Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Ken went to Bedford, Pa today to pick up another pallet
of Roman book scriptures for Fingerprints.
I didn't go this time because a man from church asked
if he could go and there was no room for me in the truck.

David came by just after Ken left and stayed for awhile.

Got a few house chores done in the morning when David left and
after I ate lunch I went outside.
It has warmed up to 40 and it feels like spring.
I was outside in just a sweatshirt.

I had planned on removing the snow off of the deck but after
giving it a good try I quit.
There were layers of ice and snow and it was just too hard to remove it.
So will have to let it melt a little more before trying again.
This is what greeted me when I opened the garage door leading
on the the deck.

Walked around in the snow for a bit and then decided to make a snowman.
The snow was great for making a snowman.
With one of my scarves it looks more like a snowlady.

Tried to make a snow angel but the snow was a bit deep and I made 
a mess of it trying to get up.

The next baby blanket will be made of red, blue, and black weave-it squares.

The other ladies make tied blankets out of fleece.
I was looking through the Herschners catalog and found some
fleece yarn and ordered some.
It will probably be too thick for the weave-it loom but
would like to try knitting a blanket with it.
It will give me a break from making squares and I can imagine 
how soft knitted fleece would be.

Hope you enjoyed your Tuesday.
Thanks for popping in for a visit.

Comment Replies:
Ginny - No, never had a Tom and Jerry drink and haven't had a drink in many years.



~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The scarf really does dress the snowman up! I love it! I'm glad it was 'less' cold so you could get outside and be comfortable. It's nice here today but I got chores done so that I can play tomorrow. lol Hugs!

Tom said...

...our snow is so dry that making a snowman/woman would be difficult.

Dianna said...

Your snowlady looks so cute! Love that smile...and the scarf.

Hope Ken had a safe trip to Bedford and back today. What a ministry!

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your snow lady :)

All the best Jan

Mari said...

Your snow lady is so cute and cheerful!
It's warmer here today too, freezing rain this morning but 33 this afternoon. That makes the snow out there very heavy, just like yours!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like you got at least three feet of snow! The snowlady is adorable!!!

Terra said...

I like your cute snow lady, and you sure got several feet of snow piled up.

doodles n daydreams said...

I love your snow lady, she looks really cute.

Debby said...

That is a lot snow piled by the garage door. Warmer days ahead…

Granny Marigold said...

That's quite a wall of snow just outside of the garage. Good thing your temperatures are warming up. Will you have a problem with water coming under the garage door when all that snow melts?
Can't forget to comment on your snow lady 💗

ellen b. said...

Yikes that is a lot of snow at your door! Love your snowlady. She is so cute.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I really love your snow woman! Wow, you really got a lot of snow. Yes, a blanket made out of fleece yarn would be lovely and soft for some sweet baby. I hope your snow starts to melt. See you again tomorro!

Ann said...

I love your snowlady. I can't remember the last time I made one.
I bet a knitted fleece blanket would be very warm and cozy.

eileeninmd said...

I love your cute snowlady! It is getting warmer, the snow/ice is melting.
The fleece yarn sounds nice and soft.
Take care, have a great day!

susan q said...

our small amount of snow in south central pa was too dry and fluffy for a snowman, disappointed. Yours looks great, Karen.

Jeanette said...

Yesterday it got up to almost degrees so I was able to go out and scrape the wet icy snow off the sidewalk and driveway. It was raining the whole time though! Love your snow lady!

Aritha V. said...

That's a fool's errand, tackling all that snow. Just wait a bit. Are you making a snowman tomorrow? The snow woman needs a proper fellow beside it, complete with a stylish hat, of course.

Prims By The Water said...

Cute snowman! Lots of snow eek. We did not get that much and now it is all gone with the rain. When my kids were teens I tied fleece blankets for them and let them pick out their own fabric. Janice