Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Sunday, November 05, 2023


 A Sunrise

Cotton Ball Clouds

It is November and time to learn another Bible verse at church.
This was the front of the church bulletin this morning.

A Blessed Sunday to all.

Comment Replies:
Tom and Debby - Maybe I wasn't clear yesterday but I posted pictures of TWO DIFFERENT HOUSES.  The inside of the house WAS NOT the modular home but the new white and black house I've been watching get built.
The modular home IS finished inside.

Dianna - News to me that there is even a light house in Oakland!! 


Tom said...

...the sunrise with the tree silhouettes is wonderful. Cotton balls is an appropriate title. Keep looking up!

Nasreen said...

Beautiful pics. Have a happy weekend.

Bill said...

The colourful sunrise is stunning.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The sunrise is so beautiful! And the row of trees adds to the beauty of the shot.

Mari said...

Beautiful skies! Isn't it amazing how God changed the sky, from morning to evening, from season to season?

Lowcarb team member said...

Both of your photographs are lovely.
Happy Sunday Wishes.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

Pretty skies!

ellen b. said...

Fun cotton ball clouds. A great verse and I like how it is illustrated.

Dianna said...

Oh those beautiful clouds!
So the lighthouse I asked about isn't an actual lighthouse in the traditional sense. After reading your reply, I googled it. The name of it is the Garrett County Lighthouse Inc. It is a group who helps people with severe mental illness issues. So I can see why they have chosen that name. It's located on the west end as you enter the town... down by the walking trail.

Henny Penny said...

Cotton ball clouds! They do look just like cotton balls. Thank you for sharing the Bible verse.

Prims By The Water said...

What a beautiful sunrise. I use to love going in my parents home watching it being built. I was amazed at how the builder knew exactly what to do with that blueprint. Looked complicated to me. Janice

Ann said...

Beautiful photos. I especially like the first one. The second one looks like a sky full of cotton.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I like that verse. It is not one I am familiar with.

Debbie said...

I love the cotton ball clouds! Beautiful :) Happy Monday, Karen!

Inger said...

Such lovely cotton ball clouds. Have a nice day.

Visits With Mary said...

Pretty pictures and a great scripture - enjoyed visiting today.☺♥

Barwitzki said...

Wonderful sunrise... a wonderful motif.
The cotton ball clouds are breathtaking... I hope you have a great week. Thanks for the photos. Hug Viola