Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, February 29, 2024

Pink Shawl

 This morning it was 24 degrees, windy, and cloudy when I first got
to town at 6:40.
Snow flurries the whole time I walked but just floating around
on the wind.
Eventually the sun came out and then a mix of sun and clouds.
Sunrise 6:50
Morning Walk Steps 13188
Found a quarter

A cold crisp morning for walking with a few icy places.

Walked over to the ball park first and went around there a few times.
Then up and down the main road and the side streets.

Also walked around both of the cemeteries.

I was surprised to see all the chickens out in the cold.
Thought they'd be inside their coop.

Nothing happening around town, very quiet.

🌨 ☁️ 🌤

I had a request to make pancakes for breakfast so I did.

Finally got some house work done for this week.

I finished the pink shawl I was knitting but don't like it.
Kind of blah looking all one color.
I'm probably going to rip it out and reuse the yarn.

It ended up being a nice sunny day, though there was still a bit of
wind and in the 20's.

That's all I have for today.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoyed your Thursday.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I guess the chickens were glad to get out in some fresh air? I do agree about the shawl, but your work is wonderful.

Dianna said...

We were forecast to have snow during the night last night but didn't get any. I wondered if you did. Glad it was just flurries.
Your shawl is pretty... sorry that you are not caring for the solid color.

Tom said...

...it a shame that you have put so much work into the shawl.

ellen b. said...

It's fun to be in the midst of floating snowflakes instead of heavy rain! :)
Happy Leap Day to you.

Mari said...

Glad you didn't slip on that ice! If I was a chicken, I would be too chicken to be out in that cold! :)
That's so much work on that shawl, but I agree that more than one color would look good. And I know that when I do something like that, I never use it if I don't care for it... Sorry!

susan q said...

Maybe you could find someone at your church to donate the shawl to. happy monday.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh, such a shame you do not like the finished shawl.
Whatever you decide to do you it's important you should feel happy about it.

All the best Jan

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! It looks like you had a little bit of an icy walk. That's a bright and pretty shawl. I hope you have a good Friday. See you again soon!

Granny Marigold said...

It seems a shame to have to undo what you knitted. Maybe you could add a border....I'm not a knitter so I'm not even sure you can do that once it's all finished.
Snow flurries and icy spots will hopefully soon be past!! Happy March 1st.

Ann said...

It was cold here yesterday too. The shawl looks really nice. Too bad you didn't like the way it came out. Could you just maybe add a border or something in a different color instead of wripping it all out?

eileeninmd said...

That is a cold walk! Your shawl is a pretty color. It is a shame you are taking it apart after all your work. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Happy@Home said...

It does seem a shame to deconstruct the shawl after all your work. Although at the rate you make them, it might not be as big of a job as it would be for me.

Anonymous said...

Seems like you have a vision for your shawls. Your skill and persistence are admirable.LC