Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, May 22, 2024



Saw three rabbits and a squirrel along the road when I drove to town
and managed not to run any of them over.
Sunrise was at 5:56 
I got to town and started walking at 6:20.
It was sunny and a warm 60 degrees.
Found a quarter.

Started my walk by going back down the main road toward home 1/2 mile 
then turned around back to town.
Next it was around both of the cemeteries and the ball park.
Continued up and down the main street in town and before I 
knew it my wrist vibrated signaling I had walked 12,000 steps.
By the time I was back to the Jeep I had taken 13,250 steps.

Only saw one man out walking.
He was an older gentleman with a walking stick and I see him
every once in a while.

This caught my eye.
Like how the green plants are creeping up the red siding.

On the way home I saw that someone else had run over a rabbit
on my street and 2 crows were eating it.

☀️    ☀️

Today I baked another kind of cookies for the kids for Saturday.
This time it was Viking Cookies.
I don't know why they are called that but they are good.

A few more house chores got done and then I read for a bit.
Also started knitting another scrubby dishcloth.
A yellow one this time for a friend.

We grilled hamburgers outside for supper and I roasted
some veggies to go along with it.
Potatoes, Onions, and Carrots.

That is all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.

Comment Replies:
Dianna - No, the flowers on yesterdays post are not near my old house in town.

Ginny - I should know the name of those flowers from yesterday but just can't think of it.


Dianna said...

I checked out the recipe for the Viking cookies. They sound delicious and I will definitely give it a try. Thank you for the recipe.

Your supper sounds delicious. It must be the night for roasted veggies as I roasted orange, yellow and green peppers, red potatoes, onions, Shitake mushrooms and smoked sausage.

Michelle said...

Walking is the best way to start the day, I think. Much better than walking after work! lol Thank you for sharing the cookie recipe. I am always looking for something new.

Tom said...

...the first image is magical.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These rhododendrons are beautiful. And I love the way to mist is in the first photo.

Lowcarb team member said...

Love the mist in your first photograph.

All the best Jan

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The first photo is surreal.

Rose said...

Hamburgers on the grill are probably one of my very favorite meals...just soooo good.

Granny Marigold said...

Your Viking cookies look good. Reading the recipe I see it's almost identical to my Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. The one I used to make almost weekly when the kids were still at home.

Mari said...

Your first photo is so gorgeous! I like the one of the plants growing up that red building too.
The Viking cookies look good!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I love the first picture in this post. Wow, those cookies sound delicious! I am going to try that recipe. Your dinner with roasted vegetables also sounds very good. This post made me hungry! I hope you have a good Thursday. See you then!

Ann said...

You put more steps on in one morning than I do in an entire day.
Those plants going up the side of that building do look quite nice.
Burgers on the grill sure do sound good.

eileeninmd said...

The first photo is pretty and I love the rhodo's.
The dinner sounds yummy, I love the roasted veggies.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Jeanette said...

That first picture is beautiful! I like your new header too!

Visits With Mary said...

I read the recipe for the Viking Cookies and they have to be YUMMY! Love your new header♥

susan q said...

love the new heading, Karen.

ellen b. said...

I like your new header collage! We were just saying it has been a long time since we had hamburgers! Our son's neighborhood have a lot less rabbits lately because some cougars have been spotted in the neighborhood and are enjoying rabbit.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! It looks so nice here, my friend. Thank you for the cookie recipe! It sounds delicious. I will share it with Peyton. Have a cozy evening.