Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, April 03, 2024

half and half

 When I looked out the window this morning it was pouring rain and windy.
With the wind I knew even with my rain gear and umbrella 
I would get wet.
As you know I don't mind walking in the rain but after a few days 
I get tired of it so decided to walk inside.
Walked 6,000 steps first thing this morning.
By 9:30 we got a break in the rain and I drove to town
and walked another 6,500 steps.
It started raining again while I was walking and that's when I went back home.
At least part of my walk was outside.

Walked around town and the ball park.

The little stream behind the ball park
is swollen and muddy because of all the rain.

Haven't seen this sign along the road before and it looks brand new
so they must have just put it up.

I was the only one out walking.

☁️   🌧

Does anyone still do Wordle?
Ken and I do.
We both start with the same word and then see who gets it with
the least amount of tries.
We are about even, some days I win and some days he does.
We also play Connections which you can get from the same page
that Wordle is on.
There are 16 words and you have to 
find four groups of four items that share something in common.

Finished knitting one of the purple slippers I'm making for myself.
One down, one to go.
I'll probably finish the second one on Saturday in the library
with the stitching ladies.

Raining on and off all day and believe it or not it is supposed
to get colder and snow over night.
We shall see.

Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.
happyone ❤️


Lowcarb team member said...

I've never tried 'wordle' but it does seem to be quite popular.

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...we "enjoyed" a similar day. Everything is wet and flooded.

Ivy Green said...

You must be “the pedestrian.”

Henny Penny said...

Yes, after a few days of rain I get tired of it too, and I don't walk. We got a much needed 1" of rain today, needed because of the awful pollen. They're saying it's the worst since 2010 and I believe it! That creek sure is flooded and running over!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We had some afternoon thunderstorms today.

Mari said...

It's sure wet there. We are pretty soggy in our area too!
I'm not a Wordle player but I know its popular.

Brenda said...

Love Wordle …Brenda b

Ginny Hartzler said...

Raining on & off here, too. And now it is windy and 40 degrees! I like the sign, it may save lives!

Hill Top Post said...

Storms and rain that was in our forecast fizzled so we are walking in dust. Strong winds have battered us for two or three days.

doodles n daydreams said...

I do wordle with a daughter, 2 of my grand daughters and a sister. We also do connections and have a wordle chat page to compare results. We can waste a lot of time if we're not careful 😄

Ann said...

I tried wordle once and didn't quite understand it.

eileeninmd said...

We have had a lot of rain lately! I heard your area may get some snow.
I have never tried Wordle. Take care, enjoy your day!

ellen b. said...

After several sunny days we are headed into a rainy pattern here today. Congrats on completing the purple slippers. We don't do wordle. :)

Jeanette said...

My daughter and I do the Wordle and share the results with each other. I also to the mini crossword puzzle on the same game. We had some rain but it's dry today. My son in NH is getting pounded with snow right now!

Pom Pom said...

I hope the rain subsides. I bet you ARE getting very tired of it!

The Furry Gnome said...

I like the new sign.

Granny Marigold said...

I enjoy doing the Wordle every day.
You sure have had a lot of rain recently and now there's a chance of snow!

Prims By The Water said...

Hopefully the rain stopped. So many are getting inundated with rain out East. I never played Wordle. Janice