Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Internet came back this afternoon.
Still don't know why but it was a wide spread outage.
So now I can get back to blogging once again.

This morning there was a mix of sun and clouds when I walked around town.
It was 55 degrees and sunrise was an early 5:53.
I'm liking these nice light mornings.
Morning Walk Steps

Had a very random walk with no particular route in mind.
Walked around both of the cemeteries, the ball park, and up and
down all the streets in town.

Rebecca was out walking Leo 
and a woman who I've talked to before but don't know her name
was out walking her two dogs.
I usually see her standing in her yard with the dogs.

I noticed that Kermit has continued working on his green house again.

The fountain in the town pond wasn't on.
Don't know if it is broken again or it is just turned off.
A few days ago the pond had a LOT of stuff growing in it
and today I noticed it was clear again!!!

🌤    🌤

Yesterday I saw that the Pink Peep has hopped up on a shelf
near the kitchen sink.


Yesterday we drove to church to load up the church trailer with the
Fingerprint scriptures that were put together during the last couple of months.
We loaded up 57 boxes and came home with the trailer.

Then this morning we went to Bedford, PA and dropped them off
at Beacon of Truth.
We loaded another 24,000 scriptures to bring back to church for assembly.
As usual on the way home we stopped at 
Wendy's and had spicy chicken sandwiches for lunch.
The next time we do Fingerprints (Thursday) we will bring the loaded 
trailer back to church.

It was sunny and windy when we got back home so did a load of
laundry figuring it would dry quick hanging on the line.
Clothes still damp when some clouds moved in and dropped rain.
No sooner did I get the clothes off the line and inside when
the sun came out again.
Wasn't going to hang then out again so they are drying
on the drying rack.

A happy Tuesday to you and thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Kim - I made the header collage with my phone. In gallery there is a pull down menu and I clicked on create.  Then it lets me make a collage with up to 6 pictures and there are different arrangements you can use.
I put the words on the collage on my computer in the preview picture page.


Happy@Home said...

That pink peep is getting romantic.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your process for collage making. I will have to play around with it.

Dianna said...

So glad that your internet came back on! It's good to see a blog post up from you!

Love the message on the little box where you found the Pink Peep. So sweet!

Tom said...

...good news, I'm not a happy guy when our internet is out.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Our internet rarely goes down for that long. Usually, it flickers or maybe out for an hour or so. Everything I do is on the internet. I wish I weren't so dependent on it.

Mari said...

Welcome back!
Nothing like a misty morning walk, everything is so pretty in that mist.
That was a lot of scriptures you brought away.
The peep looks cute next to the sign.
Also, I keep forgetting to tell you that I like your header collage.

Lowcarb team member said...

Good that your internet came back okay.

Pink Peep looks very comfortable on that shelf :)

All the best Jan

Rose said...

I am glad that you have internet again. I always feel strange when it isn't working, and then think I lived most of my life without it. Anyway, I so love those foggy shots....

Granny Marigold said...

I chuckled when I read how you hung your laundry out only to have rain start so you brought it in and the sun came out. Almost like the weather was teasing
you :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, you are really computer savvy. I still don't know how to make collages. What a beautiful misty morning it was. God bless you and the work you do for Him!

eileeninmd said...

I am glad your internet is back on!
Love the foggy cemetery images.
Love the sign and the cute peep.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Ann said...

Love the shots of the foggy morning. Glad you're internet is back. I often wonder what I did to entertain myself all those years before the internet came along.

Jeanette said...

Love the misty morning pictures! I love making collages on my phone. I don't know why I don't do it more often!

R's Rue said...

Great photos. Love it.

ellen b. said...

Hooray for your internet coming back on. Hats off to the two of you for doing the transporting of the booklets!

doodles n daydreams said...

I appreciate your explanation for collage making, I've been wondering how to do it for a few weeks, I'll be able to play now :)