Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, December 05, 2023


A cloudy morning and 34 degrees.
Four deer crossing the road down from my house
on my way to town.
Started walking at 6:25 and sunrise was at 7:22.

Walked all over town, both cemeteries, and the ball park.

I can't believe that the corn still hasn't been cut down.
Don't think I've ever seen it still standing at this time of year.
It is looking very ragged by now.

I finally saw someone else out walking this morning.
Rebecca was out with Leo.

Tuesday is garbage day in town and I saw a few people putting
 garbage out at the curb.
Stopped to talk to a couple of them.

George was driving by and stopped to talk.

Walking down the main street Pam came out of her house 
and called me over.
(She is in charge of the cookie sale and also she runs the
child care where Kinsley goes)
I crossed the street and Pam told me one of the woman who was selling the cookies for the Drane house sale asked if I would give her the Welsh Cookie recipe.
Of course I said yes.
Told her I'd drop off the recipe at her house.

By the way the cookie sale made $680 for the benefit of the Drane house.

Builders were putting the shingles on the roof at the second new house.

Saw a few snow plows out waiting for the snow which is supposed
to start this afternoon.

Morning Walk Steps 13,166

🙂     ☁️     🎄

This morning we drove down to LaVale to look in a few stores.
I have two winter garden flags and had to replace one of them because
it was in tatters.
Found a nice one of a snowman.

I had no luck finding a box of Christmas cards that I liked.
Need to make a trip to Uniontown, PA and go to Hobby Lobby.

While we were down that way we did some food shopping at Martins.
Nice store - wide aisles and nice and bright.

Also stopped at Taco Bell and had a chicken quesadilla for lunch.

Before coming home we stopped at the library.
My two books were ready for pickup and a DVD for Ken.

About 3:00 it started snowing.
Lightly at first but a bit harder now.
Wonder what the morning will look like.

Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...my wife got our card done online today. Take care and stay warm and well.

Debby said...

That is a good amount for the Drane House. Cookies, sell!

Dianna said...

We've noticed the same thing with the corn in our area, Karen. I'm not sure what's up with that either.

When we lived in Romney, we used to do our grocery shopping in LaVale for years until Food Lion went in just three minutes from our house. When we lived in Berkley County we used to shop at the Martin's in Martinsburg. I always enjoyed shopping there, too.

I'm wondering what it will look like tomorrow too. We had an errand that we needed to do in Kingwood so we went ahead and went this afternoon instead of waiting. We've see the State Road truck go down our hill...getting ready for the bad weather, I guess.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, Karen!

Mari said...

You had a very good day!
There is a field of corn I pass nearly every day that hasn't been cut either. It's also looking very ragged.
That was a good cookie sale!

Bill said...

Our post office sells Christmas cards made by the locals.

Lowcarb team member said...

I'm sure you will soon find some cards that you like.
I posted a few more today, still need to get a few more presents though.

All the best Jan

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! Hope you found some Christmas cards you like. We are having a couple of sunny days here until more snow is expected on Friday. The cookie sale made quite a bit of money. It's nice that you donated some delicious cookies to help out. I hope you don't get too much snow. See you again tomorrow.

Prims By The Water said...

So glad the cookie sale was a hit. I know I always buy cookies at sales. Janice

ellen b. said...

Wow, that was a good amount of money from the sale. Good for you for your contribution. You had a lot of good interactions with people on this morning walk!

Granny Marigold said...

Finding Christmas cards one likes can be a problem. I hope you find some at Hobby Lobby. Hopefully not too much snow fell overnight. It makes walking difficult.

Ann said...

The cookie sale raised a nice amount.
It was supposed to snow here last night but never saw any.

eileeninmd said...

We still see the corn here too, I am not sure why they wait so long to cut it down. I have my cards ready to go out in the mail now. So glad the cookies sale went well. Take care, have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Good fund raising from selling cookies.

God bless.

GrammaGrits said...

One of our thrift stores sells Christmas card 10 for 25 cents, so the past 2-3 years that's where I get my cards. Figure they're a few leftovers from boxes of cards, but that's okay, especially with the price of stamps. Only family and a few dear friends get cards this year . . .