Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, March 01, 2024

Crochet Hooks

Was at town and walking at 6:30.
It was 25 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds.
A bit on the breezy side too.
Sunrise 6:48

First I walked back down the road I just drove up.
Turned down the street that leads to my street a ways, turned around here

and walked back to town.
By this time I had walked just over 5000 steps.

Stopped at the Jeep to pick up a DVD and then over to the 
library to drop it down the slot.

Next made my way over to the industrial park, which is here
on the left.
Walked all around in there.

By the time I got back to the Jeep I had taken 13,049 steps
and that was the end of my morning walk.
Never made it around the cemeteries and the ball park.

No others about but there were workers at one of the new houses
working inside putting in insulation.
Seems like it's taken forever to get these two house done and for sale.


This morning after breakfast we made a trip down to Oakland
to do a couple of errands and went to WalMart.
First time for Ken getting out after his surgery.
He is doing fine and feels pretty much back to normal.
He just can't lift anything over 10 pounds for a few more days.

Never did find the crochet hook that I have somewhere around here
so bought a pack of three of them at Walmart.
Size G H I
Looking forward to learning how to make granny squares tomorrow.
I'll let you know how I do.

I have two new knitting projects started.
A scarf 
and Aprils baby blanket.

Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Quite a few comments about me ripping out the pink shawl. Since I don't like it, it is something that I wouldn't want to give to someone.  I'd much rather have the yarn to knit something else. 



Tom said...

...recycling at its best!

Dianna said...

I agree with you about ripping out the shawl you made. I'm the same way...if I end up not liking a project I don't want to pass it on to anyone else either.

You will catch on quick to the granny squares

Connie said...

I've said it so many times, that you are probably tired of hearing it, but "You Amaze Me!!!"

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I agree with you about the yarn. Wow, you get so many steps!!!

Mari said...

It's looking like Spring there! So nice for walking.
Glad to hear Ken is doing well.
Looking forward to hearing about those granny squares.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Sounds like a good walk. So glad that Ken is doing well and feeling back to normal. I agree that if you don't like how the shawl turned out, you should use the yarn for something you will like better. I learned how to make granny squares once but haven't made any for years. I hope that you and Ken have a good weekend! See you again soon.

Ann said...

Good point about not wanting to give the shawl to someone if you don't like it yourself.
Look forward to hearing about how the granny square lessons go. Maybe I'll dig out my hooks and make granny squares while I watch tv in the evening.

eileeninmd said...


Sounds like a nice walk! I am glad Ken is doing well, recovering from the surgery. Take care, have a great weekend.

Debbie said...

Karen, I've said this before, but you're my "step" inspiration! Just the other day I was giving myself a talking to about not walking enough and you came to my mind. I want to be like Karen :) So thank you for continually showing us your amazing walks and keeping us inspired.

Melanie said...

It's good to hear that Ken is doing well after surgery. Wow, that's a lot of steps! I can't even make it to the recommended 10,000.
I've tried to crochet granny squares, but they don't look very neat. Good luck with yours. I've seen some lovely blankets and the like made with granny squares!

ellen b. said...

So...crochet hooks come in sizes? :) haha, now you know how clueless I am about such things. Glad you are well equipped now! Happy March to you.

The Happy Whisk said...

Will you share pictures of your projects?

Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased to read that Ken is doing well.

All the best Jan

Jeanette said...

I wouldn't give anything to anyone else I didn't like myself, either!

William Kendall said...

Lovely shots.