Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, April 02, 2024


 Got to town a little later than usual at 7:00.
Didn't wake up till 6:30,
maybe because it was dark and rainy.
It was 48 degrees and it rained a little during my walk but mostly just cloudy. 
Sunrise 6:58

Saw the herd of deer again on my way to town.  

Started my walk going around the upper cemetery a few times.
Then continued through town over to the ball park and walked around there.

Back through town and up and down the side streets and then lastly around the lower cemetery. A little soggy.

Noticed that the forsythia all around town has started blooming.
Just got finished walking around the cemetery here and on my
way back to the Jeep.

Pretty quiet around town for a Tuesday
and didn't see anyone else out.

Morning Walk Steps

🌧  ☁️  🌧

After I was home it started rain pretty hard and it was foggy.
But again just like yesterday the sun came out for a while this afternoon.

We went to the Shop and Save this week because it was close
and we were just going for milk, lettuce, and burrito shells.
Yea right, we ended up spending $85!

Did a few chores around the house and then it was lunch time.
Ken made us sub sandwiches.

I made brownies this afternoon and we both couldn't resist eating one.
Couldn't wait until snack time tonight.
The brownies are delicious and you can find the recipe

That's all for today.
Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by.


Jennifer said...

That was some expensive milk, lettuce and shells!:) Have a nice week -

Dianna said...

How did you know that I have been hungry for brownies? 😀. Now I will have to make some over your recipe.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The Hyacinth are gorgeous! Purple, with some blue at the stem end. Now I'm going to check out the brownie recipe.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are so easy! I will be making them, have already printed the recipe!

Ann said...

I hate when I go to the store for one or two things and end up spending way more.
Love those hyacinth. They're my favorite spring flower.

Michelle said...

Going to the grocery is awful anymore. Doesn't matter what you buy, it is all expensive!

Tom said...

...brownies are the best!!!

ellen b. said...

Haha! Just a few things to pick up and then $85 dollars later! Hooray for brownies for a good treat!

Mari said...

So nice to see those spring flowers.
I've seen deer on my way to work the last few days.
Crazy how you can't get out of the store without spending lots of money.
I haven't made brownies for some time. Bob would be happy if I did! :)

Happy@Home said...

So nice to see the hyacinths and forsythia. No doubt that rain will make even more spring blooms pop out.
I'll be checking out that brownie recipe. We love brownies.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Our grocery billed has about doubled in the past year or so. It's crazy. Your brownies sound delicious! I hope you have a great Wednesday!

eileeninmd said...

Nice walk, I love the forsythia. The yellow color is bright and pretty.
I have been wanting to make some brownies.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Jeanette said...

I can never leave the grocery store without spending at least $50. You don't have to get much, everything is so darn expensive! Those brownies look delicious!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I used to enjoy grocery shopping - now it’s a chore. I’m very disciplined about sticking to my list but my husband is not. That’s why I usually go without him.
I like chocolate brownies better than chocolate cake.

Granny Marigold said...

Although we don't have a Forsythia bush I see many of them around town and they are such a lovely splash of colour at this time of the year.
Funny how a few groceries end up costing more than you think ( after other items magically leap into your cart).

Lowcarb team member said...

So nice to see hyacinths and forsythia, lovely spring-time blooms.

All the best Jan