Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, April 01, 2024

A Rainy Walk

A rainy walk on this first day of April.
It was 48 degrees and no wind.
To town and walking at 6:25.
Sunrise 7:00

I wore my rain gear and because it wasn't windy had my umbrella up too.
That kept the rain from hitting my face and dripping down my neck.

 Walked all over town and up and down the side streets.
Walked around the upper cemetery but not the other one because
it was too soggy.
To wet around the ball park too with water running down the path.

My regular walking shoes aren't water proof so I wore another
pair of shoes that were water proof.
Near the end of my walk though my toes started to hurt.
I should have just worn my regular walking shoes.
I'd rather have wet feet than sore toes.

A few rainy pictures from my walk.

As expected didn't see anyone else out walking.
But I did see Bill over at the town hall and stopped for a little chat.

Morning Walk Steps

🌧   ☔️

Since we had a busy week last week it was nice to have a 
day to just putter about the house.
Did just the chores I had to do.

By 2:00 it cleared up and the sun came out for a while.
More rain is expected later.

I was very surprised to see that my Thanksgiving cactus
is blooming again.

That's it for today.
Happy Monday and Happy April.
Thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...we have a white and a red thanksgiving cactus and they are flowering too. Rain is in our forecast for the next several days. I like the puddles by the cemetery.

Happy@Home said...

Now that is a Happy surprise and such a pretty pink bloom.

Mari said...

That was a wet walk! It's pretty though - of course I'm not getting wet!
It was sunny here this morning, but now we're getting rained on.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We’re supposed to get some rain midweek. Walking in wet shoes gives me blisters.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely colour your cactus is.

Happy April wishes.

All the best Jan

Rose said...

That sure looks like a wet walk! I love to walk in the rain in warmer weather...it did not qualify for that here today. Didn't do anything but sprinkle early and late, though I think it might be raining now. Love that cactus!

Dianna said...

That Thanksgiving cactus is beautiful! Such a vibrant shade of pink.

Sandi said...

It looks like a nice walk, rain and all. ☔️

Granny Marigold said...

Your Thanksgiving cactus is so pretty and faithful to bloom again!.
I hope tomorrow's walk isn't another wet one.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, your cactus is beautiful! I love your first shot of the rainy day. It looks like a beautiful blue world!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. I used to have this same white wire plant stand many years ago.

Ann said...

That was a wet walk. All the rain probably would have kept me inside.
Your Thanksgiving cactus sure is pretty. I had one years ago but killed it like I kill all my plants.

eileeninmd said...

We had a rainy Monday and now a rainy Tuesday!
Your Cactus blooms are beautiful.
Take care, enjoy your day!

HWIT BLOGG said...

What a lovely, rainy walk! Its been alot of rainy days here lately...where is the Spring?
Have a great week & take care.

The Furry Gnome said...

You are dedicated!

ellen b. said...

Sorry about the toes! Glad you have a week to recuperate from a very busy one. Today I'm finally able to recuperate. I was dead to the world Sunday late afternoon and evening. Happy April to you!

Jeanette said...

I'm lucky if my Thanksgiving cactus blooms once a year! My son has one that blooms at least 3 times a year!

Prims By The Water said...

Funny about your cactus. My mom has one which blooms this time of year too. Janice