Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 04, 2024

The first million

Yesterday morning was a foggy one.
Went to see the cows.
So far 30 calves have been born and a set of twins.

This morning it started out foggy too but the sun was soon shining.

On my way to town this morning I saw 6 deer along the way.
Got to town at 6:30 and the sun rose at 6:44.
 It was 40 degrees when I started walking and 50 at the end.
Morning Walk Steps 13,094
By the way Saturday I hit my first million steps this year.
(That is NOT just walking steps but ALL DAY steps)

This morning I walked around both of the cemeteries first and
then around the ball park loop a couple of times.
Then just walked up and down some streets around town.

 A beautiful sunny morning walk.
Again surprised I didn't see anyone else out walking.


A great day for getting some clothes dried out on the line.
It was a beautiful sunny day in the 60's!!!

With the sun shining in the window it really showed up how dirty
the windows were so that was when I decided the living room 
windows needed cleaning once again.
I'll get the dining room area windows done tomorrow.

We finished the Moving Day puzzle yesterday.
We've done it once before in Oct of 2021.
Will keep this one to do again.
A fun puzzle.

This is what is left of the pink shawl.
I think I'll make myself slippers out of some of it.

After getting some house work done I read and knitted.
Making a green baby blanket and using the pattern that Mikey gave me.
When I get it going a little more I'll post a picture.

Supper tonight is going to be grilled ham and cheese in a burrito shell.

Happy Monday
Thanks for popping in for a visit.


Prims By The Water said...

Oh no you took apart your shawl. Well if I did not like something, I would have done the same thing. Janice

Tom said...

...I was insanely warm here today. It hit 70!

Happy@Home said...

Congratulations on hitting a million steps. Wow, that is a fabulous accomplishment.
That is a cute puzzle. I can see why it would be fun to work on.

Mari said...

A million steps! That's a great accomplishment and it's barely March.
I like your foggy morning pics.
Bob is eating leftovers and I'm about to go to a womens event at church where they are feeding us supper. :)

Dianna said...

A million steps! I was wondering what one million was when I saw the title of your post. Good job, You! And we are just starting March!

I really like that puzzle. It's so bright and cheerful.

Looking forward to seeing your slippers that you make with the pink yarn, as well as the green baby blanket for this month.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow a million steps! That’s amazing

Lowcarb team member said...

Well done on reaching a million steps.
That finished puzzle looks good.

All the best Jan

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I think that pink yarn will be perfect for some warm and cozy knitted slippers! So glad you had a nice day to hang out some laundry. We had more snow here today. Congrats on your first million steps! See you again tomorrow!

Granny Marigold said...

A million steps already and it's barely March! That is quite amazing.
That latest puzzle has so much colourful detail. I can see why it was a fun one to do.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Grilled ham & cheese in a burrito shell. Do you mean like a quesadilla, with the filling between two tortillas? WOW, congratulations, you are surely one-in-a-million!!!! Love the puzzle, it reminds me of the fifties. My favorite here is the misty dawn with the hay all lined up for the cows.

ellen b. said...

You are definitely the queen of walking! Congrats on your 1st million this year. That does look like a fun puzzle. It's about time for me to pull another one out. That will be a fun color for slippers.

Ann said...

Wow, a million steps already. Keep up the good work.
It was foggy here the other day.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, congrats on the million steps.
I love the photos, the cows and the foggy image.
Grilled ham and cheese sounds yummy!
Take care, have a great day!

Lisa said...

A million steps is awesome! I suspect a total of 4 million in the entire year.
We have had a few foggy mornings here with temps as low as 34 in the mornings and 72 in the afternoon.
I love walking in the fog. It just has a different feel.

Can’t wait to see the slippers.

Debbie said...

Congratulations on a million steps! What an accomplishment. I hope to reach that number one day. Guess I'll keep going :)