Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, December 04, 2023


37 degrees this morning and cloudy with a slight breeze.
Got to town and started walking at 6:35
and the sun rose at 7:21

First thing went to the library and dropped a DVD down the slot.
Walked through town over to the DG Market, turned around 
and back through town.

Continued around both of the cemeteries and the ball park too
before getting back to the Jeep.

Went over to see the cows again and a few came over to see me.
These are heifers.

Didn't see anyone else out walking but the 
builders were finishing putting up the sheathing on the roof
of the second new house.

A few of you mentioned the second floor on the garage by the
modular home.
When I was talking to Kathy last year she told me that her
husband wanted a garage but she wanted a big 'She Shed' so I'm 
thinking that the top of the garage might be her she shed.

Morning Walk Steps 13,457

☁️         🎄         😃 

This morning got some laundry done a some other house chores.

Today I spotted my Candy Peanut among the mini Rowe pottery.

Ken had an appointment at the dentist to get a tooth pulled.
We had to go to the office in Oakland.
I thought maybe I'd have to drive him home but I didn't.
He was fine.
While waiting for him I saw 8 people there and every one
sat down and pulled out their phones.
I brought a book to read and was the only one reading.
A woman came in at the end when everyone else had gone
and wasn't on her phone.
We sat a talked.

I'm about to make us some pancakes for supper.
I like having breakfast for supper and I thought it would be
something soft for Ken to eat.

That's it for today.
Happy Monday and thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...it should make a great she shed.

Happy@Home said...

Pancakes sound like the ideal supper for tooth pulling day. Glad to know that all went well for Ken and he was fine to drive home.
It seems like no matter where you go people are pre-occupied with their phones. I am always amazed to see people out to dinner and nobody is talking to each other because they are so busy with their phones.

The Happy Whisk said...

Glad he's doing Well. I love pancakes
and reading books! Funny about the

Dianna said...

Karen, your Rowe pottery collection is absolutely stunning! I love pottery and your collection is so varied in the pieces you have.

Sorry to hear about Ken needing to have a tooth pulled. I had to have the same thing done a couple of weeks ago. Hope his gum heals up nicely for him.

Isn't it amazing how addicted we become to our phones. I'm with you...I'd much rather read a book!

Mari said...

Isn't it nice to sit and talk to someone in a waiting room? That beats a phone every time.
I always enjoy seeing the cows.
Your pottery collection is so nice!
I'm jealous of your heated steering wheel. I would love that too.

Bill said...

You don't see many people without their phones and glued to it. I carry a paperback with short stories that I read when I'm waiting foro my appointment at the dentist or doctor.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

People and their phones! Once we went out to eat and it was a high school homecoming - several HS couples were sitting at a large table, and every one of them, was not talking to each other - just sitting there with their phones. It was the strangest thing I ever saw. I could go on and on about people on their phones. It's an epidemic.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I always enjoy seeing pictures of your town. It looks like such a nice homey place to live. I have started reading on my phone more. I always have several books on my phone and then if I don't have a book with me, I can still read. So glad things went well with Ken's tooth. Have another great day tomorrow. See you then!

Ann said...

I always pull out my phone whenever I have to wait for an appointment. I like the idea of a second story she shed above the garage. That would work for me. Of course I would just like to have the garage.
I love breakfast for dinner. Wade used to make pancakes quite often. That's a perfect meal for after getting a tooth pulled.

eileeninmd said...

Love the first landscape scene and the cows are so cute.
I usually take my kindle to read, it helps to pass the time.
Your pottery and decorations are pretty!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Granny Marigold said...

We enjoy breakfast for supper too. Makes a nice change.
The two ornaments in the last picture sure are pretty!
I hope you had a pleasant Tuesday.

Jeanette said...

That is an awesome place for a she shed!

Jennifer said...

We've always enjoyed breakfast for dinner as well!! And pancakes are especially yummy:)

Lowcarb team member said...

Pancakes can be great for supper :)

All the best Jan

ellen b. said...

That's thoughtful of you for having a soft dinner after a dentist appt. Addy had to have two teeth pulled this week. She's doing fine.