Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Work Day

Today is the real Memorial Day, May 30 
and also my birthday.🎈
I'm 73 years old today.
I certainly don't feel my age but when I look in the mirror wonder what happened!πŸ™‚

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The Fallen Soldiers Table

Those who have served, and those currently serving in the uniformed services
of the United States, are ever mindful that the sweetness of enduring peace has always been tainted by the bitterness of personal sacrifice.

They are compelled to never forget that while we enjoy our daily pleasures, others have endured or may be still enduring the agonies of pain and 

We call attention to this small table which occupies a place of dignity and honor.

The table cloth is white, the purity of their intentions in response to their country's call to arms.

The single rose in a vase signifies the blood they may have shed for our freedom.

The slice of lemon signifies their bitter fate.

The salt reminds us of the many countless tears of families as they wait.

The glass inverted, they can't drink with us tonight.

The chair is empty, they are not here.

Let us not forget the sacrifices of those and their families.

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It was a cloudy morning for walking but did see a few peeks
of sun every so often.
It was 52 degrees.
Sunrise 5:52

A quiet walk up and down the streets in town, both cemeteries,
and the ball park too.

Didn't see anyone else out but did see quite a lot of birds.
Red Winged Blackbird
and all the Crows and Robins that are always all around.

No bulls in the barn or in the long barn but there are a few of them
in this pasture down by the Drane house.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    πŸŒ₯

It was a Fingerprint work day at church and we left mid morning
and spent the day there.
I didn't count the people but a good many turned out, 
I'd guess around 20.
Always enjoy these work days.

Planning on relaxing this evening.
We've been watching a DVD from the library called
The Commander - it's pretty good.
I'll knit a little and have some ice cream while watching.
(Chocolate Chip Mint)

That's all for today.
Happy Thursday and thanks for stopping by.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The small table, whoever thought of it is a genius.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A wonderful tribute and beautiful photos. That's quite a long walk!

Tom said...

...Happy Birthday, young lady!

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy birthday to you :)

All the best Jan

Happy@Home said...

Happy Birthday, dear Karen. I hope it has been an extra happy day for you.
The significance of The Fallen Soldiers Table is food for thought. I had lunch at Chick-Fil-A last week and they had the same table set up. I think too often we get caught up in the bbq's and pool parties on Memorial Day and lose sight of the real reason for the holiday. It is a good thing to be reminded.
Enjoy that ice cream!

Rose said...

Happy Birthday!

I agree with Ginny about the small table.

Those bulls are BIG! I have only seen a couple Bobolinks in my lifetime and both of those were at the same time.

Dianna said...

Karen, what a lovely Memorial Day tribute you have given here. Thank you.

I'm glad that there was a good turnout for the Fingerprint work day at church today.

Mari said...

That table set up is so very touching.
I love that photo of the grass and dark sky. I always enjoy seeing cows (or bulls) in a field.
Happy Birthday! I would say you don't look or act your age. Hope you had a special day.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Here we refer to it as the MIA/POW table but it’s still the same sentiment. Our VFW keeps the table out all the time.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday. You've got more energy that people I know who are half your age.
Beautiful tribute

eileeninmd said...

Happy Birthday to you! A wonderful tribute post for Memorial Day!
Take care, have a great weekend.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Happy Birthday. Many happy returns filled with joy, good health and whatever you desire.

God bless.

John's Island said...

Gotta love your new header and happy (belated) birthday to a happy life-is-good blogger! 😊

ellen b. said...

Well, now you have reached my age. Happy Birthday to you! A meaningful tribute to our fallen...

The Furry Gnome said...

Beautiful tribute.

Melanie said...

Such a lovely sentiment to those who have fought for freedom and peace in our country. Very moving.

Yes, I'm very excited about the newest Mitford book! I understand she is about halfway through writing it so I don't expect to see it until sometime next year.

Granny Marigold said...

I'm a day late but I want to add my best birthday wishes for you!! May the coming year bring you so much joy and blessings πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—