peep is very cute! It's hard to say Pink Peep! LOL!

Visits With Mary said...

The bull and the donkeys seemed to know you were taking their picture! Mr D and I enjoy grabbing a burger and going to Sylvan Beach to eat. It's enjoyable to watch the boats coming and going, the sea gulls flying all around hoping for some shrimp and of course a pelican or two sitting on the post of the water break around the boat ramps. Life is good.♥

Rose said...

I meant to comment on the bull yesterday...he looks so big! Does he act friendly?

ellen b. said...

Your pink peep looks right at home there. Our new Pastor likes McDonald's. Nice view for your lunch.

Prims By The Water said...

I always enjoy seeing that ink peeps. Yesterday morning was my first sighting of baby ducks in the marsh. There were lots of them and they were adorable. I also enjoy looking at donkeys and their ears. Too cute. Janice