Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, January 19, 2024


Snowed all day so another inside walk.
Town still no good for walking around.

Finished up the house cleaning for this week.

David and Liz couldn't get up their driveway so they left their Jeep
at our house and drove the ATV up to their cabin.
They will have to come and go that way for a couple of days.
They stayed a while here at our house and we had 
a nice visit.

Started the weave-it baby blanket for February.
Colors for this one are red, blue, and black.
I think this one is going to be my favorite! 🙂

Did more on the puzzle and finished reading my latest book.

A few more pieces of Fiestaware.
12 1/2 inch oval platters
These are the three colors that I have.

Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by for a visit,

Comment Replies:
Ginny - Yes, I'm getting quite a long rest from walking in town, but I have still been getting all my steps in for the day.  Mostly in the house but I do go out and walk around here at the house some days. I've only been able to walk in town 2 times for all of January so far.  I've NEVER gone that many days before without walking in town.



Tom said...

...they must be heavy loaded with food!

Aritha V. said...

Love the colors, all three

Brenda said...

I had tons and tons of navy and Scarlett…they were too heavy for me…I have given away all but some small pieces…yours are gorgeous….I should have tried a few pieces before buying so much…many were gifts though…enjoy your blog. Brenda

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, you are getting a lot of snow. So glad you can get your steps in at home. Have a good weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, you brave all kinds of weather, and are the most dedicated walker I know. Those platters come in so handy. I use mine all the time, though it is not a Fiesta.

Mari said...

You really have been having to miss a lot of days in town. You'll really enjoy it when you can get out there again.
It's nice that David and Liz can park by you and use the ATV in this weather.
More nice Fiesta Ware. I have enjoyed seeing it all!

jack69 said...

I am smiling at the inconvenience of not being able to use the jeep and requiring the ATV. BUT the visits!..... isn't it nice when an inconvenience turns into a blessing...
Good one!

Dianna said...

I'm glad that David and Liz have good neighbors who allow them to park at their house so they can use the ATV to get up to the cabin. :). I know you must be so happy to have them so close. God is good.

Looking forward to seeing the new squares for the baby blanket.

Pretty platters.

eileeninmd said...


The platters are pretty, love the colors.
I hope we get a break next week with this cold snowy weather.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Ann said...

Nice that David and Liz have an alternate way to get to their cabin. I would think a very cold ride on the ATV though.
Love those platters. I have a cheap plastic one that is really really old that is about that size and really comes in handy

ellen b. said...

How nice to have the means for David and Liz to make it to the cabin! You are really getting lots of snow. We had more snow yesterday. Today it might turn to rain which will mean some treacherous roads and ice developing. Hope you have a good day.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Nice platters - blue is best.

God bless.

Jeanette said...

You'll get back outside hopefully sooner than later!

Nellie said...

There isn’t much that keeps you from walking! That has been a snowy January for you to walk inside! One of our daughters has Fiesta.

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness, you really are getting a lot of snow.
Stay warm and stay well.

All the best Jan